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Applying for External Scholarships

Applying for External Scholarships. Melissa Dalgleish , Research Officer, Faculty of Graduate Studies. September 2014. National and provincial scholarship opportunities. Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral (CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC )

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Applying for External Scholarships

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  1. Applying for External Scholarships Melissa Dalgleish, Research Officer, Faculty of Graduate Studies September 2014

  2. National and provincial scholarship opportunities • Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s(CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) • Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral(CIHR, NSERC, SSHRC) • Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS) and Queen Elizabeth II Scholarships in Science and Technology (QEII) – Master’s and Doctoral

  3. FUNDING AND AWARDS INFORMATION http://gradstudies.yorku.ca/current-students/student-finances/funding-awards/

  4. Canada Graduate Scholarships – Masters

  5. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION • Three Funding Agencies: • CIHR- Canadian Institutes of Health Research • NSERC- National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada • SSHRC – Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada • Objective: to help develop research skills and assist in the training of highly qualified personnel by supporting students who demonstrate a high standard of achievement in undergraduate and early graduate studies • Value: $17,500 for 12 months (non-renewable)

  6. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA • To be eligible to apply, you must: • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident • Be enrolled in (or intend to apply for) full-time admission to an eligible graduate program that culminates in a significant research project (not a coursework-only Master’s) • Have completed (as of Dec 31, 2014) 0-12 months of full-time studies in the Master’s program • Have not previously held a CGS-M • Have a first-class average (A-) in each of the last two years of study

  7. SUBJECT MATTER ELIGIBILITY • It is important that you select the correct agency under “Field of Research” • Please review the “Selecting the Appropriate Federal Granting Agency” page at science.gc.ca: http://www.science.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=En&n=FEE7261A-1 • You should always carefully check if you should be applying to CIHR if you’re doing health-related research but you’re not in a health field • Ask your graduate program for assistance in determining the correct agency • You can also contact the agency correctly and ask them to decide which you belong to

  8. APPLICATION • Singleonline application (Research Portal) for all three agencies (Master’s level only at this time) • https://portal-portail.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/s/login.aspx • Application includes: • Canadian Common CV (CCV) – includes template for CGS-M • Transcript(s) (upload) • Research proposal • Two (2) letters from referees

  9. TIPS AND HINTS • “Faculty” = “Faculty of Science,” “Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies” • “Department/Division” = “Graduate Program in English,” “Graduate Program in Science and Technology Studies” • Start filling out the CCV portion of your application early, as it’s complicated • If you’re unsure if you have an eligible grade point average, ask your graduate program assistant (or the assistant in the program in which you want to study) • Order your transcripts early– you need all undergraduate and graduate, including the ones from this term

  10. SELECTION CRITERIA • Applications are evaluated based on: • Academic Excellence – 50% • First class average • Scholarships and awards held • Research Potential – 30% • Quality and originality of contributions to research • Significance, feasibility and merit of proposed research • Judgment and critical thinking skills • Personal Characteristics and Interpersonal Skills – 20% • Work and leadership experience • Involvement in academic life, volunteerism

  11. KEY DATES • Application deadline is December 1, 2014 • Results will be announced in April 1 2015 • Start now! • Requesting references • Drafting research proposal • Ordering transcripts

  12. Canada Graduate Scholarships - Doctoral

  13. OVERVIEW • Three Funding Agencies: • CIHR- Canadian Institutes of Health Research • NSERC- National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada • SSHRC – Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada • Objective: to help develop research skills and assist in the training of highly qualified personnel by supporting students who demonstrate a high standard of achievement in undergraduate and early graduate studies

  14. SUBJECT MATTER ELIGIBILITY • It is important that you submit your application to the correct funding agency—ineligible applications will be discarded • Please review the “Selecting the Appropriate Federal Granting Agency” page at science.gc.ca: http://www.science.gc.ca/default.asp?lang=En&n=FEE7261A-1 • Be especially careful with research that may overlap SSHRC and CIHR or NSERC and CIHR (i.e. you should always carefully check if you should be applying to CIHR if you’re doing health-related research but you’re not in a health field) • Ask your graduate program for assistance in determining the correct agency • You can also contact the agency correctly and ask them to decide which you belong to

  15. APPLICATIONS & INSTRUCTIONS • SSHRC • http://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/programs-programmes/fellowships/doctoral-doctorat-eng.aspx • https://webapps.nserc.ca/SSHRC/faces/logonFellowships.jsp?lang=en_CA • NSERC • http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/students-etudiants/pg-cs/bellandpostgrad-belletsuperieures_eng.asp • https://ebiz.nserc.ca/nserc_web/nserc_login_e.htm • CIHR • http://www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/38887.html • https://www.researchnet-recherchenet.ca

  16. OGS and QEII Scholarships

  17. OVERVIEW • Objective: to encourage excellence in graduate studies at the Master’s and doctoral levels through the awarding of Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS). OGS awards are merit-based scholarships available to students in all disciplines of academic study. The OGS program is jointly funded by the Province of Ontario and Ontario universities. • Value: $15,000 per year for a one year maximum (non-renewable, i.e. must reapply each year) • May hold the award for a minimum of two consecutive terms

  18. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: OGS • Applicants must: • be a Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident, or Protected Person • Or be a foreign student who is studying in Ontario under a temporary resident visa-student study permit • be enrolled in an eligible postsecondary institution in Ontario be taking an eligible program on a full time basis. An eligible program is defined as a full-time program of study of two or three terms at an eligible institution leading to a graduate degree. • have a minimum GPA of (A-) in the last 20 one-term courses (or in all of graduate studies for PhDs in Year III and above)

  19. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: QEII • Applicants must: • be a Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident, or Protected Person • be enrolled in an eligible postsecondary institution in Ontario be taking an eligible science or technology program on a full time basis. An eligible program is defined as a full-time program of study of two or three terms at an eligible institution leading to a graduate degree • have a minimum GPA of (A-) in the last 20 one-term courses (or in all of graduate studies for PhDs in Year III and above)

  20. ELIGIBLE PROGRAMS: QEII • Biology • Chemistry • Computer Science and Engineering • Geography • Earth and Space Science • Mathematics and Statistics • Kinesiology and Health Science • Nursing (MScN thesis option only) • Physics and Astronomy • Psychology

  21. SELECTION CRITERIA • Applications will be evaluated based on: • Academic Excellence 50% • Research Potential 40% • Communication 10% • Forms can be found at http://gradstudies.yorku.ca/current-students/student-finances/funding-awards/ogs/

  22. APPLICATION • How to apply: • Submit a complete application package to the appropriate graduate program by their internal program deadline (see programs) • Current graduate students will submit an OGS application through their graduate program of study • Prospective students will submit an OGS application through the program(s) from which they seek admission • Complete Application Form • 2 Academic Assessment Reports • All university transcripts • You don’t need to submit a separate QEII application—if you’re in an eligible program, you will automatically be considered

  23. KEY DATES • Application deadline: • EachGraduate Program will set their own internal program deadline.  Please consult the applicable graduate program. • Results: • May 2014

  24. Writing the Research Statement

  25. RESEARCHSTATEMENT • The research statement must be clear, concise, and interest the adjudicating reader right away. Research statements must address the following in an active voice: • Research Topic and Specific Question: Avoid vague/huge questions; be specific; propose to readers what you are seeking. • Development and Justification: Why is this question within this topic important to study? What sort of lack in current knowledge does it aim to address? • Literature: Reference the most important scholarly literature on the topic in order to set your topic, question, and justification in its proper context. The trick, however, is to be brief and to state points succinctly. The context demonstrates that one knows the background, but also, therefore, presents that background to a multi-disciplinary adjudicating audience.

  26. RESEARCH STATEMENT • Research Method: It is critical that the research method demonstrate the student’s superior research ability, potential and vision. It must be appropriate, realistic and doable. • Contributions/Goals: Indicate the significance and/or implications of the research. Relative to “why” one seeks to research a particular topic and question is the “so what?” of what one will find. Why do or should the answers matter, to what and to whom? • Academic and Training Experience: What experience do you have as a researcher that positions you well to pursue this project? Have other agencies funded you?


  28. Selecting Referees

  29. Choose referees who know you well—knowledge is better than a fancy title • Choose referees who can speak about your academic and research capabilities in detail • Ask if the referee can provide you a good letter • Provide information. At minimum: • A draft of your research statement • A copy of your CV • The description and selection criteria of the award • Ask early, and set a deadline and a date to check in • Send polite reminders and don’t be afraid to follow up • Say thank you! A personal note is ideal

  30. WHERE TO GET HELP • Your graduate program, or the graduate program in which you’re seeking admission • Your supervisor, or a faculty member with whom you have a good relationship • Other students—peer review is a great tool • Someone who is not an academic—it’s always good to check if your proposal makes sense to a general reader • The funding agency to which you’re applying • Melissa Dalgleish in the Faculty of Graduate Studies • fgsro@yorku.ca

  31. Questions, Comments, Discussion

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