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Fayette County USA Expansion Opinion Survey

Fayette County USA Expansion Opinion Survey. Prepared for Cornett-IMS/Fayette Alliance The Matrix Group, Inc August 2006. Overview & Methodology. Purpose of the Research.

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Fayette County USA Expansion Opinion Survey

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  1. Fayette County USA Expansion Opinion Survey Prepared for Cornett-IMS/Fayette Alliance The Matrix Group, Inc August 2006

  2. Overview & Methodology

  3. Purpose of the Research This research was initiated by Cornett-IMS and Fayette Alliance to gauge Fayette County voter opinion regarding priorities for Lexington/Fayette County elected officials, with specific focus on the issue of Urban Service Area expansion.

  4. Data Collection The data was collected in a telephone survey of 200 registered voters residing in Fayette County, conducted between July 14, 2006 and July 25, 2006. Respondents were stratified by age, gender and area of residence based on actual population percentages.1 Those who indicated they were employed in real estate development or construction, advertising, public relations or market research, as well as those who hold an elected office, were excluded from participation in the survey. Based on a total number of 163,870 registered voters in Lexington/Fayette County2, the sample of 200 provides research results at the standard 95% confidence level with a margin of error of plus or minus 6.93%. 1 Source: Commonwealth of Kentucky State Board of Elections voter registration statistics report (June 15, 2006).2 Source: Commonwealth of Kentucky State Board of Elections

  5. Respondent Categorization Respondents were categorized according to area of residence within Fayette County (determined by zip code), gender, age, length of residency and education. Age Group Gender

  6. Area of Residence in Lexington/Fayette County

  7. Length of Residency in Lexington/Fayette County

  8. Education

  9. Summary of the Research Findings

  10. Greatest Concern About Community As a resident of Lexington, what would you say is the single greatest concern you have about your community?

  11. Most Appealing Thing About Living in Lexington What do you feel is the most appealing thing about living in Lexington?

  12. Least Appealing Thing About Living in Lexington And, what do you feel is the least appealing thing about living in Lexington?

  13. Performance Ratings: Infrastructure, Growth & Development and Preservation On a scale of 10 to 1 with 10 being Excellent and 1 being Poor, please rate how well you think Lexington is doing the following areas: (Excellent=10; Poor=1)

  14. Performance Ratings: Infrastructure, Growth & Development and Preservation Providing citizens with basic infrastructure such as sewers, roads and other public services

  15. Performance Ratings: Infrastructure, Growth & Development and Preservation Preserving the unique characteristics of the Bluegrass area

  16. Performance Ratings: Infrastructure, Growth & Development and Preservation Long range planning for growth and redevelopment of urban areas

  17. Performance Ratings: Infrastructure, Growth & Development and Preservation Long range planning for growth and expansion into rural areas

  18. Importance Ratings: Infrastructure, Growth & Development and Preservation On a scale of 10 to 1 with 10 being Most Important and 1 being the Least Important, please rate how important you think each of the following areas of focus should be for Lexington in the future: (Most Important=10; Least Important=1)

  19. Importance Ratings: Infrastructure, Growth & Development and Preservation Preserving the unique characteristics of the Bluegrass area

  20. Importance Ratings: Infrastructure, Growth & Development and Preservation Providing citizens with basic infrastructure such as sewers, roads and other public services

  21. Importance Ratings: Infrastructure, Growth & Development and Preservation Long range planning for growth and redevelopment of urban areas

  22. Importance Ratings: Infrastructure, Growth & Development and Preservation Long range planning for growth and expansion into rural areas

  23. Comparison of Importance Ratings vs. Performance Ratings

  24. More Land Needed Outside Current Urban Service Area Do you feel that more land is needed for new housing, business and industrial development outside the current Urban Service Area?

  25. Likelihood of Voting For Candidate Who Favors Expansion of Urban Service Area Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for a candidate who favors expansion of the Urban Service Area?

  26. Likelihood of Voting For Candidate Who Favors Keeping Existing Urban Service Area Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for a candidate who favors keeping the Urban Service Area as it exists today?

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