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Your super, awesome, exciting, fantastical first powerpoint !!!!

Your super, awesome, exciting, fantastical first powerpoint !!!!. WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!. Chapter One. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWDmau1Vbxs. What you can do after this powerpoint …. I can tell you how laws are passed federally

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Your super, awesome, exciting, fantastical first powerpoint !!!!

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  1. Your super, awesome, exciting, fantastical first powerpoint!!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Chapter One

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWDmau1Vbxs What you can do after this powerpoint… • I can tell you how laws are passed federally • I can tell you how the executive, legislative, and judicial branches are related • I can tell you how MP’s and Senators are chosen and explain who they are accountable to • I can tell you the role of political parties • I can describe how the media gets involved in political issues • I can explain the impact of lobby groups on government • I can tell you how these processes meet the needs of Canadians

  3. Canadian Constitution • THE MOST IMPORTANT DOCUMENT IN CANADA!!!!!!!!!!! • Has the roles of ALL levels of the government and describes how they work together • Governor General • Executive • Legislative • Judicial • Also has things like ooooh, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://www.ocol-clo.gc.ca/images/user/trudeau.jpg&sa=X&ei=prBvTp6aGeHhiAKf3qTkBg&ved=0CAYQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNElnNCAPR4hk_JNLLvQqgo2IZdWeQ http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSF4VoJeLzOa_5XVoDBfuL_PACrFPQjKcSOYvvfHLH_Y4dVotQJ

  4. Breakdown of the levels of government Monarch/governor general, executive, legislative, judicial http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://redrobeproductions.yolasite.com/resources/stephen_harper_prime_minister.jpg&sa=X&ei=U7JvTvGJCa3ViALx2OzhBg&ved=0CAcQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNFKIYT-CqiOSriCoujWwbqwlBd6LA

  5. British Monarch • The governor general is the Queen’s representative here in Canada • They are the formal head of state • So no real power… • Considered part of the executive and legislative branch

  6. David Johnston http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_iQ2YNWhh08I/TU4k5y6ZJ_I/AAAAAAAANQ4/b-2wc8lR49c/s400/Queen%2BElizabeth%2BII.jpg_thumb.jpg&sa=X&ei=aLRvTq3rJOTViALnzf2IBw&ved=0CAYQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNEg8EWB3oZka5MP6xNnxdyOLT_IVA http://www.gg.ca/document.aspx?id=13874 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx3nzrmGXhw

  7. The Executive • Prime Minister and the Cabinet are part of the executive • To become PM, you have to lead a political party and win the most seats in the HofC • The cabinet is chosen by the PM and they come from his political party • Makes most laws and goes through the process to enact them • Basically runs the government through the days

  8. Executive Continued • Cabinet ministers are given portfolios that they are responsible for • They research issues and help to propose laws from their portfolio • Ex. Agriculture, justice, foreign affairs are types of portfolios • Each cabinet runs their own affairs which is the day to day activity of the government. • Each cabinet minister has their own staff to help them

  9. What factors do you think the Prime Minister thinks about before he appoints his cabinet?How could you use the cabinet to find out concerns of citizens? http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://wb3.itrademarket.com/pdimage/77/960377_pmn001display-cabinet.priceusd695.jpg&sa=X&ei=7Q5wTqbkJYiftwfkxpiKCg&ved=0CAYQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNGvWBuOQbPSALstjIw1PfWeeVuHdA

  10. Do you think we have the same portfolios now as we did in the 1950’s? What a great question….

  11. Political Parties • Whoever has the most seats leads the government • Candidates run for election, party with most votes form government • Are considered organizations, anyone can join a party… even you! • Are a group of people who would solve problems of society in similar ways • Develop policies and platforms that represent their views • We can contact our MP who is part of a political party about any issues we have

  12. http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://images.wikia.com/althistory/images/c/c7/800px-New_Democratic_Party.png&sa=X&ei=shZwTu-WKoWEtgeD6f38CQ&ved=0CAcQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNEO6Bhd600YQz7pM3nMvKoLBnhkxghttp://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://images.wikia.com/althistory/images/c/c7/800px-New_Democratic_Party.png&sa=X&ei=shZwTu-WKoWEtgeD6f38CQ&ved=0CAcQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNEO6Bhd600YQz7pM3nMvKoLBnhkxg http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://www.infobarrel.com/media/image/62.gif&sa=X&ei=cBJwTry1JsTL0QGuprTtCQ&ved=0CAYQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNEv7dWCY_qBtENVatJb5JBKSP_cSw http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://windconcernsontario.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/green-party-simplified-flower-election-logo-english.jpg&sa=X&ei=_RZwTtHkHMiCtgf9hdyMCg&ved=0CAgQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNHD6i9DMLUqzDjQVGaa9mNo1SpYww http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/eppp-archive/100/205/300/liberal-ef/05-05-18/www.liberal.ca/logo/liberal_186_411_RGB.jpg&sa=X&ei=sRJwTtnTOYrz0gGNvMX-CQ&ved=0CAgQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNFW9hcS_906CgOE-kfL4rv9heVGfQ http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_VZ-nCLzU_Eo/SwqelRyRGEI/AAAAAAAABRo/4AxYPIAMgT8/s1600/photo1.jpg&sa=X&ei=PxdwTpHeKIXK0AG818XtCQ&ved=0CAYQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNFWJuIc2Tiu3Ogx2rD1PvQhbeN4ow

  13. The Legislative Branch • Has the House of Commons (HofC), the Senate, and the governor general • Debates, researches, votes, makes laws which are called bills • Members of parliament (MP’s) make up the house of commons • MP’s are voted for, they represent a constituency • Their responsibility is to their constituency and then to parliament • Make sure that legislation would benefit their constituency • Amount of representation is based off population • Must have English and French in HofC • Are a check on the power of the leading political party

  14. http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://www.vacationideas.me/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/ottawa-parliament-building-peace-tower.jpg&sa=X&ei=pRlwTofKO9K1tgfRgLmJCg&ved=0CAkQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNEkHCcN3SxL4aRyA8OEng5Bz9O77Qhttp://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://www.vacationideas.me/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/ottawa-parliament-building-peace-tower.jpg&sa=X&ei=pRlwTofKO9K1tgfRgLmJCg&ved=0CAkQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNEkHCcN3SxL4aRyA8OEng5Bz9O77Q

  15. Majority vs. Minority • In a majority government, the leading political party has… shocking, the majority of the seats • Easy to get bills passed • In a minority government, the leading political party has the most seats, but they do not have over 50% of the seats • Have to work with other political parties to get bills passed • If leading party can’t get a bill passed, there is a vote of non-confidence and a new election will happen

  16. http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://www.laits.utexas.edu/txp_media/html/leg/features/0401_03/minority.jpg&sa=X&ei=0htwTv_UGuLY0QHIj-WOCg&ved=0CAYQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNHeEAakzYbtZypH7eTecgZY6gMOWwhttp://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://www.laits.utexas.edu/txp_media/html/leg/features/0401_03/minority.jpg&sa=X&ei=0htwTv_UGuLY0QHIj-WOCg&ved=0CAYQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNHeEAakzYbtZypH7eTecgZY6gMOWw Which one shows a majority, which one show minority????

  17. Popular Vote vs. Rep by Pop • We have a rep by pop system • Popular vote would take (from textbook) the total votes cast in an election, as different from the total seats won in an election • WE USE THE REPRESENTATION BY POPULATION http://www.e-forwards.com/?attachment_id=20768 http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://s3-ak.buzzfed.com/static/campaign_images/terminal01/2011/7/28/11/canadian-prime-minister-stephen-harper-is-a-cat-p-19162-1311866377-8.jpg&sa=X&ei=WB9wTouOO8ry0gHglYX9CQ&ved=0CAcQ8wc4GA&usg=AFQjCNFOibhdweN_-778EGCM5SAJmBb-xg

  18. The Useless, I mean Fantastic Senate • Are not elected, are appointed by the prime minister (so they would support his/her party) • Have to wait till one croaks (or turns 75) till they fill their seat • Will have senators from other political parties • Consider the rights of minorities and all the regions in Canada • Can propose laws that DO NOT spend taxes • Usually just consider laws from HofC • Bills cannot become law until it passes through them • Can recommend improvements for bills • Can reject bills (basically never do) • Speak for citizens who may not have a voice or as strong of a voice

  19. http://www.mapleleafweb.com/political-cartoons/sleepy-canadian-senatehttp://www.mapleleafweb.com/political-cartoons/sleepy-canadian-senate

  20. Judicial Branch • (Textbook) The part of government that interprets and applies the law by making legal judgements • All members are from legal profession • Is a check on the power of the other two branches • Makes sure all the rights are being covered and maintained • Make up the supreme court of Canada • Nine judges from four regions (Quebec, Ontario, Western Canada, Maritimes) • PM and cabinet nominate judges who have to be reviewed by a bunch of MP’s

  21. http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/supremecourt/

  22. http://www.weddingsvenice.net/Canada_Documentation.htm What do you think of our government system? Would you change anything?

  23. The Federal Accountability Act • Makes sure that the government is taking good care of $$$ • Protect any government employee who is “”blowing the whistle”” (39) on anything that the government is doing wrong • Show what lobbyists are doing • Came about because of the sponsorship scandal

  24. http://fitnesscoachdanielle.com/2011/05/28/do-you-have-an-accountability-partner/http://fitnesscoachdanielle.com/2011/05/28/do-you-have-an-accountability-partner/

  25. How a bill is passed… Turn to page 40 in your textbook!!! It makes it easier to look at the diagram!

  26. First Nations and the Government System • Were not consulted when the first constitution was made • Have been working to get their rights heard in government (which they find difficult) • Make up 10% of the population but since that is across Canada… hard to vote in • Some do not agree with government system because they were not consulted, so they refuse to participate • Some think that if they vote, they are assimilating http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://images.suite101.com/1561173_com_2277987133.jpg&sa=X&ei=Oj5yTqmaDqjniALXopSqCQ&ved=0CAcQ8wc4TA&usg=AFQjCNFj1xh5N5fDuPwfoswLG5nBMdT9Hw

  27. Time to make a bill!!!

  28. Media, Lobbyists, and Government oh my!! A look at how they “work” and impact each other! http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/PageMill_Images/media_monkeys.jpg&sa=X&ei=hUByTp_FBMvZiAKN5p2dCQ&ved=0CAcQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNFXDqkJOsXKtP-sYw4bv5Oppq1Zzg

  29. Where do you get your news? Discuss http://thedailyeater.com/2010/03/breakfast-week-news-round-up.html

  30. Some Examples of Media • Newspapers • Magazines • Film • Radio • TV • Internet • Books • Billboards • Social Networking http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://idaconcpts.com/wp-content/social%20media%20advertising.png&sa=X&ei=RFByTsvmJM7OiAL__-WnCQ&ved=0CAwQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNG_fV4Pj-1VxiGpj85oDhVUyd8IeA http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://www.sharigraydon.com/media-logos.jpg&sa=X&ei=fVByTseCIa_KiALuvaGRCQ&ved=0CAYQ8wc4Eg&usg=AFQjCNEItNYGvNChwn4e12JRcM4zYi20MA

  31. What does Media Do? • Reports the news • They can influence our understanding of a story depending on the perspective they show and depending on the people who present them • Depending on how it is presented, your feelings/understanding of the story is affected • Media can even decide WHAT story they are going to cover

  32. Media and Government • Politicians will work with the media to control what is portrayed about them and so that they can get messages out to people • Some media outlets look for the truth behind stories and government decisions • Media will find credible sources in government to get information • The government needs the media for when they hold press conferences or want citizens to get messages

  33. Parliamentary Press Gallery • Some examples: • http://www.aptn.ca/ • http://www.cbc.ca/politics/ • http://apf.ca/ • http://www.ledevoir.com/ • http://www.mingpaonews.com/ • http://www.omniab.ca/ • About 350 reporters from a bunch of different media outlets who cover information on the government including decisions, votes, actions, debates, etc. • Each group will relate decisions from their groups’ perspective

  34. Perspectives Think the story of the Three Little Pigs http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-KlMcYqQS2Lw/Tgr1I786_HI/AAAAAAAAAIM/foqzyHGGJJc/s1600/three-little-pigs.jpg&sa=X&ei=AVRyTriWIavRiAKY_pSECQ&ved=0CAYQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNEfGXqt53ZvwlQkgfGaXPk7GCqFmA

  35. Bias • Bias (textbook) – an opinion based on unchallenged assumptions • Need to remember that media can be biased on some issues… you need to detect it • Media might not cover some perspectives of all sides • You need to be open minded to detect it

  36. How to Look for Bias (pg. 49) • Who is the writer(s) or speaker(s)? • Do they have authority to speak about the subject? • Does the information provide facts and evidence? • Does it use stereotyping, or appeal to fear or emotion? • Does it ignore any people or groups? • How does the information fit with what you already know? • How could you verify the information for accuracy?

  37. The Class’ turn!! Let’s choose a current event and research it in the class. Let’s see if we can detect bias anywhere in the media that we look at! http://www.alternativenews.org/english/index.php/topics/11-aic-projects/3479-summer-2011-media-internships-at-the-aic-

  38. Lobbyists http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://www.relaxedpolitics.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Lobbyist-Trent-Lott-cartoon.jpg&sa=X&ei=vlZyTtPONvTZiALytOSQCQ&ved=0CAcQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNE8blZtrWW1o-t2IgFMuO0IVB8aHA Just from the political cartoon, what do you think lobbyists do?

  39. What do lobbyists do? • (pg. 51) Someone hired by a group to influence MP’s and government officials • Must register so that people know who they represent • Give politicians different perspectives on bills and issues which have come up in the government • They must document who they meet with • http://www.ocl-cal.gc.ca/eic/site/lobbyist-lobbyiste1.nsf/eng/home

  40. To what extent do lobbyists represent Canadians? In what ways do they help or hinder effective government decision making around issues? Might be a good short answer question…. http://www.google.ca/url?source=imglanding&ct=img&q=http://cartoonresource.com/umbraco/ImageGen.ashx?image=/406440/plt252cm.jpg&class=full&sa=X&ei=p1hyTou_JJDSiALViNH3CA&ved=0CAYQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNEBsY5btBL99ihMGYnzKkDg2w-TrA

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