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PowerPoint Lesson 2 Creating and Enhancing PowerPoint Presentations. Microsoft Office 2010 Introductory. Pasewark & Pasewark. Objectives. Create presentations and add slides. Insert headers and footers. Use the Slide Master and the Notes and Handout Master.
PowerPoint Lesson 2Creating and Enhancing PowerPoint Presentations Microsoft Office 2010 Introductory Pasewark & Pasewark
Objectives • Create presentations and add slides. • Insert headers and footers. • Use the Slide Master and the Notes and Handout Master. • Format slides, change layouts, and apply themes. • Insert and edit text, then change alignment, spacing, case, and tabs. 2 2
Objectives (continued) • Check spelling, style, and usage. • Add hyperlinks, clip art, and sounds. • Apply custom animation and transitions. 3 3
align animation blank presentation effects options handout master hyperlink layout master live preview motion paths notes master placeholder slide master slide transitions template themes Vocabulary 4 4
To create your presentation, you can Start with a blank presentation. Use slides from an existing presentation. Use a template. Create a presentation from an existing theme. A template is simply a presentation that includes theme elements, text, and graphics predesigned for a presentation. Creating Presentations 5 5
Using the Slide Master (continued) • The New tab in Backstage view 6 6
Creating Presentations (continued) • The Blank Presentation option lets you create a presentation from scratch, using the layout, format, colors, and graphics you prefer. • You can also choose a template at www.office.com. • You can also create a template yourself. 7 7
Inserting Headers and Footers • You can add text to every slide using the Header and Footer dialog box. • You can also add the slide number, date, or time in a header or footer. 8 8
Applying Themes • Themes are predesigned graphic styles that you can apply to existing slides. • You can apply themes to the entire presentation or to specific slides. • You can change theme colors and fonts. 9 9
The slide master controls the formatting for all the slides in the presentation. Placeholders are the boxes in layouts that hold the content or slide objects such as body text and titles. Each slide master has several layout masters. Using the Slide Master 10 10
Using the Slide Master (continued) • Slide Master view 11 11
Changing the slide master affects the appearance of all of the slides in a presentation associated with that master slide or layout. You can add headers and footers to slides in the slide master. You can also place an object, such as a logo or graphic, on every slide. Using the Slide Master (continued) 12 12
Using the Notes Master and Handout Master • PowerPoint has other masters that are similar to the slide master. • The handout master lets you add items that you want to appear on all your handouts, such as a logo, the date, and page numbers. • On the notes master, you include any text or formatting that you want to appear on all your speaker notes. 13 13
Editing Pictures in PowerPoint • PowerPoint contains tools that allow you to edit, format, and stylize a picture to get the exact effect you need for a slide. • The Picture Tools Format tab includes buttons that allow you to adjust the picture's contrast, color and brightness, set a transparent color, or compress the picture. 14 14
Editing Pictures in PowerPoint (continued) • The picture editing tools include the ability to apply artistic effects, including making the picture look like glass or seem to be painted using watercolors. • You can arrange the picture to line up or align with the other objects on the slide. • You can also crop, rotate, resize, or reposition the picture as needed to best fit the slide. 15 15
Understanding Layouts • PowerPoint includes nine layouts you can use to create a new slide or change the layout of an existing slide. • The layouts include placeholders for text and content. • Text includes paragraphs and bulleted lists. • Content can be clip art, tables, organization charts, SmartArt graphics, objects, graphs, video, and media clips. 16 16
Adding Slides • As you create your presentation, you will want to add slides. • In Normal view, PowerPoint places the new slide after the selected slide, using the same layout as the selected slide. • Clicking the New Slide button arrow opens the Slide Layout gallery, which allows you to choose a layout for the new slide. 17 17
Finding and Replacing Text on Slides • The Find command locates the word or phrase you type in the Find what box. • The Replace command locates the word you type in the Find what box and replaces it with the word you have typed in the Replace with box in the Replace dialog box. • There is also a Find and Replace Font command.
Adding Text to Slides • To replace a text placeholder, click the placeholder text. A box with a hashed-line border appears around the text. You can then type whatever you like. • You can also enter text using the Outline tab. 19 19
Entering Text in Text Boxes and Shapes • There are times when you want to enter text on a slide where there is no placeholder. In this case, the text box or shape provides the perfect solution. • You can use the Text Box tool to add text to a slide without using a content or text placeholder. 20 20
Entering Text in Text Boxes and Shapes (continued) • Text in a shape
Adding Notes to Slides • Use the speaker notes to remind yourself of any additional information you need to include in your speech. • To add speaker notes, click in the Notes pane below the Slide pane and begin typing, or switch to Notes Page view. 22 22
Changing Text Alignment, Spacing, Case, and Tabs • To change text alignment, use the alignment buttons in the Paragraph group on the Home tab. • To change line spacing use the Line Spacing button in the Paragraph group. • To change the space between the characters or letters in your slide, use the Character Spacing button in the Font group. 23 23
Changing Text Alignment, Spacing, Case, and Tabs (continued) • To change the case of text use the Change Case button in the Font group of the Home tab. • Clear a tab by dragging the tab marker off the ruler. Drawing Tools Format tab 24 24
Working with Bullets • Bullets define each new idea in the Content placeholder on a slide. • Default bullets are determined by the theme. • To change the formatting of bullets, click the arrow next to the Bullets button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab to display the Bullets gallery. 25 25
Changing Font Attributes • In a theme, the format of the text for body text, titles, and bullets is predetermined so that the layout, color scheme, font, size, and style are consistent. • You can alter the format by making changes to individual slides. You change the font, style, size, effects, and color using the buttons on the Home tab in the Font group. 26 26
Checking Spelling, Style, and Usage • Automatic spell checking identifies misspellings and words that are not in PowerPoint's dictionary by underlining them with a wavy red line. • You can also check the spelling in a presentation after it is complete. • The Thesaurus offers a selection of words with the same or similar meanings. 27 27
Deleting Placeholders and Text from Slides • To change or delete selected text, press the Delete key, the Backspace key, or type new text to replace the selected text. • To delete a placeholder, click the placeholder box, and then press the Delete key. • To change slide layouts, on the Home tab, in the Slides group, click the Layout button, and then scroll to view the available layouts. 28 28
Adding Clip Art and Sounds to Slides • If a content placeholder appears on a slide, you can choose from six objects: a table, a chart, a SmartArt graphic, a picture from file, clip art, and a media clip. • When you click the Insert Clip Art icon, the Clip Art task pane opens. You find clips based on a keyword search. A keyword is a phrase or a word that describes the item you want in the Search text box. 29 29
Adding Clip Art and Sounds to Slides (continued) • Results from search in the Clip Art task pane 30 30
Adding Clip Art and Sounds to Slides (continued) • If there is no content placeholder, you can still insert clip art on a slide. • You can select a check box to include clips from the Microsoft Office.com Web site. • You can add sound effects to any slide by inserting a sound. 31 31
Inserting Hyperlinks • A hyperlink allows you to jump to another slide, a file, or to a Web site if you are connected to the Internet. • You can also add a hyperlink that opens a message window for an e-mail address. • The hyperlink text is formatted with a different color and underlined. The hyperlink color is one of the theme colors. 32 32
Inserting Hyperlinks (continued) • Insert Hyperlink dialog box 33 33
Using Animation • You can add select animation effects to any of the objects on a slide. • Animations are organized into Entrance, Emphasis, Exit, and Motion Paths categories. Animations can start On Click, With Previous, or After Previous. • Manage animations by using the Animations tab in the Advance Animation group. 34 34
Using Slide Transitions • Slide transitions determine how one slide is removed from the screen and how the next one appears. • The best view to use when you work on the transitions is Slide Sorter view. • You can determine various aspects of transition speed and whether to advance the slides manually or automatically. 35 35
Using Slide Transitions (continued) • Transitions gallery
Preparing the Notes and Handouts • To personalize your presentation in a classroom or lab setting, add your name as a footer to the Notes and or Handouts pages. • If you want to print the whole presentation, but don't want to use a lot of paper, you can print handouts or notes. 37 37
Summary In this lesson, you learned: • Use PowerPoint to create new presentations using blank presentations or templates. • Insert headers and footers in a presentation. • Use the slide, notes, and handout masters. • Enhance presentations in PowerPoint by applying slide layouts, themes, and color. 38 38
Summary (continued) • Add slides to an existing PowerPoint presentation. • Add text to slides and find and replace text. • Change the appearance of text and bullets in PowerPoint. • Check spelling, style, usage, and translate text. • Add clip art, sounds, and hyperlinks. • Apply animations and transitions to slides. 39 39