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Joint meeting of the Networks of CA and WPL Luxembourg, 30 th January 2008. Progress of Task Force on Health Expectancies (TF-HE) Jean-Marie Robine & Carol Jagger. Background. The EU Task Force on Health Expectancies (TF-HE) : was established in 2006
Joint meeting of the Networks of CA and WPL Luxembourg, 30th January 2008 Progress of Task Force on Health Expectancies (TF-HE) Jean-Marie Robine & Carol Jagger
Background The EU Task Force on Health Expectancies (TF-HE) : • was established in 2006 • to monitor the development of Healthy Life Years (HLY) towards its goal to be adopted as a Structural Indicator The main role of the TF-HE is therefore to ensure that HLY will subsequently meet the Grade A criteria for a Structural Indicator
Definition of Quality Grade A for EU Structural Indicators An indicator is graded “A” if data • is available on time for the Spring Report for MS, US and Japan; • cover the years 1999 until at least the reference year t-2 • is collected on the basis of a common methodology • can be considered comparable for US and Japan with any major differences being assessed and documented • are comparable over time; impact of procedural or conceptual changes being documented • is collected from reliable sources applying high standards with regard to methodology/accuracy and is well documented in line with Eurostat metadata standard
Progress of TF-HE (1) Continuing work: • Organised TF sessions to allow countries to share experience of HLY and underlying data • Opened discussion on the validation of the data used (activity limitation question) • Facilitated formal discussion on dissemination of first HLY values through the Country Reports prepared by EHEMU
Progress of TF-HE (2) Since the last NCA/NWPL meeting in July 2007: • Three year Strategic Plan developed, discussed and adopted • Website developed (www.tf-he.eu) • Involvement of US through Healthy People 2010 • Attracted international organisations (OECD, WHO)
Example 1 Involvement of all MS in the development of Country Reports
History of Country Reports • Issue 0 prepared with ECHP data in 2005 • Sent to the EHEMU Public Health and Expert Network members with a questionnaire • Results of evaluation presented to 2nd TF-HE June 2006 • Issue 1 developed early 2007 with SILC data • Further consultation with MS and discussed in 5th TF-HE meeting in June 2007 • Final version January 2008
Example 2 Validation of the underling HLY measure
Validation of GALI question • HLY based on a Global Activity Limitation (GALI) question • Some members of TF-HE concerned that GALI is self-reported (not objectively measured) limitation and that country differences may be due to cultural differences in reporting • SILC data has few other health measures
Validation of GALI question • EHLEIS project has been using Survey of Health and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) data to explore how GALI question related to other subjectively and objectively measured health variables • Self-report • ADL, IADL, depression (Euro-D), chronic conditions, symptoms • Objective • Walking speed, grip strength
Number of chronic conditions *probabilities estimated by logistic regression and adjusted for age and gender