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1. PART. ERA 5. WORLD HISTORY. Increased Hemispheric Interaction 500 ish - 1500. The Emergence of Europe. The Making of Medieval Europe. Growth of the Medieval Church
1 PART ERA 5 WORLD HISTORY Increased Hemispheric Interaction 500ish - 1500
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe Growth of the Medieval Church A. Why the Church? Under Rome, the church experienced both persecutionand acceptance. As the barbarians increased their attackson the empire, they faced unexpected opposition: the church. When Attila the Hun approached the city of Rome in 452, he accepted the appealsof Pope Leo I to sparethe city; he retreated. The church proved to be the one stableinstitution after the fall of Rome. WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe Growth of the Medieval Church • Who is the Church? The church hierarchy developed distinct rolesfor believers. • Specifically, a church represents a localassembly of believers; generally, the church represents a spiritual body of believers everywhere—a universalassembly—united by faith: the catholicchurch. The people form of this church form the laity. • Official church workers dedicatetheir lives in service to the church; they form the clergy. WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe Growth of the Medieval Church • The bishop of Rome, presiding over the largest and wealthiest city in the empire became known as the pope (“father”, “protector”). • Beneath the pope serve cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests, and nuns—as well as others. Each have different roles in the church: some serve as leaders of local congregations; some went to foreign lands as missionaries to convert non-Christians; some secluded themselves as monks, living apart from society in self-denialand study (called monasticism). WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe Growth of the Medieval Church • What does the Church Believe? Church doctrine (official statements of belief) came from a mixture of the teachingsof Jesus, the writingsof the saints, and tradition. The sacraments (sacred actsperformed to bring grace) of the Roman Catholic Church include • Baptism to washaway original sin • Confirmation to grant church membershipand establish fellowship • Penanceto forgive sin WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe Growth of the Medieval Church • Communion (Holy Eucharist) to rememberthe Lord’s crucifixion • Extreme Unction (Last Rites) to remove unconfessed sin prior to death • Holy Matrimony to sanctify marriage • Holy Orders to identify serviceto the Church WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe • A New Western Empire • The Kingdom of the Franks • Germanictribes of northern Europe warred amongst themselves for generations. WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION One of them, the Franks, became a long-lasting empire after Clovis defeated rival tribes. http://freepages.family.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~emty/Germanic_Tribes.jpg
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe A New Western Empire His conversion to Christianity brought support from Rome. Consistent with custom, his heirs divided the kingdom among themselves upon his death. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_drsACX1RqfU/TTe10K3RoHI/AAAAAAAAFgA/LXwniQriThI/s400/Baptism+of+King+Clovis+I.jpg WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION The Baptism of Clovis I, King of the Franks
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe A New Western Empire The fracturing of the Frankish kingdom weakened the power of the kings. The actual power behind the throne was the “major domo” – the mayor of the palace who managed the king’s household. In 732, one of these de facto rulers, Charles Martel, stopped the advance of the Muslims into Europe at the Battle of Tours. WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION His son, Pepin, successfully appealed to the pope to be named king. This strengthened the relationship between the political power of the king and the spiritual power of the pope. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__hspjzfC024/SYy67R8_96I/AAAAAAAAA9c/aylUIXPMJU0/s400/Charles-Martel-the-Hammer-of-Gaul.jpg
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe A New Western Empire • The Carolingian Empire • Charlemagne (Charles the Great) assumed the kingship following Pepin’s death. An aggressive warrior, he strengthened the Frankish military and expanded the empire to its greatest size. WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION http://www.knowledgequestmaps.com/images/CharlemagneTsm.jpg
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe A New Western Empire He delegated authority to district nobles responsible for managing the kingdom; he relied on missidominici(“messengers of the king”) to inspect their work. A patron of learning, he revived classical studies, preserved the Latin culture, and established monastic and palace schools. Charlemagne’s reign represented the development of a “new” civilization. The pope, the spiritual leader of Western Christendom, crowned Charlemagne, a German, as emperor of the Romans. This recognition of authority raises the question of whose authority is greater: the king/state or the pope/church. WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe A New Western Empire Charlemagne’s success—no surprise—was marred by the division of his kingdom. His grandsons fought each other for control, eventually dividing the realm into three kingdoms: the West Frankish Kingdom will become, over time, France; the East Frankish Kingdom will become, over time, Germany; the Middle Frankish Kingdom will become what the other two have been fighting over since the split! http://wps.ablongman.com/wps/media/objects/262/268312/art/figures/KISH_08_188.gif WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION Invaders (Vikings from the north; Muslims from North Africa; Magyars from the East) threatened the quarrelling kingdoms and hastened their decline.
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe The Feudal System Feudalism: political system in which lords granted land to vassals in return for a pledge of military service WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe The Feudal System Manorialism: economic system in which lords granted land to vassals in exchange for money, crops, and services WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION http://www.uncp.edu/home/rwb/medieval_manor.gif
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe The Feudal System LORD landholding noble FIEF land grant from the lord to the vassal VASSAL servant indebted to a lord HOMAGE obligation of service and respect of a vassal to a lord WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION INVESTITURE symbolic of granting authority or power OATH OF FEALTY pledge of faithfulness to a lord AIDS Financial payments made by vassals to their lords
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe The Feudal System http://imgc.artprintimages.com/images/art-print/knight-swears-an-oath-of-fealty-kneeling-before-his-liege-lord_i-G-17-1744-Y7L3D00Z.jpg WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION “I promise on my faith that I will in the future be faithful to the lord, never cause him harm and will observe my homage to him completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit.”
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe The Feudal System MANOR Self-contained farming community controlled by a lord and worked by peasants DEMESNE land reserved for the lord SERF peasant farmer WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION GLEBE lands reserved to support the church FREEMAN officials and skilled laborers
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe The Feudal System WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe The Feudal System CHIVALRY a noble’s Medieval code of ethics of loyalty, honor and courtesy; a knight pledged service… …to His Lord The knight was a soldier. Loyalty to his lord was essential in a feudal society, and a central element of chivalry WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION …to the church The Roman Catholic church was a major influence on life in the Middle Ages. Rigorous observance of Church doctrine was expected although Church practices varied across the continent http://i783.photobucket.com/albums/yy111/dirkhandlebar/14thcenturyminiatureshowingPopeLeoIIIcrowningCharlemagne.jpg
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe The Feudal System …to Women Knights were expected to be honorable in their dealing with noblewomen. In time, a romantic idea developed: a knight was supposed to pledge his devotion and service to a noble lady, who might be married to someone else. WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION http://abiblicalmarriage.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Heraldic-Chivalry-Mucha-L.jpg …to the Weak Ideally, a knight would be expected to use his military skill and social standing to protect the most vulnerable people in society
The Emergence of Europe The Making of Medieval Europe The Feudal System WORLD HISTORY ERA 5: INCREASED HEMISPHERIC INTERACTION http://users.sisna.com/clarmst/webquest/kidcastle1.jpg