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Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular Dystrophy. What it is…. Muscular Dystrophy is a family of hereditary disease that cause progressive and steady muscle weakening. Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy, (which are just 2 forms of MD) alone affect approximately 1 in every 3,500 to 5,000 boys.

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Muscular Dystrophy

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  1. Muscular Dystrophy

  2. What it is… • Muscular Dystrophy is a family of hereditary disease that cause progressive and steady muscle weakening. • Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy, (which are just 2 forms of MD) alone affect approximately 1 in every 3,500 to 5,000 boys.

  3. Forms of MD (Muscular Dystrophy) • Duchenne-is the most common childhood form of muscular dystrophy. Early signs of Duchenne, usually occur between the ages of 2 and 6. • Becker- Is a less servere version of Duchenne with the earliest signs found between the ages of 2 and 16. • These 2 are the most common forms of MD.

  4. The others.. • Congenital MD- Includes Sciolosis and learning disabilities. • Distal MD- A less severe MD, usually found between ages 40-60. • Emery-Dreifuss MD- Can cause heart problems and deformities. Patients usually die from sudden death because of weakening of cardiac muscles. • Facioscapulohumeral MD- A very mild form of MD. • Limb-Girdle MD – Wasting of the shoulder girdle and pelvic girdle. Sudden death can occur due to cardiac complications. • Myotonic MD- Wasting of the muscles around the feet, face, hands, and neck. myotonia (difficulty or total incapacity of relaxing a muscle at will after a contraction). • Oculopharyngea MD- Decay of the neck and eye muscles. Causes droopy eyelids and difficulty of swallowing, resulting in malnutrition.

  5. Signs of MD/ Tests to diagnose MD • Curved Spine (Sciolosis) • Joint contractures (clubfoot or clawhand) • Low muscle tone (Hypotonia) • Drooling • Frequent falls • Problems walking • Eyelids dropping • Difficulty using 1 or more muscle groups • Loss of muscle mass, which may be hard to see because some types of muscular dystrophy causes a build-up of fat and connective tissue that makes the muscle appear larger. • ECG-Electrocardiography • EMG-Electromyography • CPK- Kinase

  6. Treatments Devices Surgery Tendon release Scoliosis surgery • Canes • Wheelchair • Braces • Walkers • Ventilators • Pacemakers

  7. Other treatments Medications Miscellaneous Anabolic steroids Supplementation Physical therapy • Anti- Inflammatory Cortocosteriod- Regulates inflammation of muscles • Prednisone- which increases muscle strength

  8. Bibliography • www.webmd.com • www.Ninds.nih.gov • www.dystrophy.com • www.medicalimages.allrefer.com • www.kidshealth.org • www.mda.org

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