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Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular Dystrophy . By:Phong Hoang. What is Muscular Dystrophy?. A group of inherited diseases in which the muscles that control Movement progressively weakens. . Who does it affect?. It can affect male and females. Ranges from infancy to middle age. How does it affect the person?.

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Muscular Dystrophy

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  1. Muscular Dystrophy By:Phong Hoang

  2. What is Muscular Dystrophy? • A group of inherited diseases in which the muscles that control Movement progressively weakens.

  3. Who does it affect? • It can affect male and females. • Ranges from infancy to middle age.

  4. How does it affect the person? • It depends on what kind of Muscular Dystrophy you have. • Some have quick and fast symptoms and others have slow symptoms which allows them to live a normal live with few problems.

  5. X-linked recessive genetic defects

  6. Basic Symptoms of MD • Frequent Falls • Delayed development of motor skills • Delay or problems of walking • Difficulty of using certain muscle group • Drooping of eyelids • Drooling

  7. Cures and Treatments • There are no current cures of MD. • Physical Therapy • Corticosteroids • Keeping active • Surgery of legs and spine may improve functions • Being inactive like bed rest can only make the disease worsen

  8. Types of MD • Myotonic • Duchenne • Becker • Limb-girdle • Facioscapulohumeral • Congenital • Oculopharyngeal • Distal • Emery-Dreifuss

  9. Myotonic • Most common form of MD in adults. Men and woman • Appears from early childhood to adulthood • Symptoms- prolonged spasm or stiffening of the muscles after use. Usually worse in cold temperatures. • Decreased Life expectancy • causes muscle weakness and also affects the central nervous system, heart, gastrointestinal tract, eyes, and hormone-producing glands

  10. Duchenne • Most Common MD in Children. • Affects only males ages 2-6 • Muscle decreases in size and grow weaker over time • Sufferers need a wheelchair by age of 12. • Death is in the Late 20s

  11. Becker • Similar to Duchennes but much more milder • Affects males in the age of 2-16 or can appear as late as 25. • Causes heart problems • Sufferers can usually walk until 30’s

  12. Limb-Girdle • Affects male and female. • Weakening begins in hips and moves to the shoulders,arms and legs. • Within 20 years walking becomes impossible. • Sufferers live up to mid adulthood

  13. Facioscapulohumeral • Appears in teens and adults, affects male and females • Affects muscles that move the face shoulder blade and upper arm bone. • Chewing, swallowing and speaking is a problem. • Sufferers have a normal life expectancy.

  14. Congenital • Present at birth, affects both males and females. • Two forms Fukuyama and congenital muscular dystrophy with myosin deficiency • Myosin Deficiency- causes shrinking of the muscles that cause joint problems • Fukuyama causes abnormalities in the brain and causes seizures

  15. Oculopharyngeal • Appears in males and females in the 40’s 50’s and 60’s • Weakens eyes and face muscles • Causes difficulty in swallowing and choking

  16. Distal • Affects males and females. • Causes weakness and wasting of the distal muscles.

  17. Emery-Dreifuss • Appears in childhood and teens affects only males. • Weakness and wasting in the shoulders upper arms and lower legs. • Life threatening heart problems are common

  18. Citations • Adams, Amy.  The muscular system.  Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2004. • Turkewitz, Jay. "Understanding Muscular Dystrophy ." Webmd. 12 Nov 2008. Muscular Dystrophy Association. 5 Jan 2009 <http://www.webmd.com/parenting/understanding-muscular-dystrophy-basics?page=2>. • Youngson, Robert. "Muscular Dystrophy." Royal Society of Medicine Health • Encyclopedia. 2000. Bloomsbury. 5 Jan 2009 • <http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=cmh&AN=18111869&s • ite=chc-live>.

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