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A common medical condition. 250,000 500,000 admissions/year USUGI bleeding incidence 100/100,000 adultsIncidence increases 20-30 fold from third to ninth decade of lifeLGI bleeding incidence 20/100,000 adultsOverwhelmingly disease of the elderlyGI bleeding stops spontaneously in 80 %. Morbid
1. Management of a Pt with Hematemesis Dr. Salem Mohammad Bazarah
2. A common medical condition 250,000 500,000 admissions/year US
UGI bleeding incidence 100/100,000 adults
Incidence increases 20-30 fold from third to ninth decade of life
LGI bleeding incidence 20/100,000 adults
Overwhelmingly disease of the elderly
GI bleeding stops spontaneously in 80 %
3. Morbidity Data Majority will receive blood transfusions
2 10 % require urgent surgery to arrest bleeding
Average LOS 4 7 days
Mortality rates for UGI bleeding 2 15 %
Mortality for patients who develop bleeding after admission to hospital for another reason is 20 30 %
4. Costs Average hospital costs exceed $ 5,000 per admission
Most of this for hospital bed and ICU stays rather than physician fees, blood products, diagnostic tests, or medications
Reduction of hospital admissions and LOS has greatest potential to reduce costs
5. UGI bleeding:Nomenclature Hematemesis 25 %
Melena alone 25 %, 50 100 cc of blood will render stool melenic
Hematochezia 15 %, seen in massive UGI hemorrhage
Red blood hematemesis
Coffee ground emesis
8. History 45 yrs male with 1 day hx of vomiting blood
9. Approach Assess the severity
Establish the site of bleeding
Endoscopic intervention
Reassess severity: liase with surgical team
Medical treatment
Indications for surgery
10. Assessing severity: Rockall criteria Criterion Score
Age <60 years 0
60-79 yrs 1
>80 years 2
Shock None 0
Pulse & sBP >100 1
sBP <100 2
Co-morbidity None 0
Cardiac/any major 2
Renal/liver/malig. 3
Total initial score (max = 7)
11. Implications of initial score Initial risk score (pre-endoscopy)
Score Mortality
0 0.2%
1 2.4%
2 5.6%
3 11.0%
4 24.6%
5 39.6%
6 48.9%
7 50.0%
12. Resuscitate Large bore intravenous cannula x 2
X-match 4 units, give colloid & transfuse if
Fresh melaena on PR
Postural hypotension >15mm/Hg
sBP <100mmHg
Cross match 6 units for
Suspected variceal bleeding
Otherwise group and save serum only
13. Resuscitation Indications for CVP
Rockall score > 3, first rebleed, or inadequate access
Insert urinary catheter if CVP appropriate
Urea/creatinine ratio
If >unity (eg 12.4/90), then upper GI bleed likely
Monitor Pulse & BP ?hrly
Guide of halves: if pulse higher or BP lower than last recording, then halve the time to the next recording
If pulse trend rises on 3 occasions, call senior cover
14. Establish site of bleeding Endoscopy on next available list
Ideally <24hr
Out of hours endoscopy
If a surgical decision depends on the result
Therefore consent endoscopy, ?proceed
Check endoscopy report for
stigmata of recent haemorrhage
15. Stigmata of recent haemorrhage Clean ulcer base (rebleed <1%)
Black spots ulcer base (rebleed 5%)
16. Stigmata of recent haemorrhage Fresh clot (rebleed 30%)
Visible vessel (rebleed 50%)
17. Stigmata of recent haemorrhage Bleeding vessel (rebleed 80%)
23. Upper GI Bleeding
25. Source of bleeding Common
DU (35%)
GU (20%)
Oesophagitis (6%)
Mallory-Weiss (6%)
No source found (20%) Uncommon/Rare
Aortoenteric fistula
26. Intervention Endoscopic injection with
Adrenaline 1:10 000, thrombin, sclerosant, or saline all halve the risk of rebleeding
As good as heater probe, laser therapy
Tranexamic acid
1g iv three times daily for 72hr reduces mortality
Omeprazole 60mg iv stat and infusion 8mg/hr for 72hr
may reduce mortality after endoscopic intervention
Nothing else has been shown to work
Do not prescribe iv ranitidine, or oral PPI until after endoscopy
27. Reassess severity: update Rockall Score
Endoscopic diagnosis
No lesion, or M-W tear 0
All other diagnoses 1
Malignancy of upper GI tract 2
Stigmata of recent haemorrhage
None/haematin 0
Clot, visible vessel,blood in stomach 2
Final score after endoscopy (max 11)
28. Updated Rockall score Initial score (pre-endoscopy)
Score Mortality
0 0.2%
1 2.4%
2 5.6%
3 11.0%
4 24.6%
5 39.6%
6 48.9%
7 50.0%
Final score (after endoscopy)
Score Mortality
0 0%
1 0%
2 0.2%
3 2.9%
4 5.3%
5 10.8%
6 27.0%
7 17.3
8+ 41.1%
29. Further management Liase with surgeons if
Initial score >3 (ie if CVP necessary)
Posterior duodenal ulcer
Final Rockall score >4
After endoscopy
Eat & drink if no stigmata, or haematin only
Clear fluids for 12 hr if endoscopic intervention
NBM only if haemostasis not secure (varices)
Re-examine after 4-8hr for signs rebleeding
Ring blood bank to keep blood available for 24hr after endoscopic intervention
30. Signs of rebleeding Rise in pulse rate
Fall in CVP
Decrease in hourly urine output
Further haematemesis or fresh melaena
Look at the patient as well as the charts!
Act if rebleeding suspected
FBC and transfuse
Ensure large bore access, central line and catheter
Call surgical team
31. Indications for surgery Early surgery (esp. elderly) assoc. with lower mortality
Age over 60 years
Transfusion >4 units in 24hr
One rebleed
Continued bleeding
Age under 60 years
Transfusion >8 units in 24hr
Two rebleeds
Continued bleeding
Decision not to operate should be taken by consultant
32. Special notes - Variceal bleeding Suspect variceal bleeding if
..- Alcohol Hx- Deranged LFTs- Jaundice*- Hyponatraemia*- Ascites*- Coagulopathy- Low platelets- Previous Hx of varices*
33. Special notes Variceal Bleeding Resuscitate
Correct coagulopathy (FFP x 4 and vit K IV)
Endoscopy and banding/sclerotherapy
Glypressin 2mg iv stat and 1-2mg repeated 4hrly
Treat other aspects of decompensation
Ascites (spironolactone, no N/saline)
Encephalopathy (lactulose, no sedation)
Renal impairment (avoid hypovolaemia)
Malnutrition (iv vitamins, fine bore feeding)
Underlying liver disease (hepatic screen, aFP etc)
Post-bleed prophylaxis
34. Summary Objective assessment (Rockall criteria)
Resuscitation before endoscopy
Monitor by rule of halves: look for trends
No role for empirical acid suppression
Critical appraisal of endoscopy report
Liaise with surgeons early
Discriminate between high & low risk patients