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The Metronome. Washington University in St. Louis Tobias Mann. October 2003. Developers. IBM T.J Watson Research Center David F. Bacon Perry Cheng V.T. Rajan A Real-time Garbage Collector with low Overhead and Consistent Utilization. Jan 2003
The Metronome Washington University in St. Louis Tobias Mann October 2003
Developers • IBM T.J Watson Research Center • David F. Bacon • Perry Cheng • V.T. Rajan • A Real-time Garbage Collector with low Overhead and Consistent Utilization. Jan 2003 • Controlling Fragmentation and Space Consumption in the Metronome, a Real-time Garbage Collector for Java. June 03
Overview • Garbage Collection Techniques • What is the Metronome • Segregated Free List • Tri-Color Marking • Read Barrier • Copying Algorithm • Write Barrier • Snapshot-in-the-beginning • Stack processing • Scheduling • User must supply • Questions
Garbage Collection Techniques • One can classify garbage collection algorithms into two categories • Copying collectors • Copies live objects to a reserved portion of memory • Non-copying collectors • Dead objects are marked and collected using various techniques • Copying collectors use extra memory but prevents external fragmentation
What is the Metronome? • A garbage collector implemented in Jikes RVM that is: • A mostly non-copying hybrid • An incremental uniprocessor collector targeted at embedded systems • Concurrent but not parallel
Segregated Free List • Memory is divided into pages of a fixed size (may differ from the OS page size) • Each page is divided into fixed sized blocks • Geometric progression of block sizes • Si = Si-1 (1 + ρ) • Choose ρ = 1/8 • Worst case internal fragmentation of 12.5% • ρ = 0 would mean that all blocks are the same size • ρ = 1 would be the buddy system
Segregated Free List cont. • Segregated Free List is kept as a chain of pages. • Each page has an associated mark array • Allocation cursor pointing to both a page and a block • When a list is empty a new page is chosen and broken up into blocks of appropriate size • How is a new page chosen?
Tri-Color Marking • White = Untouched by collector (considered dead at the end of collection) • Grey = Touched but not scanned • Black = Scanned • Tri-color invariant – No black object can hold a pointer directly pointing to a white object Problem
Tri-Color Marking cont. • Metronome allocates black • Weak tri-color invariant
Read and Write Barrier • Problem Problem
Read and Write Barrier cont. • Read Barrier • Detects when the mutator attempts to access a pointer pointing to a white object and immediately colors that object grey. (Wilson 1995) • Write Barrier • Detects when the mutator attempts to write a pointer into an object and traps or records the write. (Wilson 1995)
Read Barrier • Brooks-style read barrier • To-space invariant • mutator only sees objects in to-space • Forwarding pointer From-space To-space
Read Barrier cont. • Eager Barrier • Register and stack cells always point into to space • Forwarding is performed “eagerly” as soon as quantity is loaded
Read Barrier cont. • The collector handles all the work of finding and moving objects • This circumvents the problem of uneven utilization suffered by other implementations of a to-space invariant • How does this solve the under utilization issue that is claimed to be endemic to implementations of to-space invariants?
Copying Root set • Semispace B A D C from-space to-space A B C D scan scan scan free free free free
Copying cont. • Copying is only performed when defragmentation is needed • If nr of free pages < threshold • Perform defragmentation • Threshold is the smallest nr of free pages that allows the mutator to execute for another collection cycle • Determined at the end of each sweep phase
Copying cont. for each page compute the nr of live objects for each free list sort pages by occupancy while the target nr of pages to evacuate in this size class has not been met AND there are pages left to defragment move objects form the least occupied to the most occupied pages within a list • Target nr of pages is chosen so that the sum of the current nr free pages and target is sufficient for two collection cycles
Write Barrier • If the mutator attempts to overwrite a pointer, the overwritten value is pushed onto the marking stack for later examination Root set Marking stack Solution Problem Weak tri-color invariant
Snapshot-in-the-beginning • Metronome’s non-copying algorithm • Similar to Yuasa’s snapshot-at-the-beginning • Weak tricolor invariant • Extent mark phase to also handle forwarding by redirecting any pointers pointing into from-space so they point into to-space. • Objects relocated during the previous collection can now be freed. • This maintains the eager read barrier previously mentioned
Snapshot-in-the-beginning cont. • Conceptually this algorithm takes a “snapshot” of the graph of reachable nodes in the beginning of collection • This conceptual snapshot is maintained by the write barrier
Snapshot-in-the-beginning cont. • The objects considered live is the set union of the set of objects that are live when collection starts and the set of objects that are allocated during collection • Floating garbage
Stack processing • Not incremental • Two parts • root scanning • maintenance of eager invariant for read barrier • How does this affect real-time performance? • Stop the world while register and stack cells are forwarded? • For java why not perform forwarding method by method on demand? • Method A calls method B, forward references in A when B returns
Scheduling • Time-based • Work-based • Are time-based and work-based scheduling different if allocation rate is known?
User must supply • Max live • Max allocation rate • Proportion of memory devoted to the heap (as supposed to thread stacks) • Lower bound on average object size • Lower bound on nr of pointers per word (object) • Upper bound on the fraction of non-null references • The last four is needed to calculate the time required to perform a collection at time, t. • TGC(t) = TI + TR(t) + TM(t) + TS(t) + TD(t) • Would not the lower bounds simply be 0? • Can the nr of pointer per word be anything but 0 or 1?
Questions • Segregated Free List • How is a new page “chosen” when a free-list is empty? • Why is this considered together with garbage collection? • Is not the maintenance of the free list the responsibility of the allocator?
Questions cont. • Is the only difference between the Metronome Mark and Sweep and Yuasa’s algorithm that the Metronome does forwarding during the mark phase? • How does the above property solve the under utilization problem that is claimed to be endemic to implementations of to-space invariant? • How is list of grey objects maintained? • a separate data structure? (Yuasa uses a stack) • objects linked together in memory?
Questions cont. • How does the fact that stack processing is not incremental effect real-time performance? • Stack processing is not incremental. Does this mean that Metronome must “stop the world” while register and stack cells are forwarded to maintain the eager invariant? • For java why not perform forwarding method by method on demand? • A calls B, forward references in A when B returns
Questions cont. • The paper claims that copying algorithms that attempt to collect a subset of the heap at a time can be defeated by an adversarial mutator. • Why is that the case? • Kelvin Nielsen claims his collector performs very well performing copying on a subset of the heap and mark-sweep on the remaining part of the heap.
Questions cont. • How is from- and to-space distinguished? • Since copying algorithm only moves objects between pages within a free list how is from- and to-space separated? • Are time-based and work-based scheduling different if allocation rate is known? • Is not the lower bounds for objects per word and average object size just 0? • Can the nr of pointer per word be anything but 0 or 1?
Questions cont. • Is it really necessary to consider defragmentation while proving the real-time capabilities of a collector? • If one assumes that each free list has size = max live then garbage collection will still be needed but defragmentation is a non issue.
References • Bacon, F. D., Cheng, P., and Rajan, V. T. A Real-time Garbage Collector with Low Overhead and Constant Utilization. Jan 2003 • Bacon, F. D., Cheng, P., and Rajan, V. T. Controlling Fragmentation and Space Consumption in the Metronome, a Real-time Garbage Collector for Java. June 2003 • Nielsen, K. Doing Firm-Real-Time With J2SE APIs. July 2003 • Wilson, R. P. Uniprocessor Garbage Collection Techniques 1995