1. Troy Community Works!
Why a CDC for Troy?
What is a CDC?
What Is Our Focus?
How Can We Be Successful: Strategic Planning? Opening: MarthaOpening: Martha
2. Why Create A New Non-Profit for Troy? Troy & Miami County:
40% Renter Occupied Housing Units
Over 6% Vacant Housing Units
6.4% of Individuals & 8.2% of Families are living below the Federal Poverty Level
26% of Households make less than $25,000/year
In 2007, the downtown historic district received over 100 citations for property maintenance
521 Foreclosed properties in 2006 compared to 81 in 1995 in Miami County
Sources: City of Troy Comprehensive Plan, Troy Daily News (3/23/2007), and US Census. AllisonAllison
3. Median Household Income in 1999: 2000 Troy city, Ohio by Block Group
6. Why a Community Development Corporation for Troy? Symptoms of disinvestment:
Property maintenance
High rates of rental occupancy
High concentrations of LMI households
High rates of police calls
Underutilized buildings (2nd & 3rd Floors)
Aging housing stock
Why Troy Community Works:
A partner with existing organizations & npos
A grass roots effort in an underserved market. The area of focus would be:
Downtown Building Rehab
Education & Awareness
Neighborhood Revitalization
Strengthen Downtown Housing Stock
7. What Is A CDC? Community Development Corporation (CDC) is a broad term referring to not-for-profit organizations incorporated to provide programs, offer services and engage in other activities that promote and support a community. CDCs usually serve a geographic location such as a neighborhood or a town. They often focus on serving lower-income residents or struggling neighborhoods. They can be involved in a variety of activities including economic development, education, and real estate development. These organizations are often associated with the development of affordable housing.
From Wikipedia; accessed on November 5, 2007
8. Representative Funding Sources Conventional lenders.
State of Ohio.
historic tax credit financing.
HUD financing.
Federal Home Loan Bank Board.
NeighborWorksŽ America financing/ LISC
HOME funds, CDBG funding, CHDO funding, County Corp, CityWide Development.
Local governments & municipalities (financial and in-kind services)
9. Why Consider A CDC? Governments are great facilitators, lousy developers.
Service to families, entrepreneurs, and seniors.
Community involvement, empowerment.
Community improvement and stabilization.
Maximize partnership opportunities.
Access to tax credit and other non-conventional lending facilities.
Unique leveraging opportunities.
10. Impediments To Creating A CDC Resistance to change and diversity.
Securing adequate capitalization.
Site acquisition.
Existing building and zoning regulations.
Sufficient staffing.
Supportive services and/or lack of partnerships.
11. What Is Our Focus? 4 Pillars of Community Development
Strengthening Downtown Housing Stock
Downtown Building Rehabilitation
Neighborhood Revitalization
Grassroots Organizing & Education MikeMike
12. Neighborhood Revitalization Remediation (Mold, Lead, Asbestos)
Property Tax Abatement
Neighborhood Stabilization
Promote Home Ownership
Historic Preservation
13. Downtown Building Rehab Adaptive Reuse
Historic Preservation (Federal Tax Credits)
Brownfield Redevelopment
Promote 2nd & 3rd Floor Occupancy
Cultivate Investment Relationships
Mixed Use Opportunities MikeMike
14. Strengthen Downtown Housing Stock Increase Home Ownership
Reduce Foreclosures
Increase Accountability for Rental Property Owners
Reduce LMI Concentrations AllisonAllison
15. Grassroots Organizing & Education Resource Advocate
Historic Preservation
Historic Tax Credits
Sustainability Issues
(Infill Housing, Walkability, Green Design)
Neighborhood Planning
Credit Counseling
16. Who Is Troy Community Works! Meeting Since March 2007
Incorporated 9/10/2007
Martha Harris
Mike Twiss
Allison DeHart
New Website www.troycommunityworks.com
Informational Brochure
One-on-One Meetings
17. Next Steps: Strategic Planning Strategic Planning Process
3 Meetings to create a community based vision.
Guided by a Community Planner
Held Feb. 4, 18 and Mar 10
Particular Skill Sets Needed:
Builders, Realtors, Bankers, Architects, Appraisers, Attorneys, CPAs, Developers, Investors &
General Community Enthusiasts! Allison/BeckyAllison/Becky
18. Creating A CDC: Wonderful Opportunity Every individual or family, regardless of income, deserves safe and affordable, high-quality housing.
CDCs inform and empower the community.
CDCs access sources of funds not available to the private sector.
CDCs create new expertise in the community.
19. Questions Troy Community Works
Contact: Martha Harris marthaharris@troycommunityworks.com