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The Community Works Together. Many hands make light work More heads are better than one. Members need reinforcement from the top. Do you know your benchmark values?. Feel you are too busy?. Reaching successful benchmarks become the work standard. Team development needs top-down support
The Community Works Together Many hands make light work More heads are better than one
Members need reinforcement from the top Do you know your benchmark values? Feel you are too busy? Reaching successful benchmarks become the work standard Team development needs top-down support to fend off Informed pessimism
Coordinators provide advisors to answer questions Redirect uninformed optimism to attainable quality action approach. Too busy? Quality change will fail at the action team level First couple of years crucial for leadership support
Your presence, encouragement from the top, crucial You are needed at key points of improvement. Not too busy Encourage others to learn from their pitfalls Teach the meaning of learning from adversity to better face discouragements next time
People like to feel appreciated. They have a wealth of knowledge to enhance the community expertise for positive change in everyone a need to know in some clear detail just what is expected of them for detailed tasks a need to be respected to make personal and final decisions as the occasion arises (with communication follow-through, as required)
Resistance to Change Change resisters need to feel his/her opinions matter. Express needs neutrally. Use the word “change” sparingly, it may have negative connotations on people’s past efforts. Survey questionnaires allow for expression by everyone. The smaller the group, the more members need polling for reliable results. Very large groups in the hundreds poll about 10-15% of the people with some reliability.
Survey Questionnaires Open-ended questions allow for a full range of ideas and opinions: What are the priorities of the community for the coming years? What is the performance level of the community to date? Do we try to fix a problem after it is broken? If yes, explain. If no, explain. Do members know what the leadership want from them? How so? What is the price of non-agreement? Is quality a problem caused by something other than leadership action? How could leadership assist in certain circumstances? Specify. It is assumed that there is room for improvement with an attitude prepared for change. Ensure all members are given the chance to fill out and return the questionnaire. The facilitator gathers the results and summarizes them on a flip chart.
Private Interviews reveal information which meetings do not often expose. offered to everyone so no one feels his/her opinion is slighted, affirming the desire for change from the top management some will refuse others will appreciate the time taken for themselves personal issues and queries can be passed on to the appropriate people in the community, as interviewee permits
Effective Communication Networks Contact key contact people and liaison. Ask how things are designed to run. The perceptions of the people will influence how you spend your training dollars.
Effective Communication Networks Regularly update lists of people to call; Verify people’s information opportunity to informally query their point of view receive suggestions about group progress.
Maintain Zeal to Improve • create a climate that fosters new ideas • demonstrate the ability and willingness to create a strategic plan • nurture concern for quality and the outcomes of the decision making process • err on the side of over-communication
The Benchmark Work Standard • new ideas have shaped proven benchmarks (what has worked before and we can expect it to work again) • strategic plan expressed within a manual of minimum (not maximum) requirements • delegate responsibilities that are directed towards goal attainment • regularly seek feed-back, give encouragement
Cross-Training a Team • teach the team one another’s jobs • encourage/assist one another in quality performance • step into one another’s position as needed • emphasize a range of possibilities and opportunities • make decisions on the spot without asking permission • to reasonably satisfy others with quality service, • maintain zeal to improve
Team Coordinator • Advise the committee to prioritize suggestions • Determine the • quality parameter, • turn-around time, • cost saving for your task
Team Coordinator • Give suggestion to the implementation teams • Arrange consulting services • gain input inside and outside • the planning team’s organizational group
Team Coordinator • Integrate through • interviews, • selection of priorities, • budgeting requirements • in scheduled training classes
Tools Use booklets, posters, other promotional methods continually to impress that there is leadership dedication for community growth training, encourage positive attitudes towards vision in the rest of the community
Wholesale Training Mass training is ineffective for a single specific task. Too many people “on hold.” A new team can be taught each quarter by the team that is being replaced. Accumulated experience is shared.
Immediate Use of Training • While still fresh in trainees’ minds, • use of applied learning provides • improved skill retention • a greater return on training investment • Thus, wholesale training when people are not going to be used right away is • not very effective • frustrating (doubts one is really wanted) • demoralizing (feeling inadequate)
Transformative teaching/training followers become leaders to help change the world a minority may need to act contrary to the majority wishes before transformation seen the transformative leader serves the team and community
Regular training/re-training several times each year • to keep on top of fulfilling mission goals • of the community • for the community • to iron out problems • the emerging relationship • planning implementation
Reflect for Wisdom • Determine proper timing to address change needs • Clearly present the need • Add some of participants’ • terminologies • perspectives to decrease confusion and clarify objectives
Preventative Care • structured problem-solving • open communication • everyone participating • not a standard contract • optimum use of resources • maintenance of service • identify relationships • make change proposals
Blame Avoidance • Everyone contribute to problem and issue identification • Determine facts for improved decision-making • Everyone’s interpretation of the facts are understood • Inspire one another to be creative and take a chance • Record feed-back to develop goals • Politely record “contrary” input for later evaluation • if unable to address it properly in meeting • “contrary” likely has unique insights
Deficient results? • Un-met expectations? • Will the bud bloom or will it drop off the plant? • evaluate and change the process which produced the disappointed results
The Means/Process Affect the Ends The process is just as important as the ends The process makes the intent present and active
Communication Networks • Networks • lighten the load • help project leaders to • keep the commitment to • raise visibility of programmes • ensure cooperation • Have your communication lines clearly available.
Communication Networks • Not all groups have mechanisms in place to keep • everyone informed • involved
Brainstorming a conscious effort at inspiration engage the members
Brainstorming Begin with one key term that is important for the mission or vision statement for your group and for group project
Brainstorming List the group’s priorities that should be embodied in the statement.
Brainstorming Have groups develop several versions of how the mission statement should be read on the list.
Brainstorming Allow everyone to eventually arrive at a final product through repetition and consensus, relating to each person’s role in its success. Jablonski, Implementing Total Quality Management; An Overview. Pfeiffer & Co., San Diego, California, 1991, 49.
Brainstorming • When mission statement is easily understood, draft • goals • policy • to support the strategic plan.
Brainstorming Is complete when there is commitment of resources necessary to properly manage the plan.
The Pre-Program Planning Phase Maximize time and incentives to convince members and leaders of the community of the need for change. Cooperation is essential with staff, representatives, and members.
The Pre-Program Planning Phase Accept a member’s input. Collectively see how it could be implemented to address crisis points and concerns. Officially rule that put-downs and excuses are not accepted. Suggestions must not be dismissed.
The Pre-Program Planning Phase A new way of perception welcomes comments, not to view them as threats to one’s position. Suggestions, and the ability to receive suggestions accepts that stagnation is death. Improved service and goal attainment is desirable and achievable.
Optimal Organizational Assessment Phase A qualified independent person (outside the organizational community with no vested interest in the outcome) performs the assessment. Deals with long term or chronic problems and is resolved. It may require time and money. People need to trust enough to give honest feedback.
Optimal Organizational Assessment Phase • People need to trust enough to give honest feedback on • the strengths and weaknesses of an organization, • and their experience of management leadership.
Specific Training Needs The organizational assessment is analyzed. The list of specific training needs are presented. What skills do the members of the community need to develop the community further? What changes are needed to improve teamwork?
Improvements Plan Draft • presented for everyone’s approval. • For example, • a more authoritative body may need to give backing • budgets may need reallocating • align method of operation with your overall goals using brainstorming for • Information gathering • facilitation • interpersonal skills • group dynamics
Maximize Communication and Cooperation • Four to eight people to a team for efficiency; • for example, • a team of four to do preparations • a team of eight to facilitate/serve.
Select Projects • with a clear path towards success • quick turn-around time to encourage the team in its • abilities • building on newly developed skills • and increasing faith and courage to tackle larger projects
Examine the Problem • How many groups does it affect? • Address the problem with each group. • Collect a representative from each group to form a committee • Each representative is committed to • regular updates and communication whether it be a geographic location, online social media, teleconferencing, texting, or a combination of these, and so on. • Representatives report back to their respective groups for feedback
Flow Charts—Session One • Keep committee members “on the same page.” • Identify problem and quality characteristic which is important for the subject under discussion. • Each person has a plan how to collect information related to the problem for the next session.
Flow Charts—Session Two • Analyze and interpret the data. Use the what, when, where, how and who method of analyzing the data. • Each person has a plan how to collect information related to the problem for the next session. Extract the useable information. • Schedule the solutions and establish resource estimates for re-training volunteers. • Prepare a presentation package for the coordinator and committee: part of the training is learning how to sell your ideas. Include overview with team purpose, brief history, names of action members, list objectives, the selection process, for determining project, project description, data collection process, analysis and recommendations, and the team schedule, recommendations and follow-up.
Flow Chart Evaluation What happened when you implemented the plan? Did you meet the benchmark values (target objective)? If successful, the process improvements become the work standard. The coordinator provides the necessary advisors for the sessions to answer any questions.
Non-routine Channels of Communication • Sets acknowledgements of excellence • apart from all other messages. • For example, • a special awards dinner • a note of thanks