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Digital Transformation became a core part of the strategy in organizations. AeoLogic supports effectively rethinking governance of technology innovation and adaptation to agile methodologies in the government sector. Visit more - https://www.aeologic.com/
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION TRENDS INGOVERNMENT • 1 • Seamless enabling 4 3 7 5 6 2 • Smart cities, connected,and integrated, sustainable citizenexperience, dramaticleapsin • Government agencies from the dashboard reporting of lagging indicators to autonomous processes that help people make better decisions in real time. • Digital identity is the ability to prove an individual’s identity via any government digital channel that is available tocitizens. • Driving innovation and enhanced connections with citizens, making it easier for them to stay informed and accessservices. • Treats risk, trust and security as a continuous and adaptive process that anticipates and mitigates constantly evolving cyberthreats. • Converged infrastructure enables simpler, more efficient, and more scalable IT infrastructurewithin. governments deploy service quality, massive efficiency gains, and the move to a digital deliverymodel. technology to serve citizens in acollaborativeand comprehensivemanner. DIGITAL SERVICE PLATFORMS IMPORVED COMMUNICATION CHENNALS CYBERSECURITY DIGITAL INDENTITYOF CITIZEN FUTUREREADY SMARTCITY ANALYTICS FOR DATA BASED DECISIONS ACCESS BENEFITS FINANCE FUTURE CITIZEN DATA SECURITY TECHNOLOGIES, TOOLS AND METHODS ENABLING DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION INGOVERNMENT. Web-Tech ROBOTICS AR/VR INTERNET OFTHINGS BIGDATA Mobile-Tech ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MACHINELEARNING CLOUD ADDITIVEMANUFACTURING