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Sudan/North Darfur state. Project Name: CERF project Emergency RH/GBV response to urgent needs of war affected individuals. Project location: Zamzam camp IDPS camp south to Alfashir town and areas around. Project period: 3 month June to Sept. 2011. Presenter: Dr. Ibrahim Abdelrahman Ahmed.
Sudan/North Darfur state. Project Name: CERF project Emergency RH/GBV response to urgent needs of war affected individuals. Project location: Zamzam camp IDPS camp south to Alfashir town and areas around. Project period: 3 month June to Sept. 2011. Presenter: Dr. Ibrahim Abdelrahman Ahmed United Nations Population Fund North Darfur Team UNFPA - because everyone counts.
Project objectives RH • To provide life-saving emergency RH health interventions to displaced people in Zamzam IDPs Camp and individuals living in armed conflict sites in North Darfur with provision of medical supplies, capacity building of the health staff and focus on ANC, PNC and community based health education.
Project objectives SGBV • To ensure that all reported cases of SGBV receive Referral support and access the needed services to address their needs. • To form, train and support Women union committees who will work on community GBV awareness raising, and advocate for GBV issues. • To provide ‘Dignity kits’ or personal hygiene kits for women who have been displaced and in need • To provide life-saving emergency GBV interventions for 30,000 war affected individuals through GBV Community Education.
Description of the crisis • The massive influx of IDPs from south of Alfashir to Zamzam IDPs camp in April 2011, and the conflict around this area put immense strain on the already under resourced health services in Zamzam IDPs camp, the camp have about 173,000 individuals of these 76,000 are new arrivals. This prompted an urgent intervention with live saving Minimum Initial service package for Sexual Reproductive health services in crisis including GBV package. UNFPA - because everyone counts.
Beneficiaries • RH services reached more than 76,000 individuals. • RH health messages reached 3698 women 82% and men 18%. • Training of 163 health workers from SMOH on various RH topics (IP, CMR, SOC, HISM, PAC, EMOC, STIs and MISP). • RH/GBV/HIV/AIDs community awareness reached 35851 individuals from the new arrivals. • 4450 women received Personal hygiene kits and RH/GBV/HIV/AIDs awareness raising activities. • 120,200 individuals received awareness on RH/GBV and HIV/AIDs awareness during information campaign.
What worked well • Coordination at all levels. • Availability of RH supplies, medical equipment, medical supplies and furniture. • Capacity building of the health staff • Community health education on RH/GBV and HIV/AIDs awareness raising. • Formation of the camp health committee, women committees and GBV network as well as involvement of community leaders improved the coordination with community.
What coordination mechanisms exist for SRH in Crises? • Coordination at country office level. • Coordination at cluster level (cluster lead identified RH focal persons assigned) SMOH, NGOs. Identification of all partners providing SRH services. • Coordination at sectoral level was made to ensure availability and accessibility to all services. • Coordination with community: formation of health committee in the camp and GBV net work and referral pathway was formed . • Link was made between the TBAs, Midwives and the health facilities for reporting and refrral.
strengths and weaknesses of the coordination mechanism Strength of the coordination: • Timely and adequate response to SRH needs. • Avoidance of duplications and under serving. • Information sharing and joint decision making Weakness of the coordination: • The sensitivity of some SRH issues make coordination with community difficult. • Some humanitarian workers does not understand what is MISP. • Sustainability of the established coordination between the community midwives, TBAs and health facility for referral and reporting.
three areas where you feel that SRH emergency response in my country would benefit from regional support • MISP trainings. Establish core of MISP trainers at country and state levels training of the policy makers and people from the community on MISP. • Establish sustainable channels of SRH supplies • Community awareness raising and advocacy for RH/GBV including MISP.