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R eport o f A ccomplishments 2011

R eport o f A ccomplishments 2011. Webinar presented 11/2/11 by Georgene Bender, RSA. Overview. Resources to use Using ROA from 2010 Review ROA Headings with Tips along the way Questions. Resources. Calendar Samples of your works, publications Conference proceedings attended

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R eport o f A ccomplishments 2011

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  1. Report of Accomplishments2011 Webinar presented 11/2/11 by Georgene Bender, RSA

  2. Overview • Resources to use • Using ROA from 2010 • Review ROA Headings with • Tips along the way • Questions

  3. Resources • Calendar • Samples of your works, publications • Conference proceedings attended • Program Evaluation Summaries • 2011 Camp Survey Results • Program Attendance sheets • Phone / Visitor Logs • County 2011 ES-237 Report

  4. R.O.A. 2010 • Find your efile copy of ROA 2010-POW2011 • Change the ROA 2010 BLUE text to BLACK • Add your new ROA 2011 text in BLUE

  5. R.O.A. Headings: 4. Assigned Activity 4. ASSIGNED ACTIVITY SINCE LAST PROMOTION (NOT TO EXCEED TEN YEARS), OR SINCE UF EMPLOYMENT, whichever is more recent ……

  6. R.O.A. Headings: 14. Creative Works • 14. CREATIVE WORKS OR ACTIVITIES (should be educational products listed in reverse chronological order. • Exhibits and displays • Instructional Multi-Media Presentations • 2010 (Total 7) Instructional Multi-Media presentations on topics such as XXX, YYY and ZZZ, range of slides was 21 to 46. • Plays, Games • Radio and TV • Web-based communication and teaching • Other

  7. R.O.A. Headings: 16. Publications 16. PUBLICATIONS (should be listed in reverse chronological order, beginning with the most recent publication and going backwards. • Non-refereed Publications • (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Name of Journal, Bulletin, Circular, etc., Volume, Date, Inclusive Pages) • (Most Extension publications go here. You can create sub-categories such as) • County Fact Sheets • Educational Brochure • Electronic Database Information System (EDIS) (include URL), • Newsletter Edited • Newsletter Articles • Newspaper Articles • Trade Journal Articles • Others

  8. R.O.A. Headings: 16. Publications • Bibliographies/Catalogs • (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Publisher, if applicable, Place of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages) • Abstracts • (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Name of Journal, Publications, etc., Volume, Date, Inclusive Pages) • Reviews • (Author, Co-author(s), Title and Author of Work Reviewed, Where Review was Published, Date, Inclusive Pages) • Miscellaneous • (Author, Co-author(s), Title, Source of Publication, Date, Inclusive Pages) • (This is the appropriate category for published news releases, and fliers with education content, do not include calendar items, agendas and program announcements)

  9. R.O.A. Headings: 17. Lectures… • 17. LECTURES, SPEECHES OR POSTERS PRESENTED AT PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCES Include since last promotion (not to exceed ten years) or from UF employment for PS nominees, whichever is more recent.This listing is to be in reverse chronological order. • Entries must also tell if the contribution was a lecture or poster and if the lecture or speech was • invited, • selected (a committee or person selects from those submitted for consideration), or • contributed (all submittals are allowed, e.g., some poster sessions do not limit the number accepted).

  10. R.O.A. Headings: 17. Lectures… • International • Invited • Selected • Contributed • National • Invited • Selected • Contributed • Regional(i.e., Southeastern US) • Invited • Selected • Contributed • State(EPAF presentations are selected, not invited) • Invited • Selected • Contributed • Local • Invited • Selected • Contributed • Other

  11. R.O.A. Headings: 18. Contracts & Grants • 18. CONTRACTS AND GRANTS - since last promotion (not to exceed ten years) or from UF employment for PS nominees, whichever is more recent (Entries should be made in reversechronological order. (enter appropriate information in table).   • Funded externally • Funded internally • Submitted, pending • Submitted, not funded • In-Kind • Volunteer Hours • f. Monetary Contributions

  12. R.O.A. Headings: 18. Contracts & Grants Use this statement for volunteer hours:  “*Calculation of economic value of trained volunteers’ contribution to extension programs: According to 2010 Florida data from the Independent Sector(http://independentsector.org/programs/research/volunteertime.html) the estimated dollar value of a volunteer hour is $18.20. In Extension, trained volunteers are contributing to Extension program by dedicating their time, skills, talents and expertise under supervision or guidance by faculty. The estimated dollar value of a volunteer hour was $17.78 in 2009, $17.56 in 2008 and $16.07 in 2007.”

  13. R.O.A. Headings: 19. University Governance and Service • 19. UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE AND SERVICE - list in reverse chronological order. University College, IFAS Department/Center/District

  14. R.O.A. Headings: 20. Consultations • 20. CONSULTATIONS OUTSIDE THE UNIVERSITY

  15. R.O.A. Headings: 21. Editor of a scholarly journal… • 21. EDITOR OF A SCHOLARLY JOURNAL, SERVICE ON AN EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD OR REVIEWER FOR A SCHOLARLY JOURNAL – Please list whether the nominee was an editor, served on an editorial advisory board, or was a reviewer, the name of the journal or publication, the date(s) of service and number of manuscripts reviewed etc. (EDIS reviews go under section 19)

  16. R.O.A. Headings: 22. International Activities • 22. INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES – In a short paragraph, please describe teaching, research, and extension activities and their significance.

  17. R.O.A. Headings: 23. Extension Programs • 23. EXTENSION PROGRAMS - Delineate the major extension programs carried out • (see http://ded.ifas.ufl.edu/files/Extension%20Program%20Section.pdf for suggestions how to complete this section.) Role and Activities of Your Advisory Committee Titles of Programs and stats and impact

  18. R.O.A. Headings: 23. Extension Programs • C. Educational Methods and Activities Include a narrative to summarize your educational methods and activities. For more details on educational methods see EDIS FCS6013, http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/FY399. Start with a brief summary of inputs (what we invest) (volunteers, staff, grants, partners, etc.).

  19. R.O.A. Headings: 23. Extension Programs Summary of group teaching events for Program I. (blue ROA, red POW) *do not include your role as a facilitator in this table, but mention in the narrative • Summary of clientele reached for Program I. • For more details see, Craig et al. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/wc058

  20. R.O.A. Headings: 23. Extension Programs • D. Outcomes and Impacts ( per key objective) State program outcomes/impacts or progress to date in meeting each of the stated objectives listed above. Outcomes: changes (% 50) (n=20), (i.e., customer satisfaction, knowledge, attitude and skills , practices or behaviors , Impacts: economic, environmental and social conditions caused by these changes. You can use data from the literature or from a specialist to tell about the impact of your program. Impacts should answer the question – “so what?”

  21. R.O.A. Headings: 23. Extension Programs • E. Success Stories: • (faculty should include at least one Clientele centered • “Success Story” for one of their program areas) • For more details on outcomes, impacts and success stories see, http://ded.ifas.ufl.edu/Impacts/Impacts_Success_Stories_files/frame.htm.

  22. R.O.A. Headings: 23. Extension Programs • Race and Ethnicity Data* If no, provide a brief explanation of all reasonable efforts that have and/or will be used.

  23. R.O.A. Headings: 25. Service to Schools • SERVICE TO SCHOOLS • In 1984, the Legislature determined that service to the public schools (K-12) would be considered for permanent status and/or promotion purposes. Such service should be listed in this area. Briefly explain your activities here including # of participants, bullets are suggested • * Do not include 4-H Program activities here they should be in your program.

  24. R.O.A. Headings: 26. Membership and Activities 26. MEMBERSHIP AND ACTIVITIES IN THE PROFESSION • MEMBERSHIP • International • National • Regional • State • Local • ACTIVITIES IN THE PROFESSION • (i.e., giving testimony to congressional committee or serving as a • reviewer for grants) • International • National • Regional • State • Local • Other

  25. R.O.A. Headings: 26. Membership and Activities 26. MEMBERSHIP AND ACTIVITIES IN THE PROFESSION • Under each subheading use this table

  26. R.O.A. Headings: 27. Honors 27. HONORS • International • National • Regional • State • Local • Other • Under each subheading use this table

  27. R.O.A. Headings: 33. Further Information 33. THE FURTHER INFORMATION SECTION Include such things as letters of acceptance from publishers, list of submitted publications, information on forthcoming books, as well as any additional information the nominee wishes to submit. Indicate: Master’s Degree status Marketing Efforts Community Service

  28. R.O.A. Headings: 34. ISTs & other Professional Development 34. ISTs AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (ROA and POW)

  29. Questions

  30. Resources • Websites: • http://ded.ifas.ufl.edu • http://ded.ifas.ufl.edu/Impacts/Impacts_Success_Stories_files/frame.htm. • http://pdec.ifas.ufl.edu • Articles • http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/fy399 Education Teaching Methods • http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/wc090 Evaluation

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