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United States Department of Education Office of Innovation and Improvement. Completing the PIRC 2010 Annual Performance Report. Parental Information and Resource Center Technical Assistance Webinar April 13, 2010. Overview. Purpose of ED 524B ED 524B Cover Sheet Executive Summary
United States Department of EducationOffice of Innovation and Improvement Completing the PIRC2010 Annual Performance Report Parental Information and Resource Center Technical Assistance Webinar April 13, 2010
Overview • Purpose of ED 524B • ED 524B • Cover Sheet • Executive Summary • Section A: Project Objectives Information and Related Performance Measures Data • Section B: Budget Information • Section C: Additional Information • e-Reports Submission Information • Announcements • Q & A
Purpose of the 524B • Standardize reporting requirements • Aggregate data across PIRC programs • Provide data to report on the PIRC GPRA indicators • Provide data to decision makers about the effectiveness of PIRC program • Monitor project implementation
Annual Performance Report (APR) 524B Form: • ED’s generic performance report for discretionary grants • Used both as an annual and a final performance report • ED 524B forms available at (www.ed.gov/fund/grant/apply/appforms/appforms.html) • Electronic submission through e-Reports is mandatory (http://e-grants.ed.gov) • Only project directors can access e-Reports
APR Due Date: June 5, 2010 NO LATER THAN 4:30pm EDT
ED 524B Cover Sheet Did you include and/or verify Project Director? (name, title, phone number, fax number and email address)
Budget Information 10 01 2009 09 30 2010
Cover Sheet Additional Information X X 10 29 10
ED 524B Executive Summary • Narrative summary of your program for the project period (1-2 pages) • Suggested outline (See also the guiding questions): • Highlights of the project’s goals • The extent to which the expected outcomes and performance measures were achieved • What contributions the project has made to research, knowledge, practice, and/or policy • Evaluation
Section A: Project Objectives Information and Related Performance Measures Data Everyone must report on: • PIRC GPRA objective: Federally funded PIRC programs provide parents with the information they need to understand their state accountability systems and their rights and opportunities for supplemental services and public school choice. • Additional project-specific objectives, i.e., what you are evaluating to specifically demonstrate whether substantial progress was made to meet project objectives and performance measures
Section A: GPRA Project Objectives and Related Performance Measures Data 3 GPRA Performance Measures (each in a distinct row): • One measure for # of parents participating in direct services for each: a. State accountability system b. SES c. School choice
Section A: GPRA Performance Measures • Direct services = PIRC advice, materials, or training are provided to an identifiable parent(s) and the PIRC has evidence of that service (e.g., one-on-one, parent trainings, and consultation with parents)
NO INDIRECT SERVICES FOR GPRA MEASURES Indirect services will NOT be included in GPRA numbers, (i.e., those in which parents received materials but no contact with a PIRC service provider and no documentation of exactly who received the information/services, such as mass media, information booths, mass mailing, web site information services).
Section A: GPRA Performance Measures • Target data = use the raw number target established in your approved application or, if none, use your baseline actual raw number from the first year APR you submitted • Actual data = raw number of parents • Describe, including quantitative and qualitative data, how your PIRC met the GPRA objective
Section A: Project Objectives Project-specific objectives: • Measures you assessed or intend to assess to evaluate your PIRC services from your approved application and evaluation design • Each measure is listed in a distinct row • Provide quantitative target and actual data, if appropriate, or leave those boxes blank and provide an explanation and any relevant quantitative and qualitative data
Uploading Attachments to Section A • IMPORTANT FEATURES OF e-Reports • Tables or charts cannot be pasted into • Section A, Explanation of Progress. • All tables needed for Section A should be • referenced under the relevant performance • measure and attached to Section C as a • single document.
Section B: Budget Information • Budget Period: October 1, 2009 – September 30, 2010 • Provide a detailed budget and budget narrative • including carry-over for the current budget period • Itemize in detail your approved PIRC budget • Provide a detailed budget narrative for each category. • (e.g., personnel salary/benefits, travel, contracted • services, equipment, supplies, etc.) • Budget tables can be uploaded as attachment in • Section B
Section B: Budget Information • Other things to consider in the Budget Narrative: • Why you have not drawn down funds from the Grant • Administration and Payment System (GAPS) to pay for your • budget expenditure amounts reported in items 8a. – 8c of • the ED 524B Cover Sheet. • Why you did not expend funds at the expected rate during • the reporting period. • Why your budget changed significantly resulting from • modifications of project activities. • Why you had budget changes that affected your ability to • achieve approved project activities and/or objectives.
Section B: Budget Information • In addition to the ED524B, please submit: • Budget Detail Worksheet • Budget Summary • Suggested templates have been provided
Section B: Budget Information • ECPE • Budget Detail Worksheet = 30% of total budget • Budget Summary = 30% of total budget • Services for Low-Income Parents • Budget Detail Worksheet = 50% of total budget • Budget Summary = 50% of total budget
Matching Funds • PIRC Requirements: • Grantee shall demonstrate that a portion of the • services provided by the organization or • consortium is supported through non-Federal • contributions • Contributions may be in cash or in kind • (Guidance on matching funds can be found in EDGAR 80.24 and OMB Circular A – 122)
Matching Funds • Reporting: • Indicate the costs or contributions to meet the • matching requirement and the source of the match • If in kind services were provided, describe how the • value was determined
Spreadsheets in e-Reports • Excel spreadsheets cannot be uploaded • directly into any section of e-Reports. • Excel spreadsheets needed as part of an • explanation of budget matters should be • saved as one pdf file and uploaded as a • single document.
Section C: Additional Information PIRC activities and accomplishments, particularly how you met statutory requirements Describe: • Changes in activities for next budget period • Changes to key personnel • Status of your project, including unanticipated outcomes or benefits
Number of Parents Served Please provide the following information:
ECPE Services Please provide a narrative on the types and modes of training, information, and support provided: • These services/activities may be provided by a PIRC staff member, subcontractor, or trained representative.
Strategies Used to Reach and Serve Parents Describe the number and types of products/information, trainings, etc. provided to parents of minority and LEP children.
Parental Involvement Policies and Practices Describe the parental involvement policies and practices used by your PIRC and an evaluation of whether such policies and practices are effective in improving: • Home-school communication • Student academic achievement • Student and school academic achievement • Parental involvement in school planning, review, and improvement
PIRC Work with SEA, LEAs and Schools Describe the effectiveness of your work with your SEA,LEAs and schools towards parental involvement that impacts student and school academic achievement, including: • Determining parental needs • Activities with SEA, LEAs, and schools • Numbers of LEAs and schools
Submission Information: ED Grants.gov Interface
e-Payments e-Reports e-Application Electronic Grants Overview GAPS Database e-Reader ED Grants.gov Interface e-Administration
e-Grants Registration • The first step is to go to http://e-grants.ed.govand click the continue button and the page below will be displayed. • Existing users will enter their username and password. If you are a new user, then click on the register button to begin. • The Project Director must register in order to access the report.
New Users • New users click on the register button to begin. • On the User Registration page, select the e-Grants module you want to access (e-Reports) and click the next button. • You will be directed to the appropriate registration screen where you will enter information such as name, address, email, and information relevant to the appropriate e-Grants module.
New Users • You must enter your name exactly as it appears under item #3 on your Grant Award Notification. • Your organization’s DUNS number can be found under item #8 on the Grant Award Notification document. • Your e-Grants password will be sent to the email address you provide. Once you receive the email, enter your username and password and click the login button.
Existing Users • Existing users enter their username and password and click the login button to begin. • On the next page, the existing users will be shown the e-Grants modules they can access. Users select the module they wish to access and will then be redirected to the appropriate page.
Start Page • The start page will show reports linked to your log-in. • If you do not see any reports, double-check your name and DUNS number. • If these match the GAN, call your program officer.
Completing the Report • E-Reports will be available from May 5 through June 5, 2010 at 4:30 pm EDT. • File size restrictions (8 MB per attachment) will be shown. • Files may be attached in Word (.doc), PDF (.pdf), or Rich Text Format (.rtf). • The system does not support Excel - spreadsheets should either be scanned as PDF, or pasted into another format.
Submitting the Report • Reports are due at 4:30 PM (EST) on June 5, 2010. • Fax a signed Grant Performance Report cover sheet (524B) to (202) 205-5630 within 3 business days of electronic submission to your program officer. • Please print a copy of the report for your records.
Help Desk Information 8 am- 6 pm EST Monday-Friday Phone: (888) 336-8930 E-mail: EDCAPS.USER@ed.gov
Family Engagement Webinar: April 29, 2010 1:30 pm EDT
National PIRC/PTA Conference Registration: June 10 - 12, 2010 Memphis, TN
PIRC Staff Contact Information Rosie.Kelley@ed.gov (202) 260 - 0911 Veronica.Edwards@ed.gov (202) 260 - 2403 Monique.Toussaint@ed.gov (202) 260 - 0964