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Completing the Pennsylvania Public Library Annual Report

Completing the Pennsylvania Public Library Annual Report. Who What When Where Why How. Overview:. What is the Annual Report?.

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Completing the Pennsylvania Public Library Annual Report

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  1. Completing the Pennsylvania Public Library Annual Report Who What When Where Why How Overview:

  2. What is the Annual Report? • The Pennsylvania Public Library Annual Report is a yearly snapshot of your library or library system detailing the resources, finances and services provided to library users in the past year.

  3. Why complete the Annual Report? • The report documents the library’s compliance with standards and eligibility for state aid. • The Library Code requires all libraries receiving state aid to submit an annual report.

  4. Who Uses the Data? The data collected is used to inform library stakeholders about library services and finances and can be instrumental in decisions about policy and funding. Library stakeholders include: • Institute of Museum and Library Services (federal gov’t) • Pennsylvania State Legislature • County and municipal government officials • The Gates Foundation • Local fund-raising and service organizations

  5. When are Annual Reports Due? Libraries with July-June budget years: -Submit to District Library Consultants by March 1st -District Consultants review reports and submit to Office of Commonwealth Libraries by April 1st Libraries with January-December budget years: -Submit to District Library Consultants by March 15th -District Consultants review reports and submit to Office of Commonwealth Libraries by May 1st

  6. Who can assist you with the annual report? • System administrator (if applicable) • District Library Consultant • State Aid Office Contact information can be found in the Pennsylvania Library Directory.

  7. How do I complete the annual report? • The annual report is submitted electronically through LibPAS, a data collection tool by Counting Opinions (SQUIRE) Ltd. • pa.countingopinions.com • A username and password is required. These have remained the same as in previous years. • The login page has a ‘password reminder’ link or contact the Office of Commonwealth Libraries at ra-stateaid@pa.gov

  8. Helpful Hints • Answer all questions. • Round monetary figures to the nearest full dollar. Do not use cents. • Estimated figures are allowed but please enter a note indicating it is an estimate. • Financial figures for branches and bookmobiles are to be reported in the main library report. • Use notes to explain data.

  9. Remember: • The annual report is not a financial document. • It should reflect the status of the library’s operating account at the end of the library’s fiscal year. • Do notwait for the library’s yearly audit or financial review to complete the report.

  10. What supporting documentation is needed? A copy of the Supporting Document Checklist is available on the LibPAS login page. Independent libraries submit supporting documentation directly to the District Library Consultant. System member libraries submit to system headquarters, who then submit to the District Library Consultant.

  11. Questions? Contact Office of Commonwealth Libraries 717-783-5743 ra-stateaid@pa.gov

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