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Unit A Review

Unit A Review. Student Requests to go over. Diversity within species. There are differences in two members of the same species. ex: humans – eye color, skin color, blood type Population – one species living in a specific area Community – all the different species living in a specific area.

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Unit A Review

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  1. Unit A Review Student Requests to go over

  2. Diversity within species • There are differences in two members of the same species. • ex: humans – eye color, skin color, blood type • Population – one species living in a specific area • Community – all the different species living in a specific area

  3. Classification of Organisms • KPCOFGS • Genus species is what’s really important • Genus is like last name • Species is like first name • If same genus name the organisms are related • Ex: The red wolf is called Canisrufus, the timber wolf is called Canislupus, and the dog, Canisfamiliaris. All CanisGenus, all related!

  4. Symbiosis • The general close relationship of two or more organisms. The relationship can be classified based on who is benefit and harmed. • Commensalism: one benefit, other nothing • Mutualism: both benefit • Parasitism: one benefit, one harmed

  5. Niche •      The role of an organism within the ecosystem. Including what it eats, what eats it, where it lives • The broader the niche means that it is more of a generalist and can live/eat in many places. More easy going • A narrow niche means it is a specialist, can only eat a specific thing (panda) or live in a specific area.

  6. Heritable vs. Non Heritable • Heritable characteristics are passed on from generation to generation through DNA • Ex: hair color, skin color • Non-heritable chrematistics are acquired from the environment or learned. • Ex: playing piano, hockey skills, sun tan, hair dye

  7. Asexual Reproduction • One parent • Two or more offspring • Offspring are identical to parents • Happens quickly • Binary fission • Budding • Spore production • Vegetative Reproduction (suckers, cuttings, runners, rhizomes)

  8. Sexual Reproduction • 2 parents • Usually one offspring • Offspring is a genetic mix of mom and dad (greater variation-which is a good thing) • Takes longer • Stages of development:

  9. Parts of a flower

  10. DNA, chromosomes, genes • DNA – the inherited material responsible for heritable traits (found in the nucleus of cells, ladder shaped, made of 4 chemicals GCAT) • Chromosomes – packages of DNA (humans have 46, or 23 pairs) • Genes – an uninterrupted segment of DNA (located on the chromosomes, in pairs, both in a pair code for same characteristics) • Allele is the possible form of that trait. (black fur vs. white fur)

  11. Mitosis vs. Meiosis • In sex cells (gametes) • Daughter cells have half the DNA as the daughter • In body cells • Parent and daughter cells have same amount of DNA

  12. Purebred vs. Hybrid • Purebred is an organism that for generations and generations have produced the same trait. • Ex: purebred chocolate lab (parents, grandparents, great grand parents etc are all chocolate labs) • Hybrid is an organism that parents differ in trait • Ex: black and white cat have a black kitten (kitten is a hybrid

  13. Dominant vs. Recessive • Dominant is the trait that appears when there are two different alleles. • Ex: B=black cat, b = white cat. • If cat has genotype Bb, it will be black, because black is dominant, it is a carrier of the recessive allele white. • Recessive is the trait that will be hidden • B = white is the recessive allele • Incomplete dominance – neither allele takes dominance and an in between happens • Ex: Bb = grey instead of black because of incomplete

  14. Extinction vs. Extirpation • Extinction is when there are no more of a particular species living on earth. • Expiration is when there are no more of a particular species living in a specific area where they used to live.

  15. Artificial Selection • The process of selecting and breeding specific individuals with specific traits to create offspring with the same trait • Ex: Breeding dogs, horses, cows • Genetic engineering – refers to any technology that alters the DNA of an organism

  16. Why do we have seed banks? • To help preserve variation in the world • Why else?

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