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C. S. Lewis. A Brief Biography by Jeff Gordon. “Endless Books” (Lewis 10). C. S. Lewis was born in Belfast on November 29, 1898 (Visser). Education. After attending horrific schools as a boy, a private tutor prepared Lewis for undergraduate studies at University College, Oxford (Sayer 66).
C. S. Lewis A Brief Biography by Jeff Gordon
“Endless Books” (Lewis 10) • C. S. Lewis was born in Belfast on November 29, 1898 (Visser).
Education After attending horrific schools as a boy, a private tutor prepared Lewis for undergraduate studies at University College, Oxford (Sayer 66).
Tutor, Lecturer, Scholar After a brief stint in the British army, Lewis took three first-class degrees from Oxford and ultimately began teaching English there at Magdalen College (Sayer 107).
The Writer Once established at Oxford, Lewis wrote scholarly books like The Allegory of Love (1936) and theological works like The Screwtape Letters (1942). (Visser)
C. S. Lewis Goes to Venus • In Perelandra, Lewis shows human beings exporting evil to outer space. • Lewis believed that this middle book in his Space Trilogy was the best (Sayer 180).
Conversion Lewis was for many years a convinced atheist. He attributed his conversion to Christianity to his reading and to the influence of friends like Hugo Dyson and J. R. R. Tolkien (Lewis 216).
The Wardrobe In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the wardrobe functions as a symbol for the human capacity to pass from the ordinary to the extraordinary (Ford 438).
“It’s all in Plato, all in Plato.” Frustrated by the dullness of Peter and Susan Pevensie, Professor Digory Kirke wonders aloud about what is taught in schools these days. (See Ford 315-324.)
C. S. Lewis Moves to Cambridge While finishing his Narnia books, Lewis left Magdalen College, Oxford, and moved to Magdalene College, Cambridge (Sayer 218).
The Eternal Bachelor Ties the Knot In 1956 Lewis married Joy Gresham, who died a few years later of cancer (Sayer 223, 232).
Lewis Dies on November 22, 1963 Lewis’s tombstone ends with a quotation from Shakespeare: “Men must endure their going hence.” The quotation appeared on a calendar in Lewis’s boyhood home on the day his mother died (Hooper 119).
Works Cited Ford, Paul F. Companion to Narnia. New York: Collier, 1986. Print. Hooper, Walter. C. S. Lewis: A Companion and Guide. San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1996. Print. Lewis, C. S. Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life. San Diego: Harvest, 1984. Print. Sayer, George. Jack: C. S. Lewis and His Times. San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988. Print. Visser, John. "Biography." Into the Wardrobe: A C. S. Lewis Web Site. 1994-2008. Web. 23 August 2008.