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SAPCA Appreciative Inquiry Project. Agenda. Background How did we get here? Committee Reports Professional Training and Programming (PTP) - Chris Lucerne Coaching Connections and Conversations (CCC) - Beverley McClure Marketing and Public Relations (MRK/PR) – Annette Kresie-Evanson.
Agenda • Background • How did we get here? • Committee Reports • Professional Training and Programming (PTP) - Chris Lucerne • Coaching Connections and Conversations (CCC) - Beverley McClure • Marketing and Public Relations (MRK/PR) – Annette Kresie-Evanson
The Beginning • At a SAPCA Board Planning meeting August 30, 2011 SAPCA’s Board discussed ways to energize our chapter and to increase our presence in the local community. One of the ideas discussed was the potential of an Appreciative Inquiry of all members, recent guests and fellow coaches to discern what we most want from SAPCA and what we are willing to give to SAPCA.
What is Appreciative Inquiry • Primarily an organizational development method which focuses on increasing what an organization does well rather than on eliminating what it does badly. Through an inquiry which appreciates the positive and engages all levels of an organization (and often its customers and suppliers) it seeks to renew, develop and build on this
Affirmative Topic Choice We envision the San Antonio Professional Coaches Association (SAPCA) as an experience to foster professional connections, to grow our coaching skill and to increase the abundance of our coaching practice. We see SAPCA energized to provide key services to its members as well as create awareness of the coaching profession in our local region. We want anyone who is a coach in South Texas to be a part of our collegial association. SAPCA’s presence and influence will be more widely known as a result of our positive energy, increased membership, stimulating programs and a warm and friendly coaching community.
Discovery Phase • Discovery Phase • Twelve (12) SAPCA members and participants completed thirty-three (33) interviews from October 10 – November 10, 2011. These interviews allowed the space for a conversation with many ideas, feelings and stories to emerge. • Claiming SAPCA’s Positive Core • Using the collected data on Positive Themes and Important Values from the interviews we discerned The Positive Core of SAPCA. The powerful words below can be used by SAPCA to clarify its identity, create or renew its Vision, Mission and Core Values. All future strategies should express the energy of The Positive Core…it’s our claim of what makes us uniquely who we are as a professional coaching association. • The visual image and the words below reflect of The Positive Core. It is a listing of the words and concepts that the thirty-three (33) interviewees and thirteen (13) summit participants feel reflect the positive energy of SAPCA .
Dream Phase • Dream Phase • The purpose of the dream phase is to engage the whole system in moving beyond the status quo to envision an energized and vital future. Dreaming is an invitation to people to lift their sights, exercise their imagination, and dream about what their organization could look like if it were fully aligned around its strengths and aspirations. • SAPCA Summit • Thirteen (13) members and non-members participated in the mini-summit on the theme Energizing SAPCA’s Coaching Community.
Design Phase • Design Phase • This phase is the co-constructing phase of taking the energy and dreams of SAPCA and turning them into action plans with clear objectives, goals, people responsible and timeline. This critical planning phase is where the practical steps to implementation are determined. • Marketing / Public Relations Ronnie Gomez Annette Kresie-Evanson • Professional Training and Programs Chris Lucerne Larry Wynn • Coaching Connections and Conversations Beverley McClure Janet Bonnin Leslie Cardinal
Today! • Listen • Connect • Decide We envision the San Antonio Professional Coaches Association (SAPCA) as an experience to foster professional connections, to grow our coaching skill and to increase the abundance of our coaching practice. We see SAPCA energized to provide key services to its members as well as create awareness of the coaching profession in our local region. We want anyone who is a coach in South Texas to be a part of our collegial association. SAPCA’s presence and influence will be more widely known as a result of our positive energy, increased membership, stimulating programs and a warm and friendly coaching community.
Appreciative Inquiry Design Team Outbrief Professional Training and Programming (PTP)
Design Team Members • Larry Wynn • Chris Lucerne
PTP Provocative Possibility • As coaches we are so inspired to attend every SAPCA meeting, that when it is impossible to do so, we know we missed a significant growth experience. Whether fresh into the business or well-seasoned as a coach, our provocative programs offer new tools, concepts, and nuances of the coaching business for immediate application. • While fostering the ethical and professional standards of coaching, our programs meet three primary requirements for ICF CCEU approval: (1) ICF Coaching Core Competencies, (2) Personal Development of the Coach, and (3) Business Development and Marketing. We connect with local learning institutions and align with regional ICF chapters to expand meaningful training collaborations and experiences. • With all of this, a sense of community is formed. And through our generosity of spirit we share who we are and what we know… as we challenge, support, and inspire one another to greater heights. Together we provide top quality coaching to the San Antonio community, and beyond.
The Plan The following recommendations are a combination of recent SAPCA program experiences, SAPCA member surveys and the best ideas from the five ICF chapters interviewed. We have two recommended strategies for implementation: Strategy One: Program and Training Content and Flow Strategy Two: Process for Successful Programs and Training
Strategy One Program and Training Content and Flow
Program and Training Content • ICF Core Competency Topics • Personal Development Topics • Marketing • Managing and Growing a Business • Coaching Fees
Types/Frequency of Meetings • Monthly Meetings (breakfast or lunch): Featuring guest speakers or SAPCA members. • Four Hour Workshops: Workshops that offer a deeper exploration of chosen topics. • One-Day Workshop: Inviting (or collaborating with) other Texas ICF Chapters to feature a well-known presenter, i.e. • A prominent coach • A well-known person from the personal/professional development world that offers skills a coach could use (i.e. Byron Katie, etc.)
Annual Calendar Flow We recommend nine (9) monthly two hour meetings including a one hour Program or Training event (9 CCEUs); two (2) four hour workshops (8 CCEUs), and one (1) full day workshop (8 CCEUs): January, March, April, June, July, August, November: Monthly meeting February: Four hour workshop (incorporate as a part of Coach’s Week) May: Four hour workshop September: Full day workshop (possibly collaborate with other TX ICF Chapters) October: Monthly meeting (SAPCA President reports on ICF Annual Conference) December: Monthly meeting (continue tradition of Sharing Tools and Inspirations for the Season)
Webinars Other ICF chapters (including Houston) use live webinars as a part of their program and training delivery. We recommend collaboration with other Texas ICF chapters to engage high profile speakers by use of technology.
Elements of Each Meeting • Role plays • Activities that create conversation among participants where connections are made • Games • Coaching demonstrations with feedback and/or Q & A • Round robin on given topics of interest where each participant expresses his/her opinion or offers a question • Practice coaching skills
Strategy Two Process for Successful Program and Training
Programs Committee Responsibilities The Program Chair and Co-Chair would: • Complete a Professional Programs and Training Survey • Build an Annual Calendar for Programs/Training including a budget • Ask potential program presenters to submit form and follow through on all details to engage the presenter • Submit ICF CCEU Application • Provide CCEU Certificate • Evaluation of Programs and Training
Finances Budget for Programs and Training • Each speaker gifted a $50 gift certificate to Barnes & Noble or Amazon as a small token of appreciation. ($600 expense per year) • Provide travel and lodging expenses for at least two programs a year for out-of-town speakers, not to exceed $500 for each visit. ($1,000 per year) • Recommended pricing for programs to assist in providing budget for the speakers. MembersNon-Members 1. Monthly meetings (9) $20 $30 2. 4 hour workshop (2) $60 $75 3. Full day workshop (1) $125 $145 • Recommend splitting the Fees (after expenses) with the Presenters for 4 hour and 8 hour Workshops
Other Strategies In addition to Strategy One (Program Content) and Strategy Two (Program Process) we know there are other strategies that could foster a higher quality of SAPCA programs to be considered for a later time: 1. Collaborate on Professional Programs and Training with other Texas ICF Chapters 2. Develop a more robust plan for Coach’s Week in addition to the four hour workshop 3. Create a Prism Award for an “Outstanding Local Coach” each year. Many chapters have a banquet with spouses and other invited guests to this celebration event. 4. Develop opportunities to bring our clients and other invited guests to program events that have a broader appeal.
Opportunities for Engagement • Volunteer for Programs Chair • Volunteer for Programs Co-chair
Appreciative Inquiry Design Team Outbrief Coaching Connections and Conversations (CCC)
Design Team Members • Janet Bonnin • Leslie Cardinal • Beverley McClure
CCC Provocative Possibility Building on SAPCA’s community of collaboration, creative, and giving coaches… • Create a powerful framework of resources, processes, and tools • Facilitate mentoring, collaboration, cross-promotion, resource sharing, and referrals • Build trusting, enduring, professional relationships
CCC Objective 1 Provide support for new coaches, or those considering coaching, in their efforts to obtain information, training, and credentialing regarding the coaching profession • Provide information about professional coach training and credentialing via “ICF” link • Provide opportunities (website and at meetings) for SAPCA Members to extend, limited, informal support to new coaches. (How they got started, niches, etc.)
CCC Objective 2 Support the credentialing of professional coaches by providing information and access to ICF qualified mentor coaches. • Encourage members to pursue professional credentialing • Populate website with ICF credentialing info • Create a “Find a SAPCA Mentor Coach” link on website • Invite qualified mentor coaches to participate as compensated mentors • Populate website • Communicate availability
Opportunities for Engagement • Volunteer to be informal mentor • Volunteer to be formal mentor
CCC Objective 3 Provide a robust pool of resources for SAPCA member coaches to enhance their business and professional development • Survey membership to collect the following: • Matrix of specialties • Collaboration templates • Business templates • Helpful websites – Bedo.org, New Coach Connections (Yahoo Group), mysapl.org (SA Library) • Suggested readings • Populate website, as appropriate
CCC Objective 4 Facilitate the collaboration and promotion of SAPCA members and their services. • Develop Referral Support – General description of process, matrix of specialties, collaboration templates • Populate website with referral support resources • Communication to local community promoting SAPCA members’ business services and events. (Collaborate with Marketing Design Team) • Make use of a Monthly meeting (perhaps regularly) to gather ideas for how we can support each other. (Program Chair)
Opportunities for Engagement • Volunteer to organize effort and oversee survey and web enhancement process • Participate in survey and provide tools and resources for sharing
Appreciative Inquiry Design Team Outbrief Marketing and Public Relations (MRK/PR)
M MRK/PR Design Team Members • Ronnie Gomez • Annette Kresie-Evanson
M MRK /PR Provocative Possibilities Further the reach, awareness and understanding of SAPCA and the profession of coaching in SA • Become the “Go To” organization for all area professional coaches • Establish Alliance Partners consisting of targeted SA professional organizations and businesses • Expand the over all understanding and reach of professional coaching / Highlight the benefits derived from coaching, coaching ROI
MRK/PR Objective 1 Become the “Go To” Organization for area professional coaches • Continue updating our website to be both a resource/development tool and a marketing tool for coaches Website Resources/Development Tools for Coaches • (Previously mentioned) Add CCC links: ICFinfo credentialing, events, ICF mission etc. • Core Competency Content/Link to Conference Calls /CCEU • Add Recent SAPCA meeting highlights – “Aha” quotes from coaches, pictures, video clips and meeting summary • Add SAPCA member “testimonials as to why SAPCA is Essential • Further linking the ICF branding with SAPCA name
MRK/PR Objective 1a • Website Marketing Tools for Coaches (as well as for SAPCA) • Add Media Articles about coaching, i.e. “Why My Business Hires Coaches”, “How a Coaching Culture has Improved My Business”, etc. • Add Coaching Trending Data national and global • Add “Coachee” quotes as to why coaching works, Coaching ROI • Add Articles written by member coaches in their areas of expertise • Add a “Hire a Speaker” –link to highlight SAPCA coaches and their areas of expertise • Work with CCC/ Membership Chairs to increase SAPCA membership • Identify and market to, local businesses that have “on staff”/corporate coaches • Work with Program and Training Chairs to develop a Program Sponsorship Program • Sponsors pay $150 (TBD) and receive, advertising at event and on our website • Automate and Expand Programming calendar info/adds on EN Online and in EN
MRK/PR Objective 2 Create Alliance Partners with local professional organizations and businesses who are aligned with coaching values and ethics to mutually expand professional development and networking and marketing opportunities for all members • Business Organizations/Associations such as; SA-ASTD, SA-HRMA, local chambers, AITP- SA (Association of Information Technology) Austin-ICF (we are listed as a resource on their web) • Ministry/Religious Associations and Organizations • Mental Health Associations such as; BCPA (Bexar County Psychological Association, APA), APA (American Psychiatric Association)
MRK/PR Objective 2a • Alliance Partner Benefits – • Discounted admission to member events, • Expanded programs & networking opportunities, • Shared best practices, • Mutual marketing on websites & calendars • In lieu of a targeted organization becoming an Alliance Partner, market to them about the benefits of coaching; provide a coaching presentation, information about the benefits of coaching, coaching ROI
MRK/PR Objective 3 Expand the over all understanding and reach of professional coaching- Highlight the benefits derived from coaching • “What is Coaching/ROI” Event/Program (Working with Program Chairs) • Present “What is Coaching/ROI?” Program/ Presentation to various business organizations, i.e. local Chamber Event/Booth, other speaking opportunities • Have SAPCA Coaches present ”What is Coaching/ROI” to various organizations and businesses and note speaking schedule on our website and promote through EN calendars and other business organization calendars • Submit Articles Authored by SAPCA Coaches to BizJ and EN (especially for February) • Submit Benefits of Coaching /ROI articles to newspapers and to various business/ organizations for their websites • All of above activities co-promote with SAPCA Alliance Partners • All of above activities submit to local corporate newsletters
Opportunities for EngagementObjectives 1 & 3 • Volunteer – Marketing Co-Chair • Work with VA to Oversee Website Updates • Create Core Competency Content • Create Feed-Forward Form to capture; • Aha moments from meeting were… • I gained this from the meeting • Why I am so glad I came to the meeting • Upload to website • Collect Articles from SAPCA Coaches to Submit to website and to EN and BizJ (Objective 3) & Develop PR with EN, BizJ and Corporate Newsletters • Create “Hire a Speaker Link” • Collect SAPCA Speaker Information/ Create Topics of Expertise
Opportunities for EngagementObjective 2 • Build Alliance Partners • Reach out to Organizations and Businesses to Inquire/Build SAPCA Alliance Partners (AP’s) • If Organization/ Business does not become an AP Remain in Contact with Business • Provide SAPCA info • Promote special SAPCA meeting, events and workshops (calendar) • Provide articles of interest about coaching, coaching ROI • Build the connection (= Marketing and PR)