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The Visual System Part 1

The Visual System Part 1. Aqueous humor secreted from Ciliary body, Flos to Anterior Chamber, drains through Canal of Schlemm. _________. Intrinsic Muscles of the Eye: The Iris. Iris circular.....________ radial.....…________ Dilating pupil for eye exam: how to do it?. Pharmacology of

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The Visual System Part 1

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  1. The Visual SystemPart 1

  2. Aqueous humorsecreted from Ciliary body, Flos to Anterior Chamber, drains throughCanal of Schlemm

  3. _________

  4. Intrinsic Muscles of the Eye: The Iris • Iris • circular.....________ • radial.....…________ • Dilating pupil for eye exam: how to do it? Pharmacology of pupillary dilation: _________

  5. Intrinsic Muscles of the Eye:Ciliary Muscle • Ciliary muscle relaxed = tension on zonular fibers = tension on lens = flattened lens = _________________ • Ciliary muscle contracted = tension on zonular fibers reduced = less tension on lens = lens becomes more spherical =__________________ • Eye strain Using a Microscope or Binoculars

  6. Near point of Accomodation 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.3 0.4

  7. With Convergence DemonstrateConvergence

  8. __________= misalignment of eyesDue to _______________________ Extraocular muscles Motor innervation by CN III = __________CN IV = __________CN VI = __________

  9. Lateral geniculate nucleusa subdivision of the thalamus.

  10. Visual reflexes: ___________, ___________, ___________, ___________.

  11. Clinical Case Study: Hyperprolactinemia, p. 627-8 of text

  12. The Visual SystemPart 2

  13. The Retina

  14. What do you notice with regards to the connections in this complex circuit? What cells seem to have axons? What does this mean with regards to sensory coding?

  15. S 15 Receptors for light detection More membrane =more photosensitive molecules =more sensitive to light Photoreceptor cells4 light sensitive proteins:- 1 type of _____- 3 types of ______, each with a single type

  16. Visual Acuity • 120,000,000 rods and 6,000,000 cones per retina • 1,200,000 retinal ganglion cells & axons • ____:___convergence ratio • Fovea:

  17. Differences in spectral sensitivity due to 4 types of ______. Web-based color deficiency test _______ Theory of Color Vision

  18. “Bleaching” of photopigments _________ _________

  19. The cascade of events initiated by light in a photoreceptor. The result of the cascade is to close a cGMP-gated sodium channel, reducing the inward current and hyperpolarizing the membrane. Source: Kandel, Schwartz & Jessell, Principles of Neural Science, 4th Edn What is the advantage of this multistep process?

  20. Hubel and Weisel Experiments VisualCortexNeurons LateralGeniculateNeurons Youtube RetinalGanglionCells

  21. _____________in the Cortex • Motion sensitive • Color and shape sensitive

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