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HOPKINS SCHOOL ACADEMIC OFFERINGS. PLANNING A PROGRAM OF STUDY Grades 9 & 10. Minimum Graduation Requirements. 18 credits in Grades 9 – 12 At least 4 ½ credits each year Athletics requirement, Health Course Swim and Water Rescue Test. Arts 1 ½ (Note distribution requirement)

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  2. Minimum Graduation Requirements • 18 credits in Grades 9 – 12 • At least 4 ½ credits each year • Athletics requirement, Health Course • Swim and Water Rescue Test

  3. Arts 1 ½ (Note distribution requirement) English 4 Language 3 (In one language) History 2 ½ Mathematics 3 (does not include Algebra 1) Science 2

  4. Academic Term Load • Each Term • Minimum number – at least 4 academic courses (excluding Health and non-AP Art courses) • Maximum number – no more than 5 academic courses (excluding Health and non-AP Art courses) Exemptions require permission.

  5. Planning Credits • Finish graduation requirements before Term II of senior year • Summer courses for credit must be pre-approved by the appropriate department. Students may start receiving credit for Summer School courses after the completion of Grade 9.

  6. Standardized Testing • Suggested guidelines for standardized testing: pp. 8-9 • PSAT • SAT, ACT • SAT Subject Tests • AP Examinations

  7. Course Choice Overview for 8th Graders • Required: English 9, Mathematics, Classical / Modern Language, T2 Health • Options: • Choose Art or not (Note distribution requirement) • Choose Atlantic Communities I or not (99% take) • Choose Biology or not (99% take)

  8. Course Choice Overview for 9th Graders • Required: English 10, continue Mathematics, continue Classical / Modern Language, T1 Health • Options: • Choose Art or not (Note distribution requirement) • Choose Chemistry (99% take) • Choose Atlantic Communities II or not(99% take)

  9. Arts • 1 ½ credits of Arts required for graduation • Distribution requirement: • minimum of ½ credit in Middle School (Grs. 9, 10) • minimum of ½ credit in Senior School (Grs. 11, 12)

  10. Arts in Middle School Courses offered in four different areas: • Drama: Theatre Workshop, Improv, Acting for Modern Stage, Technical Theatre, Public Speaking, Acting for Film Music: Concert Choir, Orchestra, Jazz/Rock Ensemble, AP Music Theory [Fundamentals], Global Music Ensemble, Music Composition/Production (T2 AP Music Theory offered in 2015-16) • Media Arts:Digital Photography, Interm./Advanced Photo, Graphic Design, Web Design, Fundamentals/Advanced Video Production • Visual Arts: Architecture, Studio Art 1 & 2, Woodworking

  11. Advanced Visual Arts • Four-year sequential program: • Studio Art I • Fine Art Studio I • Fine Art Studio II • Fine Art Studio III Although not recommended, it is possible to enter the program at any stage with departmental approval.

  12. The Classics • Ancient Greek • Greek I - IV • Greek may be begun at any time in Grades 9-12 • Give second choice on course selection sheet

  13. The Classics • Two options after Latin III: • Latin IV (Non-AP) • AP Latin: Vergil and Caesar • Fifth-level honors course: • Latin V: Golden Age Literature Honors • Students in Latin III, IV or AP may register for SAT Subject Test

  14. English • Prescribed sequence: English 9, English 10 • Electives offered in Term II of Grade 11 and Terms I and II of Grade 12

  15. History Sequence Grade 9: Atlantic Communities I (year) Grade 10: Atlantic Communities II (year) Grade 11: Atlantic Communities III (Term I or II) OR AP United States History (year) OR AP European History (year) Grade 11: History electives in Term II Grade 12: History electives (term electives)

  16. History • Atlantic Communities II now offered in Hopkins Summer School • If AC2 taken in summer, AC3 must be taken during regular school year • May be used to lighten Grade 10 academic load or to make room for second language or elective

  17. History • AP US History* or AP European History* may replace Atlantic Communities III • AP US History prepares for the SAT Subject Test in US History *Departmental approval required for AP courses.

  18. Mathematics • Course numbering system: Regular (3, 4, 5…) Enriched (13, 14, 15…) Accelerated (… 24, 25, 26, Honors courses 31, 32) • Student should speak with teacher to determine next level • Departmental approval required for Enriched and Accelerated courses • SAT Subject Test: Math 5 (Level 1), Math 15 or 25 (Level 2)

  19. Algebra 2 courses: M4, M14, and M24 • Math 4 • Normally the next course after Math 3 • Math 14 • Normally the next course after Math 13 or for those students who have done exceptional work in Math 3 and whose Algebra skills are strong • Math 24 • For students who have done very well in Math 13

  20. Modern Languages • Chinese, French, Italian, Spanish • AP courses offered in all • 5th level for French and Spanish • 4th level for Chinese and Italian

  21. Modern Languages • May request accelerated section on course selection form for French 2, 3 or Spanish 2, 3 • Departmental approval required for accelerated/honors courses • SAT Subject Test: 4th level • November administration with oral component is recommended

  22. Science 9th Grade Science Choices: • Biology • No science

  23. Science 10th Grade Science Choices: • Biology(if not taken in 9th Grade) • Chemistry • Chemistry Accelerated

  24. Science • Chemistry • College prep course covering introductory topics • Less complex mathematical analysis • Substantial hands-on lab experience • Does not prepare for SAT Subject Test

  25. Science • Chemistry Accelerated • For those students who enjoy science and who are able to move rapidly with a quantitative physical science • Substantial hands-on lab experience • Math 14 pre- or co-requisite and department approval • Students may consider registering for SAT Subject Test • Prerequisite for AP Chemistry

  26. Science • Physics is offered in Hopkins Summer School • May be taken in summer following Grade 10/11 • Student must take Biology and Chemistry during regular academic year • Satisfies pre-requisites for Physics electives • Does not satisfy AP Physics C pre-requisite • Department approval is required

  27. Scheduling Process • Course selection forms (blue) are due to adviser on Thursday, February 13 • Fill out entire form. Be sure to include 2nd choices for electives. • Request accelerated and honors sections even if student is already enrolled in one. Department will make final decision. • Summer Study Proposal Form due by June 6.

  28. Scheduling Timetable • May 1 – May 23: Schedule conflicts resolved • June 18: Student courses sent home with grades • July 1: Deadline for all schedule inquiries

  29. Hopkins Summer School • Summer Study Proposal Form required (Due: June 6) • Apply as soon as possible • Student may start receiving credit for Hopkins Summer School courses after completion of Grade 9 • Hopkins Summer School • Catalogue online at Hopkins.edu or contact Kevin Cronin, Summer School Director at ext. 372

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