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In The Name Of God. Analysis of Animal Farm translations according to Vinay and Darbelnet̕ s indirect translation. By: Mina Azaryoun. About Vinay and Darbelnet.
Analysis of Animal Farm translations according to Vinay and Darbelnet̕ s indirecttranslation By: Mina Azaryoun
About Vinay and Darbelnet Jean Darbelnet (1904-1990) was born in Paris and studied at the Sorbonne before working as a reader at the universities of Wales, Edinburgh and Manchester. In 1938-39 he taught French at Harvard before moving to Canada in 1940, where he taught at McGill University from until 1946, setting up a three-year programme of night classes in translation. He later taught at Bowdoin College and Laval University.
Jean-Paul Vinay (1910-1999) was born in Paris and studied English at the Sorbonne before obtaining an MA in Phonetics and Philology from the University of London in 1937. He served with the French army in 1939-40 as a liaison officer with the British Expeditionary Forces. In 1946 he moved to Canada, where he taught at the University of Montréal as professor and head of the department of Linguistics and Translation. In addition to his work on translation he directed publication of the bilingual Canadian Dictionary in 1962 and became well-known through a television course Speaking French. In 1967 he moved to the University of Victoria in British Columbia.
Translation Procedures According To Vinay and Darbelnet : Direct/Literal translation: Borrowing Calque Literal Indirect/Oblique translation: Transposition Modulation Equivalence Adaptation
Indirect/Oblique translation : indirect or oblique translation procedures are used when the structure or conceptual elements of the source language cannot be directly translated without altering meaning or upsetting the grammatical and stylistic elements of the target language.
Transposition: • It is a change of one part of speech for another without changing the sense, it involves replacing one word class from sourse language without changing the meaning of message.This method also involve s a change in the grammar from the sourse language into target language such as singular to plural, position of adjective ,changing the word class or part of speech ,a word becom a phrase and a phrase becom a clause.
A further crucial parameter taken into consideration by Vinay and Darbelnet was that of servitude and option. While the former is bound up with mandatory transpositions and modulationsdue to dissimilarities between the two language codes, the latter refers to non-obligatory changes in TL due to the translator̕ s own style and personal preferences.
On every kind of pretext she would run away from work and go to the drinking pool, where she would stand foolishly gazing at her own reflection in the water. • به هر بهانه ای بود از زیر کار در می رفت و کنار برکه می رفت و مثل احمقها به عکس خودش در آب زل می زد.(صالح حسینی،ص49) • و به کوچکترین بهانه دست از کار می کشید و می رفت کنار استخرو باطرزابلهانه ای به تصویرش در آب خیره می شد.(امیر شاهی،ص45)
The two horses had just lain down when a brood of ducklings, which had lost their mother,field into the barn. • اسبها تازه دراز کشیده بودند که یک دسته جوجه مرغابی که مادرشان را گم کرده بودند ،به طویله آمدند. (صالح حسینی،ص7) • دو اسب تازه جابجا شده بودند که یک دسته جوجه مرغابی ،که مادرشان را از دست داده بودند دنبال هم واد شدند.(امیر شاهی،ص7)
And in fact he was not of first-rate intelligenc, but he was universally respected for his steadiness of character and tremendous powers of work. • و حقیقت مطلب اینکه در زمره زیرکهای درجه یک نبود ،ولی به دلیل ثبات و نیروی فوق العا ده اش در کار مورد احترام همه بود.(امیر شاهی،ص6) • راستش را بخوا هید ،هوش و ذکاوت خیلی خوبی هم نداشت و لی به سبب پایمردی وزور بازوی بی نظیرش مورد احترام همگان بود.(صالح حسینی ،ص8)
Modulation: It refers to a variation of the form of the message , obtained by a change in the point of view, the category of thought. It allows us to express the same phenomena in a different way.
All the habits of Man are evil. تمام عادات بشری زشت است.(امیرشاهی،ص12) هیچ عادتی از عادات انسانی نیست که شر نباشد.(صالح حسینی،ص13)
We are born ,weare given just so much food as will keep the breath in our bodies. به دنیا می آ ییم ،فقط به اندازه بخور و نمییر به ما می دهند.(صالح حسینی ،ص9) به دنیا می آ ییم ،جز قوت لا یموتی نداریم.(امیر شاهی ص8)
Is it not crystal clear, then , comrades, that all the evils of this life of ours spring from the tyranny of human beings? • پس رفقا ،آ یا مثل روز روشن نیست که همه بلا ها ی زندگی ما از خود کامگی انسان دو پا آب می خورد.؟ (صالح حسینی،ص11) • بنا بر این رفقا آیا مثل روز روشن نیست که تمام نکبت این زندگی ما از ظلم بشری سرچشمه گرفته؟(امیرشاهی ص11) (مثل روز روشن است که)
Adaptation: A procedure used in those cases where the type of situation being refered to by the SL message is unknown in the TL culture. This strategy focus on phenomena or practices that are absent in the target culture. It is also replacing a social/cultural reality in the sours text wiht a corresponding reality in the target text.It is an effective way to deal with culturally-bound words /expression ,metaphors,idioms and images in translation.
In Sugarcandy Mountin it was Sunday seven days a weekclover was in season all the year round ,and lump sugar and linseed cake grown on the hedges. • در کوه پر از شهد و شکر هفت روز هفته جمعه است درتمام طول سال شبدر می روید وحبه قندو کیک در پرچین هایش عمل می آید.(صالح حسینی،ص21) • در سرزمین شیرو عسل هر هفت روز هفته یکشنبه است،در آنجا تمام سال شبدر موجود است وبر درختها نبات می روید.(امیر شاهی،ص19)
What then must we do? Why , work night and day ,body and soul, for the overthrow of the human race! • چه باید بکنیم ؟بسیار ساده است باید شب وروز،جسما و روحا برای انقراض نسل بشر تلاش کنیم.(امیر شاهی،ص11) • پس تکلیف چیست؟خب جواب اینست که باید شب وروزبا دل و جان کار کنیم و نسل بشر را از میان برداریم.(صالح حسینی،ص12)
With the ring of light from his lantern dancing from side to side he lurched across the yard ,kicked off his boots at the back door, drew himself a last glass of beer from the barrel in the scullery, and made his way up to bed, where Mrs. Jones was already snoring • تلو تلو خوران با حلقه نور فانوسش که رقص کنان تاب می خوردسراسر حیات را پیمود،کفشش را پشت در از پا بیرون انداخت و آخرین گیلاس آبجو را از بشکه آبدارخانه پر کردوافتان و خیزان به سمت اتاق خواب که خانم جونز در آنجا در حال خروپف بودرفت.(امیرشاهی،ص5)
در حلقه روشنایی فانوسش که این سو و آن سو تاب می خورد،تلو تلو خوران از حیاط گذشت.به در عقب که رسید،چکمه اش را با شلنگه از پا در آورد و آخرین گیلاس آبجو را از بشکه ظرفشو خانه پر کردو راهش را کشید به تختخواب رفت.خانم جونز ،تا بگویی چه ،صدای خروپفش بلند شده بود.(صالح حسینی،ص6)
It was lucky that the owners of the two farms which adjourned Animal Farm were on permanently bad term. • خوشبختانه میان مالکین مزارع مجاور دائما شکر آب بود.(امیر شاهی،ص37) • جای خوشبختی بود که میانه مالکین دو مزرعه مجاور مزرعه حیوانات همیشه خدا شکر آب بود.(صالح حسینی،ص40)
References: Nida, E. A. and C. Taber. (1969). The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E.J.Brill. Munday, J. (2001). Introducing Translation Studies. Theories and Applications. London: Routledge. Newmark, P. (1981). Approaches to Translation. Oxford and New York: Pergamon.
A true relationship knows of but one great thing to give of one̕ s self boundlessly in order to find one̕ s self richer, deeper, and better.