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University of Aveiro. Emissions and Air Quality Modelling. Department of Environment and Planning University of Aveiro (Portugal) Carlos Borrego and Ana Isabel Miranda. Emissions and Air Quality Modelling. Air quality is an important issue in a sustainable urban transportation system.
University of Aveiro Emissions and Air Quality Modelling Department of Environment and Planning University of Aveiro (Portugal) Carlos Borrego and Ana Isabel Miranda
Emissions andAir Quality Modelling Air quality is an important issue in a sustainable urban transportation system. SUTRA addressed this question through a cascade of emissions and air quality models, which covers different scales, from the regional to the ”hotspot”.
VADIS OFIS Local scale Regional scale AirWare City level Emissions andAir Quality Modelling VISUM TREM
TREM 1. Quantification of road traffic emissions for the reference situation and the development scenarios; 2. Development of a link to transportation model; 3. Implementation of new vehicle technologies; 4. Development of a friendly user interface. Transport Emission Model for Line Sources TREM allows the estimation of road traffic emissions with high temporal and spatial resolution. Objectives within SUTRA project:
Emissionfactor Transport activity Link to transportation model - Cold start emission with high spatial resolution Link to GIS - High spatial resolution - Spatial analysis of the emission data Different aggregation levels for vehicle classification - Adapted to the data available • Emission factors from • MEET / COST methodology • Different vehicle technologies (engine capacity, vehicle mass, emission reduction technology) • Average speed approach • Future technologies • Pollutants: CO, CO2,NOx, VOC, PM10, SO2 Transport Emission Model Methodology E = e a
Transport Emission Model ArcView Network geometry, road segment length Statistical data Vehicle age, emission reduction technology, engine capacity,... VISUM Traffic volume Vehicle speed Number of vehicles under cold engine; Vehicle speed hot emission TREM cold emission Total emission for each road segment
CO emission from road transport in Thessaloniki Transport Emission Model Results Scenarios Air Pollution models Analysis of Spatial distribution (join with other GIS information) Indicators Genoa indicators for CO2: Total emission: 207 041 (t.year -1) Emission per capita: 0.326 (t.year -1) Emission per pass-km: 0.351 (kg.km -1.year-1) Private transport over total: 96.3 %
X total vehicle number vehicles by category speed vehicles by classes s CV = 100 Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Transport Emission Model Uncertainties estimation for Lisbon City Case Data considered CV emission uncertainty (%) Results : Coefficient of Variation (%)
This software is developed at the Department of Environment and Planning – University of Aveiro – Portugal www.dao.ua.pt/gemac Transport Emission Model interface 1. TREM Interface available for download in SUTRA Webpage (restricted access to city partners) 2. TREM interface on-line: www.dao.ua.pt/gemac
VADIS Model Adaptation of street canyon model to calculate urban air pollution due to traffic road emissions and to estimate local hot-spot values; 1. 2. Validation of VADIS results with air quality data for all city cases; 3. Development of an interface for a friendly user access to model input operations; 4. Simulation of development scenarios by the city partners using the VADIS interface. VADIS Local Scale Model allows the calculation of urban street canyon air pollution due to road traffic emissions and the estimation of local hot-spots. Objectives within SUTRA project:
Field of application: Flow and dispersion near obstacles under variable wind conditions Local Scale Model General description • Local dispersion model; • Calculation ofconcentration fields of air pollutants in specific areas of a city. Set-up by 2 independent modules: VADIS_VandVADIS_D
Local Scale Model • Wind data • wind field domain • wind field grid resolution • wind velocity and direction • vertical rotation axis between dispersion and wind field grids • Dispersion data • dispersion field domain • dispersion field grid resolution • obstacles and sources coordinates in the domain Boundary Layer Module (VADIS_V) TREM 3-D velocity wind field Emission data(source emission rate) Lagrangean module (VADIS_D) 3-D concentration field
Local Scale Model evaluation Comparison between CO concentrations measured by the air quality station located at Prata Street and the concentrations calculated by VADIS and FLUENT models. Simulated period: 8/7/1997
Geneva Simulation period: 13/1/2001 15:00 – 16:00 Domain rotation angle: 18º Wind direction: 72º Wind velocity: 4,9 m.s-1 Local Scale Model evaluation Gdansk Simulation period: 1/7/1999 11:00 – 12:00 Domain rotation angle: 0º Wind direction: 113º Wind velocity: 1,3 m.s-1
Local Scale Modelinterface • 1. VADIS Interface available for download in SUTRA Webpage (restricted access to city partners) • VADIS interface on-line: • www.dao.ua.pt/gemac
1. Development of a tool for comprehensive impact assessment urban transportation, that goes beyond the air quality aspects; Adaptation of a rule-based expert system for screening level environmental impact assessment to the project requirements; 2. Development of checklists and rule-sets consistent with the indicators of sustainable urban transportation, sustainable urban development and economic assessment. 3. AirWare City-level Model Integrated model-based information and decision support system for air quality assessment and management. Objectives within SUTRA project:
using air quality models Geographical Data Population Data Emission Inventories Meteorological Data Air Quality Data Economic Data Input information City-level Model • Gaussian short-term and long-term models (ISC3/AERMOD) • 3-D dynamic Eulerian model (TIMES/URBAN) for conservative pollutants or first-order decay and conversion (SO2=>SO4, NO=>NO2) • Dynamic (24 hours) photochemical box model (USEPA PBM) AirWare system City-level modeling of air quality (SO2, NOx, TPS)
City-level Model ISC application Gdansk SC 1 (young and virtuous)
City-level Model ISC application Lisbon SC1 (young and virtuous)
1. Adaptation of photochemical air quality model (OFIS) for the set of application cases; Development of interfaces between the regional photochemical air quality model and the traffic, emission and energy models, as well as the assessment methods. 2. OFIS Ozone Fine Structure model allow authorities to assess urban air quality by means of a fast, simple andstill reliable model; refine a regional model simulation by estimating the urban subgrid effect on pollution levels. Objectives within SUTRA project:
1D multibox model urban Wind direction suburban Ozone Fine Structure model Sample of horizontal grid layout Main inputs: • emissions: hourly non-urban, suburban and urban emissions rates • meteorological data: daily average wind speed and direction, temperature and temperature lapse rate above the mixing layer • boundary conditions:daily average regional background concentrations (NO, NO2, O3 and other species)
Ozone Fine Structure model Methodology applied AOT60 and IND120indicators AOT60(ppb x hours) The accumulated exposure above the threshold concentration of 60 ppb (120 µg.m-3) calculated from the daily maximum 8-hour means. IND120(number of days) Spatial graphs of days with 8hour running average ozone concentration exceeding 120μg.m-3 values.
Ozone Fine Structure model application Area of application:150x150km2 area surrounding Genoa • Number of days with 8hour running average ozone concentration exceeding 120μg.m-3 (IND120) • Wind rose of prevailing wind during the summer semester of 1999. Spatial graph of exceedances
Ozone Fine Structure modelapplication Area of application: ThessalonikiAOT60 Referencescenario
SC1Young and virtuous SC2Young and vicious SC3 Old and virtuous SC4Old and vicious Ozone Fine Structure modelapplication Area of application: ThessalonikiAOT60
TREM OFIS VADIS AirWare • Pressure indicators: • Total passenger transport emission CO2 in a year (tons.yr-1) • Passenger transport emission CO2per capita in a year (tons.yr-1.capita-1) • ... • State indicators: • NO2 annual average concentration (µg.m-3) • Above maximum threshold NOx (%) • Population exposure • ... • State indicators: • O3 annual average concentration (µg.m-3) • AOT (max) • E120(domain) • ... • State indicators: • Peak concentration CO, NOx and PM10 (µg.m-3) Final Remarks No single model can cover the entire set of impacts,so a few well selected and complementary ones were applied to derive different indicators. These MODELSmay be applied for addressing the issues raised by the EU Air Quality Framework Directive