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Serpiginous choroiditis/Geographic helicoid peripapillary choroidopathy (GHPC)

Dr. Rathinam Sivakumar HOD - Uveitis Services Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai India. Serpiginous choroiditis/Geographic helicoid peripapillary choroidopathy (GHPC). Ocular History. 19 year old male, engineering student

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Serpiginous choroiditis/Geographic helicoid peripapillary choroidopathy (GHPC)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dr.RathinamSivakumar HOD - Uveitis Services Aravind Eye Hospital, Madurai India Serpiginous choroiditis/Geographic helicoid peripapillary choroidopathy (GHPC)

  2. OcularHistory 19 year old male, engineering student presented with c/o sudden onset painless progressive defect of vision in OD since 5 days no similar complains in the past

  3. General History No h/o trauma No h/o cough, fever, weight loss in recent past No h/o urogenital ulcerations No h/o bleeding discariasis No h/o neurological symptoms No h/o any systemic illness

  4. patient moderately built and fairly nourished conscious, co-operative, oriented to time, place and person afebrile no joint swellings no rashes, nodules, vesicles no pallor, icterus, cyanosis or lymphadenopathy BP-110/80 mm Hg pulse -80 /min, regular, good volume, equal on both sides General examination

  5. CVS - Normal RS - Normal Abdomen – Normal CNS – No focal neurological deficit Visual Acuity (Snellen’s) OD-6/60 OS-6/6 General Examination

  6. Ocular Examination Ocular Examination –

  7. Fundus OD: Yellow arrow- healed lesions Red arrow-active lesion over macula OS: healed chorioretinal scars

  8. FFA- Active stage • “Block early, stain late” FFA • Distinctly insidious • Chronic • Recurrent • variable in size and shape, • variable stages of progression, Serpiginous choroiditis

  9. TLC - 9,600 cells/cumm DLC – N 58%/ L 30%/ E 12 % RBC - 3.4 million cells/cumm Hb – 13.4 gm% ESR 4mm-30min, 10 mm in 1 hr Fasting sugar - 73 mg % Blood urea - 14 mg% Serum creatinine - 0.9 mg% Tuberculin skin test (5 ppd) - negative TPHA – negative HIV - negative Investigations

  10. Diagnosis • Serpiginious chorioretinitis • not associated tosystemicdisorders

  11. Diagnosis based on • Clinical picture • FFA findings • Investigations • Negative tuberculin skin test • Negative VDRL • Normal spiral CT chest

  12. Oral prednisolone 60mg OD in tapering doses Treatment

  13. Follow ups of the OS • June 27, 2009 6/60 • 2 weks later 6/36 • 3 weeks later 6/24 • no recurrences

  14. Asymptomatic if macula is spared chronic recurrent Often we see a previous scar Early hypo and leak late Central hypo and leaking borders Vision loss > 2 lines GHPC Symptoms Onset course FFA Active stage FFA Healed stage prognosis Thank you

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