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outer space

telescope. moon. Pluto. Mercury. revolve. phase. outer space. revolution. rotation. solar system. rotate. gravity. inner planets outer planets. astronauts. satellite. star. axis. Neptune. planet. Saturn. Jupiter. Earth. Mars. crater. space exploration. lens. orbit.

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outer space

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Presentation Transcript

  1. telescope moon Pluto Mercury revolve phase outer space revolution rotation solar system rotate gravity inner planets outer planets astronauts satellite star axis Neptune planet Saturn Jupiter Earth Mars crater space exploration lens orbit sun sphere Venus Uranus

  2. Mercury

  3. Mercury

  4. Mercury

  5. Mercury

  6. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. It looks a lot like Earth’s Moon. Mercury

  7. Venus

  8. Venus

  9. Venus

  10. Venus

  11. Space probes have visited cloud-covered Venus many times. Venus

  12. Earth

  13. Earth

  14. Earth

  15. Earth

  16. Earth

  17. Earth is our home. It is the only planet with liquid water. Earth

  18. Mars

  19. Mars

  20. Mars

  21. Mars

  22. Mars has some water, but most of it is frozen ice. Mars is known as the “red planet” because of its reddish rocks and soil.

  23. Jupiter

  24. Jupiter

  25. Jupiter

  26. Jupiter

  27. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. The Great Red Spot on Jupiter has been whirling around for 300 years. Jupiter

  28. Saturn

  29. Saturn

  30. Saturn

  31. Saturn

  32. Saturn

  33. Saturn is known for its thousands of beautiful rings. They are made of different sized bits of ice and rock that orbit the planet. Saturn

  34. Uranus

  35. Uranus

  36. Uranus is called the “sideways planet” because it rotates on its side. Uranus

  37. Neptune

  38. Neptune

  39. Neptune

  40. Neptune

  41. Neptune is more than two billion miles from Earth. It has a Great Dark Spot similar to Jupiter’s Great Red Spot. Neptune

  42. Pluto

  43. Pluto

  44. Little is known about Pluto because it is so far away. Pluto

  45. The Sun is a Star. A star is a hot, glowing ball of gases. The Sun is only a medium sized star. It looks larger than any other star because it is the closet star to Earth. Sun

  46. Moon Landing

  47. “My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas”

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