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Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Learn how Jefferson Laboratory implements waste minimization strategies to reduce hazardous and radioactive waste, resulting in significant cost savings. Discover the methods used and the potential impact on waste shipments.

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Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

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  1. Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Jefferson Laboratory Patty Hunt, P.E., CIH

  2. Scope/Background • Waste Minimization • Impact on Waste Shipments • Dept. of Energy Laboratory • ~850 employees • >2000 scientists from 18 countries • 7/8 mile racetrack Accelerator • superconducting • 4 experimental Halls • 12 billion electron volts

  3. Laboratory Mission

  4. Jefferson Lab’s Scientific Purpose Study how quarks and gluons combine to form protons and neutrons

  5. CHL-2 12 6 GeV CEBAF 11

  6. One Cryomodule

  7. Linac Cryomodules CHL-2

  8. Recirculation Arc Configuration CHL-2

  9. Hall C

  10. Normal Waste Streams Generated at Jefferson Lab • Hazardous Waste • Routine fabrication/maintenance • Metal etching • R&D Activity • Radioactive Waste • Routine maintenance \ upgrades • Activated material • Removable Surface contaminated material

  11. Radioactive Waste Significant Project: Hall C Beam Dump Upgrade • Used ppe • Activated metals • Activated concrete • Solidified Decon Gel™

  12. Hall C

  13. Rad Waste Reduction Associated with the Upgrade

  14. Reduction of Rad Waste PPE with Use of Decon Gel

  15. Potential Reduction in Waste PPE with Use of Decon Gel on concrete floor

  16. Applying Decon Spray as fixative for Removable Contamination on dump components

  17. Radioactive Waste • Radioactive Waste Landfill : Activated metals, used PPE, Activated Shielding

  18. Radioactive Waste Intermodal

  19. Hazardous Waste El Dorado...lab packs, solvents aerosols Reidsville North Carolina...lab packs Cincinnati Ohio's Springdale Resource Recovery facility... lead, mercury, beryllium Cleveland Ohio...acid/metal solutions Chattanooga Tennessee...metal solutions Deer Park... Nothing for past three years

  20. CentralAccumulation Area 32B: Flammables & Poisons 32C: Corrosives & Oxidizers Non-bulk waste acid

  21. Lab pack waste acids

  22. Reduction in Hazardous Waste Shipment Cost Eductor System from Chemroom Fume Hoods lowers number of lab packs

  23. Reduction in Lab Packs

  24. Shipments for 2015, 2016 Radioactive Waste • 2015: $ 35,000 (savings too soon to tell) • 2016: $ 35,000 Hazardous Waste • 2015: $ 25,000 (70% cost reduction) • 2016: $35,000

  25. Questions ?????

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