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Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Upgrade Project

Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Upgrade Project. Patty Hunt, P.E. Environmental Engineering, CIH. Waste Management and the 12 GeV Upgrade Challenge. Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA- Jefferson Lab What we do Where we are going

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Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Upgrade Project

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  1. Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Upgrade Project Patty Hunt, P.E. Environmental Engineering, CIH

  2. Waste Management and the 12 GeV Upgrade Challenge Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Newport News, VA- Jefferson Lab • What we do • Where we are going • Impact on Radioactive Waste Production

  3. Even tinier particles!

  4. Held together by a powerful force:STRONG FORCE

  5. Jefferson Lab’s Scientific Purpose Study how quarks and gluons combine to form protons and neutrons Study how protons, neutrons, and electrons combine to form atoms

  6. Jefferson Lab Lay-out • Dept. of Energy Laboratory • ~700 employees • >2000 scientists from 18 countries accelerator schematic aerial photo • 7/8 mile racetrack • superconducting • 3 experimental Halls • 6 billion electron volts

  7. South Linac Cryomodules

  8. Recirculation Arc Configuration • Arc 10

  9. Hall C

  10. Normal Waste Streams Generated at Jefferson Lab • Hazardous Waste • Routine fabrication/maintenance • Building cryomodules • R&D Activity • Radioactive Waste • Routine maintenance • Activated material from the accelerator • Activated material from the endstations

  11. Upgrade magnets and power supplies CHL-2 12 6 GeV CEBAF 11 Two 0.6 GV linacs 1.1 New cryomodules get new rf zones Significant Generation of Radioactive Waste

  12. Waste Streams Associated with 12 GeV Upgrade • New Cryomodule fabrication: Hazardous waste acid mixes from surface preparations • SPACE NEEDED !! Legacy contaminated Shield Blocks must be moved to create space for additional staff and facilities: Low Level Rad Waste • Tear out of old 6 GeV equipment, rework of magnets : Low Level Rad Waste

  13. Legacy Shielding Blocks

  14. Situation • Legacy Shield Blocks onsite since DOE took over the Building from NASA in th 1980’s. • 145 blocks, 2000 tons • Each block weighs from 1 to 40 tons • Needed a parking lot for new building to accommodate 12 Gev work

  15. Assessing Concrete High density block assessment – concentrations averaged over first 20 cm depth Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

  16. Assessing Concrete • Conclusions • - Detection sensitivity for gamma emitters by survey is small fraction of ANSI Screening Level () • Blocks that show no detectable activity on survey are unlikely to contain any gamma emitters (in normal density concrete, primary nuclide is Na-22; > 10 half-lives) • All blocks have potential tritium activity • -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Plan for all concrete* • Gamma emitters – standard survey • - Releasable if indistinguishable from background • Tritium – use O 5400.5/G 441.1-XX • Releasable if less than surface limit (JLab policy more restrictive) • *Informal concurrence from HS-20 Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

  17. RadCon Surveys: 4 blocks had measurable radiation

  18. Disposition: Rubbelize and Recycle

  19. 12 GeV Tear OutMagnets

  20. Magnets On Girders/Stands

  21. Workload for A Typical Day During the 12 GeVUpgrade During the Tear Out Phase

  22. Staging Area for Magnets Removed from Accelerator

  23. Old Magnet Stands

  24. Magnet Factory: Magnets Waiting for Disassembly

  25. Magnet Factory : Magnet Disassembly Station

  26. Activated Scrap Removed by Rad Con

  27. Activated beam line from inside Magnets

  28. Trash Cleared by Radcon

  29. Disassembled Magnets

  30. Tracking Number

  31. Machine Shop Refurbish

  32. Magnet Factory: Magnet Measuring Room QA

  33. Reworked Magnets Awaiting Mapping

  34. Impact on Radioactive Waste Generation • 2012: Ship to Energy Solutions, Clive Utah • Plan to fill one intermodal container ( 25 cubic feet) • Activated Magnet stands • Activated magnet beam lines • Magnet disassembly waste • Machine Shop metal turnings and HVAC filters • Also plan to ship 9 magnets 30,000 lbs • 2013: • Endstation detector removal : several hundred tons

  35. Rad Waste Pickup Destination Clive Utah

  36. New Rad Waste Facility

  37. Mea Culpe to Energy Solutions • 2010 • Shipped to Energy Solutions • Lead on the circuit boards : hazardous characterization (lead) , could not be disposed of at Clive

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