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EnerBuild in the Newly Associated States

NAS-EnerBuild extends EU network to NAS, targeting markets, tech transfer, workshops. Objectives include strategy dev. and dissemination.

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EnerBuild in the Newly Associated States

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  1. EnerBuild in the Newly Associated States

  2. ENERBUILD RTD Thematic Network (original contract):‘Energy in the Built Environment’ European Commission’s Fifth Framework Programme: ‘Energy, Environment and Sustainable Growth’ Start date: 1 April 2000 Duration: 36 months (end date: 31 March 2003)

  3. NAS EnerBuild RTD:Extending EnerBuild RTD Thematic Network to NAS States Contract started in October 2002 Contract will end on 31 March 2003

  4. Countries represented: Bulgaria Czech Republic Hungary Latvia Lithuania Poland Romania Slovak Republic Slovenia

  5. NAS ENERBUILD RTD: OVERALL OBJECTIVES: To raise awareness and promote NAS participation in EC programmes on building-related energy research To assist NAS States in the process of upgrading the competitiveness of their construction sectors prior to membership of the European Union

  6. NAS ENERBUILD RTD: OVERALL OBJECTIVES: To address non-technical barriers to the take-up of research results To examine the characteristics of the expanded EU market, in its technological, economic, social and educational dimensions as they relate to building energy research

  7. NAS ENERBUILD RTD: OVERALL OBJECTIVES: To identify potential target market sectors on the basis of potential benefits To develop and update a joint (EU/NAS) RTD strategy aimed at achieving the Network objectives and to identify the need for new RTD activities and studies

  8. NAS ENERBUILD RTD: DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: NAS-EnerBuild extends the existing EU EnerBuild RTD Thematic Network to the Newly Associated States. A diverse series of measures will: Target markets in the accession States and study their requirements

  9. NAS ENERBUILD RTD: DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK: Identify the most important energy technologies for NAS markets Identify and implement coherent technology transfer and promotion strategies appropriate to NAS market needs Evaluate the results

  10. NAS ENERBUILD RTD: WORK PACKAGES: Work Package 1: Network Management Work Package 2: Exploitation and Dissemination, (including three Workshops) Work Package 3: Input to EnerBuild RTD Strategy Report Work Package 4: Network Supporting Studies

  11. WORK PACKAGE 1: Network Management Operation of Network Secretariat at University College Dublin serving all NAS members Deliverables: final reports and financial statements for submission to the European Commission

  12. WORK PACKAGE 2: Exploitation and Dissemination, Objective: to disseminate results of WP 3 (input to Strategy Report) and WP 4 (Network supporting studies) Deliverables: An NAS-EnerBuild Newsletter Journal articles written and distributed directly via targeted mailing lists

  13. WORK PACKAGE 2: Exploitation and Dissemination,

  14. WORK PACKAGE 2 continued: Further deliverables: A database of relevant research institutions and companies in NAS States and their principal activities – now on EnerBuild Web Site. Workshops in: Budapest, Prague, Warsaw

  15. Workshop objectives: • To contribute to an overall dissemination and market characterisation strategy including: • Targeting markets and studying their requirements to understand ‘ engines of change’, values and priorities of the target audiences • Identifying potential ‘winning technologies’ or research advances based on successful EU and NAS projects • Identification of coherent technology transfer and promotion strategies aimed at increasing awareness and delivering appropriate implementation support • Evaluation of the results and measuring the effectiveness of each action

  16. Budapest Workshop – 24/25 January 2003

  17. Prague Workshop – 27/28 January 2003

  18. WORK PACKAGE 2 continued: Further deliverables: An enhanced Web site: www.enerbuild.net Postcard and bookmark giving a brief outline of EnerBuild / NAS-EnerBuild and the website address - for dissemination via mailing lists, conferences, workshops, other events, and by direct mail.

  19. WORK PACKAGE 3: RTD Strategy Report, state of research Deliverables: NAS input to the EnerBuild RTD Strategy Report Papers on the state of research and the construction sector, needs and strategies with particular reference to conditions in NAS States

  20. WORK PACKAGE 4:Network Supporting Studies Deliverables: Short studies/investigations on cross-sectoral or horizontal aspects of the building energy market Compilation of meteorological data sets for several NAS States, in TRY (Test Reference Year) format

  21. Further EnerBuild RTD / NAS EnerBuild information: • http://www.enerbuild.net • Email:info@enerbuild.net

  22. Members Budapest University of Technology and Economics Professor A Zold (NAS Thematic Group Coordinator) University of Ljubljana Dr Saso Medved, NAS Markets Advisor Brno University of Technology Dr Jiri Sedlak Centre for Energy Efficiency, Sofia Dr Zdravko Genchev Czech Technical University, Prague Professor Frantisek Drkal Intertermo Concept Ltd, Bucharest Mr Catalin Flueraru

  23. Warsaw University of Technology Dr Stanislaw Pietruszko Institute of Physical Energetics LAS, Riga Dr Peteris Shipkovs Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Mr Jozef Hraska Black Sea Regional Energy Centre and the Technical University of Sofia Dr Lulin Radulov Institute of Heating and Sanitary Technology, Radom Dr Purgal Pawel Ecofys Polska Sp.Z.o.o. Poznan Dr. Maria Szweykowska-Muradin

  24. Members Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Professor Florin Pop IPA S.A. Automation Engineering, Bucharest Mr Silvian Fara The National Building Research Institute, Bucharest Professor Dan Constantinescu ZRMK, Technological Building and Civil Engineering Institute,Ljubljana Dr Marjana Sijanec Zavrl Lithuanian Energy Institute,Kaunas Mr Romualdas Skema

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