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Life in New France

Life in New France. Canadian History XI. Key Points in this Power. I. Quebec and the fur trade (1608) The Company of 100 Associates (Company of New France) II. Louis XIV and the Creation of New France Government Military The Seigneurial System: Engagés and slaves Filles de Roi

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Life in New France

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Life in New France Canadian History XI

  2. Key Points in this Power • I. Quebec and the fur trade (1608) • The Company of 100 Associates (Company of New France) • II. Louis XIV and the Creation of New France • Government • Military • The Seigneurial System: • Engagés and slaves • Filles de Roi • III. Population growth • IV. Women in New France • Gender roles • Women and the Law • Women Religious

  3. Company of 100 Associates • Created in 1627 by Cardinal Richelieu • Given control of fur trade • In return had to populate New France

  4. Cardinal Richelieu

  5. Company of 100 Associates • Cancelled in 1663 by Louis XIV • They had not fulfilled their part of the bargain • Appointed Jean-Baptiste Colbert

  6. Jean-Baptiste Colbert

  7. Government of New France • Hierarchical and rigidly structured • 2 most powerful people: • Governor • Intendant • Third most powerful was the Bishop

  8. Louis XIV/Colbert▼ Governor (Military)Intendant(Justice/Finances)▼ Bishop of the Catholic Church▼ Military officers, merchants, church leaders, seigneurs ▼Habitants (Filles de Roi) (96.5-97% of population)▼Engagés/Domestic Servants/Slaves

  9. Catholic Church • Bishop appointed by King • Church disproved of sin • Rules of the Church often reflected in secular law as well • Church and state therefore linked

  10. Military • An important institution • Officers were part of New France elite • Non-officers were not • Military also hierarchical

  11. Seigneurial System • A system of land distribution • Seigneurs – noblemen – owned the land and “rented” it to habitants • Seigneurs had to: • be loyal to the King • bring settlers to NF from France to settle and farm this land called a seigneurie

  12. Seigneurial System

  13. Seigneurial System

  14. Responsibilities of Seigneurs • Build roads • Build a mill and an oven for making bread • Held a court where he was responsible for settling any disputes that might arise • Habitants could not be evicted from their land nor could they be prevented from selling their lands.

  15. Habitants The habitant owed his seigneur three or four days free labour each year– this obligation was called a corvée. This was considerably less than peasants in France owed their lords. The habitant was responsible for keeping the section of road (built by the seigneur) which crossed his land in good condition. The habitant gave one bag of flour for every 14 in payment for the use of the seigneur's mill The habitant had to pay rent – in money, if it was available, but more often in the form of farm produce or fish or some material good The habitant also paid a tithe for the upkeep of a church and its priest.

  16. Engagés • Not habitant or soldier… • Poor unmarried young men • Worked as servants – 3 year contracts • Could not marry • Could not conduct trade • Could be beaten or killed • Many left, but many stayed in New France

  17. Slaves • New France had slaves • 300 in Montreal • Some Africans, but most were Natives • Not like slavery of US south

  18. Filles du Roi • Most in New France were men • 1663-1673 King brings over women to marry men • 770 in total • Most young (under 25), most orphans

  19. Population Growth • 1660s: 3,000 • 1680s: 10,000 • 1750s: 75,000

  20. Reasons for Population Growth • High fertility • Low mortality • Social conditions • Longer life spans

  21. Gender in New France • Society was patriarchal • But habitant life sometimes blurred the boundaries between men’s and women’s work • Gender roles more sharply defined for nobles

  22. Women and Law • Women had some protections under French law

  23. Religious Women • 3.7 % of women in New France joined religious orders • Were not cloistered • The Ursuline Nuns ran a hospital

  24. Ursuline Nuns

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