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A 24y male patient presented to ER with severe left renal colic. He had a history of passing several stones before as well as repeated attacks of gout. After treatment. Renal colic. DJ Stent + Stone. Nephrostogram = Antegrade Pyelogram. Nephrostogram. Bilateral UPJ Obst.
A 24y male patient presented to ER with severe left renal colic. • He had a history of passing several stones before as well as repeated attacks of gout.
Bilateral UPJ Obst. • 25 y female with bilateral loin pain.
49y male patient with recurrent attacks of painless hematuria
Obstructive symptoms in a young man • 22y old male with slow, interrupted stream and dysuria. • PH: Mitral valve replacement 5y earlier.
Acute Urinary Retention in a young male • A 31y male patient presented to ER with Acute Urinary retention. • Few days ago he had acute left side renal colic
Back pain with Ca prostate • 68y old male patients treated 5y ago by radiotherapy for Ca prostate, presented with persistent back pain. • PSA =23