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Scenario. Emotions Scenario 1: How to build Danny’s self-esteem
Scenario Emotions Scenario 1: How to build Danny’s self-esteem Danny struggles with very low self-esteem issues. It affects his whole life as he thinks that he is a ’bad’ child who is not successful at anything in his life. This is making him very upset and results in acting out behaviour during school time. His teachers offer him reassurance and supporting words but his difficulties with language mean that he has struggled trying to understand the relevance of their confidence building words. He is really good at making models of trains and planes, etc and so should be reminded of how fantastic he is at this. The HANDS tool can be used to show Danny why he is a fantastic and valued child at the school and also to show him what he is good at.
Solution Emotions Solution: Improving self-esteem Pedagogical consideration: Building self-esteem can be done visually as well as verbally. By using the phone they do not have to decipher complex social language cues. Furthermore, they can be reminded of some of the great things they have done anytime they want and consistently. Talk with them first about their interests and the things that they are most proud of and try and include these on the software. For example, Danny’s software can include all of the models he is most proud of backed up by supporting comments from his teacher. Operation on CoMe:Create a personalised toolbox which is themed around some of Danny’s models. Operation on CoMe: Create a PT which shows Danny making one of his models and add postive comments about how well he has done it. The PersonalToolboxmayinclude a ”Brag box” a folder in whicholdsuccessescanbeseen Operation on CoMe: Create rewards linked to Danny’s interest in building models. Pedagogical work: Update these with Danny to reinforce to Danny that he does have something that he can be proud of, that you and others are proud of this achievement and you want to work with him so he can achieve more in the future. Pedagogical work: Is there anything else that Danny can be proud of? Make sure he is aware of this and constantly reinforce his achievements with the phone. Duration: 1 hour
Steps Steps: (using the toolbox) Click on the Toolbox icon next to your student profile Click on the edit toolbox category icon (pencil) to bring up the following screen: 3. Edit the name and description and change the picture of the icon to a model that the child has created and that you have taken a photo of.
4. You will need to use the media gallery and follow the steps to upload a new media item to the gallery. 5. The image you upload will need to be in either .png format or .gif. You can change the filetype using publisher by opening the picture in publisher and then save the photo as a png. or .gif. 6. Save the new toolbox item you have created:
7. Now you can add and edit any PT’s relating to the toolbox category “Things about me!” in the same way. Steps: Making a PT of your students special activity 8. Take pictures of Danny making his train model 9. Click on the PT icon 10. Add a story titled something like “Danny’s amazing train model” and reward him for it.
11. Click on manage story steps and then begin to add your first step to your story. 12. Upload your photo of your child building his / her model and add a comment. 13. Add your step and go on to the next step. Press the green plus icon next to your first step to add new steps.
14. Your next step could be the child finishing their model of the train and standing proudly beside it. 15. Go back to the toolbox and upload your PT into Danny’s ‘About me’ file where things that he is proud of can be stored.
Tips • Tips: • Reinforce your students self esteem with rewards linked to some of the great things they have done. • Tap into their personal interests. • Evaluate your efforts using report function on CoMe – you can see how much they are looking at their PT. • It mayhelp to go to the followingrelated tunnels: • Level 1: Opportunity for customisation(tunnellink) • Level 1: Evaluateyourteachingstrategies(tunnellink) • Level 2: How to workwithrewards?(tunnellink) • 5. Overview of tunnels on ”Whichpedagogicalchallengescan HANDS workwith?”