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Memory and Subjectivity in a Major Disaster: The Shoah. An ongoing task of building to live in dignity Dr. León Cohen Bello Iberoamerican Eco-Bioethics Network for Education, Science and Technology, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics. XV World Psychiatric Congress
Memory and Subjectivity in a Major Disaster: The Shoah An ongoing task of building to live in dignity Dr. León Cohen Bello Iberoamerican Eco-Bioethics Network for Education, Science and Technology, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics. XV WorldPsychiatricCongress Buenos Aires , Argentina September 18 - 22 2011
I live in Argentina This is my country. It was built by immigrants from around the world. Like my parents.Our recent history is very complex with regard to Human Rights and Bioethics.Our society is still a young democracy. He has endured many years of military dictatorship.Those were years of blood and tears, in which more than thirty thousand (30,000) people disappearedWithout attempting to make comparisons, the methods and ideology of the Argentine military dictatorship, were not different from those created and developed by the Nazis during the Shoah. In fact, its members were admirers of the Nazis. Dr. León Cohen Bello Iberoamerican Bioetics Network
Neveragain That was the slogan with which we began to work for the restoration of our collective memory in Argentina. To this purpose, we took inspiration and learned from the survivors of the Shoah, how to cultivate and preserve the values that dignify human existence.Dr. León Cohen Bello IberoamericanEcobioetics Network
Forgeting, Learning, Remembering I would like to show a short film by the young mexican Ariel Zylbersztejn about the dignity and subjectivity of the Shoah survivors, In order to attempt to understand those values. To incorporate them into our memory, but also to forget some things, as they did, and get on with their lives and their projects. While maintaining their subjectivity. After seeing the movie, I shall briefly a develop what we understand to be the basis for the transmission of those values. Dr. León Cohen Bello IberoamericanEcobioeticsNettwork
"Thetragicgreatness of humandestinylies in theparadoxicalsituationthatman has no wayoutthantofightagainstinjustice, notforthepurpose of endingit, but so thatinjusticedoesnotendwithhim.” • Mario Vargas LlosaLatin American Writer Nobel PrizeforLiterature • Dr. León Cohen Bello Iberoamerican Eco-Bioethics Network .
October two thousand and five(2005) : • The Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights at the General Conference of UNESCO is passed. • For the first time, member states commit to respect and apply the fundamental principles of bioethics, as described in one universal text. • Dr. León Cohen Bello Iberoamerican Eco-Bioethics Network
How to teach bioethics? • Successfulexperienceshavebeencarriedoutworldwidefortransmittingthecorevalues of coexistence. • Onemustlearnabouttheorganization and methodsusedfordissemination and applythemtotheteaching of bioethics. • Dr. León Cohen Bello Iberoamerican Eco-Bioethics Network
Shoah • An extreme experienceforhumanityfromwhichwemustlearnlessons so as nottorepeatdangeroussituationsthatwould lead us , fatally, tosuccumb . • Isnot a historical novel aboutthesuffering of theJewishpeople. • Has nothingto do withvictims and perpetrators. • Has to do withallmankind, boththoseinvolved and thosewhoallowedittooccurthroughtheirindifference. • Dr. León Cohen Bello Iberoamerican Eco-Bioethics Network
"Auschwitzwasbuiltforthedenial of faith in God and in humanity." • Pope John Paul II • "Mankindishelplessonlywherethereis no memory" • EliasCanetti Nobel PrizeforLiterature • Dr. León Cohen Bello Iberoamerican Eco-Bioethics Network
Whatwasthe Shoah? • Themosttragicevent of humanhistory: thecold and calculateddeterminationtowipefromtheface of theearthinfants, children, young and oldforthemerefact of belongingtotheJewishpeople. • Dr. León Cohen Bello Iberoamerican Eco-Bioethics Network
Alan Finkielkraut: "a worldwithoutneighbors, thatwastheproject of Nazism. • Whatweremember of itspoweristhatthehumanity in manisnotanelement of nature, but a fragilequality, always at risk of beingextinguished. “ • “Upontheruins of consciousness, the Nazis wantedtocreate a new man, devoid of thefeelings of unitywiththehumanspecies, whorepudiatedthe idea of humanity in thename of race, and had no obligationstohisfellowman." • Dr. León Cohen Bello Iberoamerican Eco-Bioethics Network
ElieWiesel, Nobel PeacePrize: "How can wetellourchildren, thatthehumanitywasableto lose itsmind and begintomurderitsownsoul? " • “Itisduty of alldemocraticgovernments , theChurch, journalism, and schools, toteach, allowingustocreate a shieldagainstdiscrimination, fanaticism and intolerance.“ • Dr. León Cohen Bello Iberoamerican Eco-Bioethics Network
"Loveyourneighbor as yourself." • FromtheHolocaustwemustlearnthattechnicalknowledgeseparatedfromvalues and moral principles, onlyservestotransformhumanexistenceinto a nightmare. • Thehumanconditionisnotgiventous. Itisan ideal tobeachievedeveryday of ourlifes and onlyafterconsideringtheneighbor as a brother. • Dr. León Cohen Bello Iberoamerican Eco-Bioethics Network
Why and how to teach bioethics?. • HannaArendt: "Toteachisto place new generationsintheworld." • Create a scenario. Compose a communicationstrategy. • Chooseeducation in moral values. Movingfromwordstodeeds, throughexamples. • Startwiththechildren. Olderchildrenmaybeabletoface "thefacts." • Youngerchildrenlacktomaturitytounderstandhistoricalprocesses in theircomplexity. • Dr. León Cohen Bello Iberoamerican Eco-Bioethics Network
A growinginitiativegenerating hope: the International TaskForce. • StockholmDeclarationTwothousand (2000) • "TheHolocaustchallengedthefoundations of civilization. • Theunprecedentedcharacter of theHolocaustwillalwayshold universal meaning. • AcrossEurope, the Nazis haveleftindeliblescars.Themagnitude of theHolocaustmustalwaysremain in ourcollectivememory. • Wemusthold up the terrible truth of theHolocaustagainstthosewhodenyit. • Dr. León Cohen Bello Iberoamerican Eco-Bioethics Network
Returningtoorigins • Anethicalpact, theorigin of themonotheisticreligionswaswrittenoverthreethousandfivehundred (3500) yearsago in thedesert, ontwostones. • In theonehundredsixtyseven (167) wordsthatcomposethispact , liesthefoundation of all Western civilization,. This rules forcoexistence and thebetterment of theworld (TikumOlam) are taskfortheman in theethical and material realms. • Dr. León Cohen Bello Iberoamerican Eco-Bioethics Network
Ourexpectation • Webelievethatourcontributiontothisconferenceistoidentifypoints of contactbetweenthework of theTaskForce and the UNESCO Chair in Bioethicsforresearch and teaching of bioethics. • Ifwehavemanagedtohelphuman and material resourcesflow in thesamedirection, wemaybeclosertoachieving a betterworld • Dr. León Cohen Bello Iberoamerican Eco-Bioethics Network
Thank you very much for your attention, León