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Current Humanitarian Crisis

Current Humanitarian Crisis. Syria Use of RH Vouchers in addressing reproductive Health Needs inside Syria Henia Dakkak - UNFPA IAWG – Kuala Lumpur 2013. 5,100,000 IDPs and around 480,000 Palestinian Refugees And more than 1.6 million Refugees. Context .

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Current Humanitarian Crisis

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  1. Current Humanitarian Crisis Syria Use of RH Vouchers in addressing reproductive Health Needs inside Syria HeniaDakkak- UNFPA IAWG – Kuala Lumpur 2013

  2. 5,100,000 IDPs and around 480,000 Palestinian Refugees And more than 1.6 million Refugees

  3. Context • Declaration of Level 3 Emergency by IASC in 15th of January 2013 (complexity, severity, capacity, etc) • Syria Humanitarian Response Plan Appeal and Regional Refugee Response Appeal for funding reached 1.5 Billion in January 2013 Kuwait pledging conference • Neighboring Countries are affected (Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt and refugees are also are found in North Africa and Europe) – additional burden on their infrastructure, resources and systems • Cross Line conveys and Cross Borders operation by some NGOs

  4. Humanitarian Needs are increasing Every day due to lack of political solution • 6.8 Million People in need of humanitarian assistance • Active Fighting hinder access to affected population • Health facilities are damaged • Severe shortages of Drugs and supplies • Many Health Providers have left the country • Many Health Providers are attacked and killed • Ambulances under attack • Access is a major challenge from inside and outside the country • Lack of Capacity in terms of national NGO community • International NGOs are not allowed to work without government approval • Price of living have gone up • Loss of livelihood • Displacement and loss of shelter and assets

  5. Reproductive Health Needs • Noticeable Increase of Csection by 50% • Increase of GBV cases • Increased stress and anxiety among women and girls • Lack of protection for civilian and in particular women and children • Lack of sanitary pads for women and girls living in displacement • Routine antenatal checkups are decreasing Access is very a major hindering factor for reproductive Health service delivery Shortage of staff Due to Displacement there is a lack of information where to get services Supply chain is interrupted for reproductive health commodities Priority is given to wounded in health facilities

  6. Introduction Vouchers to access Reproductive Health Services • The idea of vouchers is to address the issue of access by giving every pregnant woman or women and girls of reproductive voucher with the information where they can access services. • UNFPA pay for the services after we collect the vouchers from service providers or participating agencies • Services are provided through a network of national NGOs such as Syria Family Planning association, Syrian Red Crescents and range of hospitals and facilities (private and public wherever they exist)

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