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The Shepherd of our Unbelief. Mark 9:14-29 pp. 932. August 10, 2014. Introduction. Compelling story because: The father’s honesty The heart of the human condition: belief & doubt “At the heart of this exorcism is the struggle for faith, not the struggle with a demon.” Edward Garland.
The Shepherd of our Unbelief Mark 9:14-29pp. 932 August 10, 2014
Introduction • Compelling story because: • The father’s honesty • The heart of the human condition: belief & doubt • “At the heart of this exorcism is the struggle for faith, not the struggle with a demon.” Edward Garland
The Unbelieving Generation • Jesus, Peter, James, John descend after the Transfiguration • Other disciples arguing in a crowd of people • V17 “I brought you my son, who is possessed… I asked your disciples to drive out the spirit, but they could not.” • Jesus’ response: v19 “You unbelieving generation!” • Similar to Old Testament prophets • Jesus saddened by the distress caused by unbelief • Thankfully, Jesus’ ability likes solely in His own divine power and identity, not in the beliefs of the people
An Invitation • v20 "When the spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion. He fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth.21 Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?” • An invitation to the father who brings his whole self to Jesus • The facts: “from childhood, it has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him” • “If you can do anything” – deepest hope • “take pity on us and help us!” – deepest fear
An Invitation • The father is desperate and hesitant • Afraid to believe Jesus might do what is asked, just in case He doesn’t • Example: my approach to movies • Lowered expectations to prevent disappointment • Similar to this desperate father?!
True Faith • V23 “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” • It is not Jesus’ capability that should be questioned, but the faith of the desperate father • God does not need our faith to perform miracles • God desires that we trust Him enough not to place our limitations on Him
True Faith • V23b“Everything is possible for one who believes.” • Easy to misunderstand and lead to bad theology • Common misunderstanding: God will do whatever you ask if you have “enough” faith • Major problems with this (mis)understanding: • God as wish-granter / genie who does whatever is asked even against his own will
True Faith • Major problems with this (mis)understanding con’t: • Human effort – just try harder, have more faith and God will answer your prayers • Accurate understanding: • Christianity is not about what we do, it is about what God has done for us! • “those who have faith ‘will set no limits to the power of God’” (Rawlinson quoted by Garland) • Be careful with this verse. Don’t give glib answers & platitudes to people in crisis.
True Faith • The desperate father’s reply: V24 "I do believe!! Help my unbelief!!“ (ESV) • Reveals a great truth about the human condition – that we are full of contradictions: belief & unbelief, faith & doubt • “He pleads for help just as he is, a doubter.” (Edward Garland) • Jesus doesn’t leave us in our unbelief • Example: “Doubting” Thomas • Jesus will shepherd our unbelief into belief! • Vv25-27 – The boy is healed!
Undergirded by Prayer • vv28-29 “After Jesus had gone indoors, his disciples asked him privately, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” 29 He replied, “This kind can come out only by prayer.” • Also easy to misunderstand! • Common misunderstanding: If you pray the “right” prayer, then God will answer. • Jesus was not referring to “some magical invocation but [to] a close and enduring relationship with God.” (Garland) • Prayer can move us in that direction!
Undergirded by Prayer • Henri Nouwen writes: Prayer "is a way of being empty and useless in the presence of God and so of proclaiming our basic belief that all is grace and nothing is simply the result of hard work.“ • We are called live lives undergirded by prayer • Let’s help each other grow in prayer
A Prayer for Iraq Lord, God – how long? How long must we bear the taint of sin That sucks and pulls at our humanity? Suffering God, hear the cry of your people in Iraq and Syria! In your name ISIS butchers. In your name ISIS tortures children. In your name ISIS rapes and steals and murders. Lord come quickly to uphold your name. Reveal to the blinded their own actions. Bring them to their knees with weeping. Unveil to them the depth of their evil. Turn them from darkness before they are lost. You are the living water – bring water to the thirsty. You are the bread of life – bring food to the hungry. You are the good shepherd – guide the escape of the fleeing. You are the true vine – provide community for the wandering. You are the light of the world – give clear vision to those who lead. You are the gate – provide safe haven for those in danger. You are the resurrection and the life – give hope to the dying. You are the way, the truth, and the life –provide a future for the destitute. For you have not despised the suffering of the afflicted ones. You feel every cut of the knife. You share their agony. You share their fear. You share their weeping. You share their hunger and thirst. You share their poverty and displacement. Lord Jesus, come quickly to help them. Lamb of God, hear their cry. And for us, who are distant: Keep us from complacency. Help us to not be overwhelmed into inactivity By the size of this struggle. Open our eyes to what we can do. Teach us to pray. Teach us to use our resources wisely. Keep our hearts broken. Keep our eyes wet with tears. Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly. (Written by Stacey Gleddiesmith)