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IT Project Management Based on PMBOK. edited by: Tawar AG, S.Si, M.Kom, CMPM. Powered by :. W orkshop Objectives. Knowledge based and skills set of the concept and best practices of IT Project Management (IT PM) based on PMBOK 2004 (Project Management Body of Knowledge from PMI International)
IT Project ManagementBased on PMBOK edited by: Tawar AG, S.Si, M.Kom, CMPM Powered by :
Workshop Objectives • Knowledge based and skills set of the concept and best practices of IT Project Management (IT PM) based on PMBOK 2004 (Project Management Body of Knowledge from PMI International) • Skill set of using PM Software: Microsoft Project in supporting the planning, execution and controlling process of the overall project management process including: schedule development, resources planning and allocation, cost estimation and budgeting, resources pooling and leveling, assessing risks, performance analysis, communications and team collaborations • A comprehensive preparations for the International Project Management certification exam on-line real-time via Internet to obtain the Master of Project Management (MPM) certification from Tekmetrics USA.
Participants Role • Relax and enjoy yourself • Participate actively • Feel free to ask questions • Complete exercises • Please switch your hand phones to silent mode
THE PROJECTMANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Introduction to Project Management
Manfaat : • Terkendali pada sumber daya keuangan, fisik dan manusia • Peningkatan customer relation • Durasi proyek lebih singkat • Biaya lebih rendah • Kualitas dan reliabilitas terjaga • Keuntungan meningkat • Produktifitas meningkat • Koordinasi internal semakin baik • Moral karyawan lebih baik
What Is a Project? • A project : tim sementara yang berusaha / (usaha yang dilakukan) untuk membuat suatu produk, layanan atau hasil lain yang bersifat unique • Karakteristik projects • temporary • unique products, services or results • Progressive elaboration • Operations : differ primarily in that operations are ongoing and repetitive while projects are temporary and unique
What is Project Management? Project management is “the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet project requirements” (PMI*, Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 2004, p. 8) Project management : penerapan knowledge, skills, tools, dan techniques untuk mengelola aktivitas agar memberikan suatu hasil sesuai tujuan proyek *The Project Management Institute (PMI) is an international professional society. Their web site is www.pmi.org.
Faktor keberhasilan proyek : The Triple Constraint of Project Management : • Scope : lingkup pekerjaan serta hasil yang diharapkan • Time : • Cost
The Triple Constraint of Project Management Kualitas Project dipengaruhi oleh keseimbangan antara ketiga faktor tsb.
STRATEGIC PLAN ‘Long term planning to achieve vision and mission of organization ’
PORTFOLIO AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Portofolio : kumpulan proyek atau program serta pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang dikelola secara efektif untuk mencapai tujuan strategis A portfolio is a collection of projects or programs and other work that are grouped together to facilitate effective management of that work to meet strategic business objectives Organizations manage their portfolios based on specific goals, includes : • maximizing the value of the portfolio by careful examination of candidate projects and programs; • balancing the portfolio among incremental and radical investment and for efficient use of resources.
PROGRAM AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENT A program is a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually Program management is the centralized, coordinated management of a group of projects to achieve the program’s strategic objectives and benefits
SUBPROJECT Projects are frequently divided into more manageable components or subprojects, although the individual subprojects can be referred to as projects and managed as such Subprojects are often contracted to an external enterprise or to another functional unit in the performing organization On very large projects, the subprojects can consist of a series of even series of even smaller subprojects