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School History

School History. Options In Education first opened its doors in August of 1991 with 88 students. Today it continues to serve the educational needs for more than 350 students per year. School Mission.

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School History

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  1. School History Options In Education first opened its doors in August of 1991 with 88 students. Today it continues to serve the educational needs for more than 350 students per year.

  2. School Mission To educate all students to become lifelong learners and productive citizens in a global society through a program of educational excellence utilizing technology and activities involving parents and the community. A school of choice that recognizes the unique learning and motivationalneeds of its students

  3. School Motto “OPT FOR SUCCESS” Students that adhere to the 3A’s – Attitude, Attendance & Academics have numerous opportunities for leadership and success.

  4. School Colors Teal&Gold Gold is the common color among all high schools in the district; Teal represents our campus and is the blending of the colors of our schools – purple, columbia blue, and green. The combining of these colors serves as the foundation of our previous high school experiences and as a symbol of our new beginning at Options.

  5. School Mascot The Phoenix: A mythological bird said to resemble an eagle, is reborn from its own ashes every 500 years as a new, youthful Phoenix. The suggestion for its selection as our mascot was made because the Phoenix is a “unique bird and Options is a unique school that allows students to get a second chance and rise to new heights!”

  6. School Spirit The entire body and staff worked together to select our school colors, mascot, and motto…so our school spirit unites us toward our common goal: Graduation & TAAS/TAKS Mastery for all Options Students!!!

  7. School Philosophy The school philosophy ties in with the school motto that stands for: 3A’s *Attitude *Attendance *Academics

  8. “Attitude” *Be Respectful *Be Positive *Be Helpful *Be Honest *Be Responsible *Be Caring

  9. “ATTENDANCE” *Be Prompt *Attend Class Every Day *Call by 9 a.m. When Absent *Dress For Success

  10. “ACADEMICS” *Be Focused *Be Goal Oriented *Be Dedicated *Be a Diligent Worker *Be Prepared *Earn Credits *Graduate

  11. “SchoolRules” Options High School complies with all district rules. Therefore, all the rules that are demanded in regular campuses are also required to be followed at Options.

  12. “Expectations” While attending Options, each student is expected to comply with all of the school rules each student is expected to earn a minimum of three credits per semester. The students at Options have the key to success all they need to do is follow the 3A’s.

  13. Department Chair Personnel * English – Leticia Cazares * Math – Claudia Gutierrez * Science – Kevin Kelly * Social Studies – Steve Schaffer * Career Tech – Fred Fuentes

  14. Campus Extras

  15. Special Advisories “Student Government” “Do Something” “Key Club”

  16. “StudentGovernment” Student Government is run by Mr. Kevin Kelly and is also the school’s student council. They are responsible for making school policies and speaking for the students. If interested in joining student government speak with your Advisor or Mr. Kelly himself.

  17. “Do Something” Do Something is run by: Mr. Victor Rodriguez. This specialized advisory deals a lot with helping out the community and various school projects. If interested in joining Do Something, speak with your advisor or Mr. Rodriguez himself.

  18. “KeyClub” Key Club is run by Ms. Laura Nikstad and is sponsored by the Kiwanis of McAllen. It is involved in numerous community projects. If interested in joining Key Club speak with your advisor or Ms. Nikstad.

  19. Remember the Key to Success is in your hands!!!

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