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American School History

American School History. The History of American Education. When I think of Puritans, I think most of…. The first Thanksgiving Stern, hateful people People like me Religious intolerance. Varieties of Colonial Schooling. Dame School Apprenticeships In loco parentis Latin Grammar School.

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American School History

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Presentation Transcript

  1. American School History The History of American Education

  2. When I think of Puritans, I think most of… • The first Thanksgiving • Stern, hateful people • People like me • Religious intolerance

  3. Varieties of Colonial Schooling • Dame School • Apprenticeships • In loco parentis • Latin Grammar School

  4. Old Deluder Satan Law • 1636 • Establishment of Harvard College • 1647 • Every town of 50 households…. • Every town of 100 households…. • Response to a generational problem.

  5. The Colonial Experience • Local Control of Schools • Compulsory Education • Tax-supported schools • State Standards • Also established “permanently” the tension between religious and secular influences in school classrooms in America

  6. National Identity and Education • Thomas Jefferson – educated citizenry for democracy • University of Virginia • Benjamin Franklin – practical and nonsectarian education Franklin Academy – University of Pennsylvania

  7. The Constitution • Expressed Powers vs. Delegated Powers Tenth Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited to it by the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people”

  8. Nevertheless…. • The United States has a long tradition of federal involvement in public education. We will see some of these instances and realities in chapters to come. • Titles (Ten) • ADA • IDEA • NCLB

  9. I like the idea of federal involvement in public education…. • Very much • Some • Not so much • Not at all

  10. The Common School • Horace Mann • “Common” as in common features, not as in for “common people.” • Still, Mann’s efforts made standardized education available for more Americans. • Rise of the public “elementary school.”

  11. The Normal School • Preparation for Teachers – standardized • Influence of Horace Mann • UMD has its origins in the spread and proliferation of “normal schools.” • State and Local funding. • Standardization

  12. Land Ordinance &Northwest Ordinance –1785-87 Morrill Land Grant College Acts 1862-90 Smith Hughes Act --1917 GI Bill --1944 National Defense Education Act -- 1958 ESEA – 1965 Head Start – 1964 Bilingual EA 1968-01 Title IX 1972 IDEA 1973 NCLB 2001 Federal Legislation

  13. “Schoolography” • What do you know of the history of schools in your home community? • Portfolio Reflection…..

  14. Education in the West in “Big Picture Sense” • Classical Models of Greece and Rome • Religious Traditions and Education • Renaissance Values • European Values • Renaissance • Enlightenment • Romanticism

  15. American Pragmatism • William James • Charles Sanders Peirce • Late nineteenth century • Orientation toward sense, perception, empiricism – led to Philosophy of Pragmatism

  16. Rousseau • Enligtenment vs. Romantic • Conception of Nature • Conception of the Child • The ultimate education • Emile

  17. Friedrich Froebel / Maria Montessori • Continental Practitioners and Theorists • Profound influence on American early elementary education • The Kindergarten • The Montessori Method

  18. John Dewey • Pragmatism • Experience and Pedagogy • Student-Centered • Progressivism • Democratic Ideals • Provocative and oft misunderstood

  19. Piaget • Reorganizing our conception of child development and psychology. • Cognitive stage theory: • Sensorimotor • Preoperational • Concrete Operations • Formal Operations • Profound effect on teacher preparation curriculum and curriculum in elementary schools

  20. B.F. Skinner • Behaviorism • Education analogized to laboratory experiments • Reinforcement Theory • Positive, Negative rewards • Behavior Modification

  21. I would want my 5-6 year-old to… • Stay out of school • Be home schooled • Be in a demanding academic skills program • Be in a traditional kindergarten • Be in a Montessori program

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