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Social Studies 2.0. From a Presentation at GCSS by Betsey Kennedy 4 th Grade Teacher, Big Shanty Intermediate School elizabeth.kennedy@cobbk12.org Adapted by Scott L. Roberts, Ph.D. Social Studies Program Specialist Gwinnett County Public Schools.
Social Studies 2.0 From a Presentation at GCSS by Betsey Kennedy 4th Grade Teacher, Big Shanty Intermediate School elizabeth.kennedy@cobbk12.org Adapted by Scott L. Roberts, Ph.D. Social Studies Program Specialist Gwinnett County Public Schools
Before using any website, YouTube clip or any non- adopted resource, you should submit them to your local school’s supplemental material resource committee. Note
“It is surprisingly delightful to see the interest it kindles in even the least motivated student.* By rousing the curiosity and holding the attention beyond all other means, it would almost completely banish that weariness which makes the school house a place hated by so many children… • The Blackboard 1827 (dullest scholar) What Instructional Technology Advancement is this Quote about?
Web 1.0 = Read Only Web • Web 2.0 = Read/Write Web • People are both consumers and producers What is Web 2.0?
Larry Cuban (1986): Teachers and Machines Why is Web 2.0 different than any other educational technology?
stimulates new modes of inquiry • creates new opportunities for collaborative learning • allows students to engage with new literacies and express themselves in different media • encourages a proficiency in the publication of content, which creates a sense of ownership, audience engagement, peer assessment, and informal learning (Crook, Fisher, Graber, Harrison, & Lewin, 2009) Why Use Web 2.0 With Kids?
Time • Classroom Management • Privacy Issues • Digital Divide Challenges with Web 2.0
Create multiple email accounts • Generic Usernames • Common Password • Register for students • good job for a volunteer • Try it out for yourself Getting Started with Web 2.0
Use good judgment, collaborate with others, seek approval, and if in doubt don’t use the site. • Start small • Develop groups of “experts” • Ask for help • Limit options • Be ready before you move to the computer lab • Using Youtube? Use Safe Share: http://www.safeshare.tv/ Managing Classroom 2.0
Don’t post what you wouldn’t say face to face • Respect others’ time • Spelling, grammar, and punctuation still count online. • Choose your wording carefully. • Can use, but don’t over use emoticons. • Refrain from posting anything that impedes the learning environment. Avoid profanity and blatant disrespect. Standards of Netiquette (Adams, 2012)
1. Prezi 2. Blabberize 3. Glogster 4. Podomatic 5. Digital Story telling sites 6. TypePad 7. VoiceThread 8. Wikispaces 9. Xtimeline 10. ZeeMaps Time for the Tools
Free upgraded accounts for teachers • Presentation tool for teachers • Highly engaging to students • Easily embedded on TypePad blogs • Allows for student comments http://Prezi.com
**General Presentations (older students): http://prezi.com/wwiin516ebc5/georgia-on-my-mind-writing-the-new-state-history-textbook-in-the-post-loewen-world/ • Document Analysishttp://prezi.com/pflvxcboiscm/primary-source-analysis/ • Interactive Textbook Reading Lessonhttp://prezi.com/mrlg3lftq4la/vikings/ What can you do with a Prezi?
Take a few mins. Look over your AKS/Content Map. • With a partner or alone jot down some ideas you have about how you can use Prezi in your classroom. What can you do with a Prezi?
Create talking images using photographs or drawings • Quick and easy • Post comments http://blabberize.com
Conversations between historical characters • “Oh the Things I’ve Seen”: Talking Objects Witness to History • Elizabeth Cady Stanton Biography • http://blabberize.com/view/id/445472 • **This is a great idea, but I have had trouble trying to get it to work properly. It would be worth trying out though Similar option: www.voki.com What can you do with Blabberize?
Take a few mins. Look over your AKS/Content Map. • With a partner or alone jot down some ideas you have about how you can use Blabberize in your classroom. What can you do with Blabberize?
Create multimedia, interactive posters that include everything from movies to Wordless to weblinks • http://thilby.edu.glogster.com/glogsteredu/ • http://sroberts16.edu.glogster.com/thomas-edison/ www.edu.Glogster.com
Can register students without email addresses • Students can comment on each others glogs • Glogs can be linked to TypePad blogs easily Glogster Basics
Present Information • Biography Reports • Event Review • http://wynford.edu.glogster.com/america-in-the-great-depression/ • **This was extremely easy to use What can you do with a Glog?
Take a few mins. Look over your AKS/Content Map. • With a partner or alone jot down some ideas you have about how you can use Golgster in your classroom. What can you do with a Glog?
Allows teachers or students to easily make podcasts • Easy to embed, link, or email • Allows for commenting • Other sites: • Audacity http://audacity.download-latest.com/ • Garage Band http://www.apple.com/ilife/garageband/ www.Podomatic.com
http://fcit.usf.edu/matrix/lessons/collaborative_transformation_socialstudieshttp://fcit.usf.edu/matrix/lessons/collaborative_transformation_socialstudies How do you Podcast?
Current Events • What We Have Learned • http://mps.mpsomaha.org/willow/radio/shows/Willowcast27.html • Radio Plays/ Newscasts • Monthly “Newsletters” What can you do with podcasts?
Take a few mins. Look over your AKS/Content Map. • With a partner or alone jot down some ideas you have about how you can use Podcast in your classroom. What can you do with a Podcast?
http://www.storyjumper.com/ • http://www.zooburst.com/ • http://memoov.com/ • http://www.comicmaster.org.uk/ • http://www.xtranormal.com/ ** Story Telling Sites
Primary Source Analysis • What’s Wrong with this Cartoon • Event Review • Biography Reports • How to Books (Jones & Daisy, 2011) (ex. How to create a colony, How to gain Civil Rights) What can you do with Digital Story Telling?
**This was really fun and a great way to help with literacy. • Some sites are more user friendly than others. What can you do with Digital Story Telling Sites?
Take a few mins. Look over your AKS/Content Map. • With a partner or alone jot down some ideas you have about how you can use Digital Story telling in your classroom. What can you do with a Digital Story Telling Site?
Embedding is easy • Open comments • Take advantage of the features • Create another blog when necessary www.TypePad.com
Embed Web 2.0 projects • Turn to Blogspot.com when you need more • http://herstorysociety.blogspot.com/ • Can have a book club on Blogspot: • http://www.theyearofthehangman.blogspot.com/ What can you do with your blog?
Take a few mins. Look over your AKS/Content Map. • With a partner or alone jot down some ideas you have about how you can use a blog in your classroom. What can you do with a Blog?
Collaborative, multimedia slide shows • Holds images, documents, and videos • Allows people to navigate slides and leave comments: • using voice (with a microphone or telephone) • text • audio file • video (via a webcam) www.VoiceThread.com
http://voicethread.com/share/1602641/http://bigshanty.blogs.com/kennedy/http://voicethread.com/share/1602641/http://bigshanty.blogs.com/kennedy/ VoiceThread Student Sample
Provide a selection of pictures in student drives for students to use • Have students complete a storyboard before ever touching the computer • Provide thumbnails of the pictures for the storyboard • Have two students work together VoiceThread Tips and Tricks
Take a few mins. Look over your AKS/Content Map. • With a partner or alone jot down some ideas you have about how you can use Voice Thread in your classroom. What can you do with a Voice Thread?
http://www.wikispaces.com/content/for/teachers • Free for teachers (no ads, private or public) • Private memberships for students • Students can edit a common page adding their own thoughts, pictures, etc. www.Wikispaces.com
ABC “Book” • History Yearbook/Encyclopedia • Project Organizing Space • Book Clubs (http://lightningthiefbookgroup.wikispaces.com/) • Spot to collaborate with other classes What can you do with a wiki?
Take a few mins. Look over your AKS/Content Map. • With a partner or alone jot down some ideas you have about how you can use a Wiki in your classroom. What can you do with a Wiki?
Simple Timeline Builder • Can be embedded or linked to blog • Allows you to add: • Dates • Descriptions • Media www.xTimeline.com
Biographical Timelines • http://www.xtimeline.com/timeline/Thomas-Jefferson • Event Timelines • Year-Long Building Timeline • Another option Dipityhttp://www.dipity.com/ What can you do with xTimeline?
Take a few mins. Look over your AKS/Content Map. • With a partner or alone jot down some ideas you have about how you can use X-timeline in your classroom. What can you do with a X-Timeline/Dipity?
Create interactive maps • Includes: • Locations • Descriptions • Web Links • Audio Files • Movie Files • Other sites: • Umapperhttp://www.umapper.com/ • Google Earth: http://www.google.com/earth/index.html www.ZeeMaps.com
Trace Important Events in History • http://www.zeemaps.com/244541 • Map the Life of a Person • Map the Settings of a Book What can you do with ZeeMaps?
Take a few mins. Look over your AKS/Content Map. • With a partner or alone jot down some ideas you have about how you can use Zeemap in your classroom. What can you do with a Zeemap?
http://fcit.usf.edu/matrix/gradelevel.php The Technology Integration Matrix
1. Prezi 2. Blabberize 3. Glogster 4. Podomatic 5. Story Telling 6. TypePad 7. VoiceThread 8. Wikispaces 9. Xtimeline 10. ZeeMaps Tools (Reminder)