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Today's Agenda. Work-Study GuidelinesWebsitePayroll ProcessFinancial Aid ProcessAccountingAuditDepartment's RoleWSO's RoleLegend:WSO = Work-Study OfficeORF = Online Referral FormWSJB = Work-Study Job Bulletin FAU = Full Accounting UniteFAN = Electronic Financial Aid NoticeWSP
1. Work-Study Program
Welcome to the
On-Campus Employer
Work-Study Program
2. Today’s Agenda
Work-Study Guidelines
Payroll Process
Financial Aid Process
Department’s Role
WSO’s Role
WSO = Work-Study Office ORF = Online Referral Form
WSJB = Work-Study Job Bulletin FAU = Full Accounting Unit
eFAN = Electronic Financial Aid Notice WSP = Work-Study Program
AY = Academic Year
Used interchangeably: Participation period, Employment Period, Program Period
3. What is Work-Study? Program Purpose
Work-Study is a need based Federal subsidy program
It is designed to offer students the opportunity to earn money through part-time employment to help defray educational costs
To the maximum extent practicable, jobs under the program should help students gain experience in a field related to their course of study
Program Benefits
Students gain valuable work experience; potentially reduce student loan borrowing, and reduce family contribution
Employers’ Work-Study payroll is subsidized by the program
How does the Work-Study program work?
Eligible students are awarded a given amount of funding for the entire participation period (summer or academic year)
A student’s award represents the entire amount that the student may earn under the program
Your department covers 50% of every dollar the student earns and Work-Study covers the remaining 50% (up to his/her maximum allocation)
Example: your department hires a student with a $2000 award
Student works 15 hours at $10/hr = $150 earnings
$75 paid by department & $75 paid by WS program
Student’s remaining award = $1850 ($2000 - $150 earned)
Assuming this student earned his entire award, your department would have paid $1000 and the Work-Study program would have paid $1000 for a total of $2000
4. What is Work-Study? Employment Conditions
Job Descriptions
Must be detailed to permit WSO to determine if position qualifies under program
Must clearly define job functions to assist student to determine if job is related to his/her course of study
Must establish clear work expectations to avoid misunderstandings (employer should also articulate work expectations during hiring process)
Rate of Pay
Must be reasonable given the type of work performed
Must be comparable to rate of pay for other similar positions
Work-Study must not displace University employees
May not replace employees on leave, strike, etc…
Employed to assist faculty permitted so long as the job is in line with the faculty member’s official University responsibilities
Work must be supervised
Carefully monitor work schedule, performance and communicate expectations
5. Website Calendar
Program begin/end dates (summer & Academic Year)
Placement deadline
Prerequisite to accessing WSJB
Requires UCLA Logon
Identifies major program participation requirements
Must be signed by two distinct persons
Must be faxed to WSO at ext 65530 to activate access
Must be renewed annually
Work-Study Job Bulletin (WSJB)
Job Requisitions
Tips for preparing job requisition
6. Website WSJB continued
Referral Forms
Student not authorized until ORF is submitted
No ORF may be submitted after the placement deadline
Student forfeits Work-Study funding
Permits student to be rehired
Confirming placement
Students should be listed under their job requisition’s roster
Earnings updated biweekly
Pay rate increases
Updating pay rate on job requisition is permitted but not required if the rate of pay will be increased for a Work-Study participant
7. Payroll Process EDB
Two distributions are recommended
WSP Codes must be designated on EAPP
Limit and WSP code on EWSP
New hires
If a student holds more than one university position (one Work-Study and one non-Work-Study), his/her combined appointments must NOT exceed 49%
Students may NOT hold more than one Work-Study position simultaneously
Pay and Title Codes
Recommended 4919 to 4922
No GSR (use SRA instead)
Pay raises permitted
End the distribution with the old rate and enter a new distribution with the new rate
8. Payroll Process Time Record Requirements
Weekly Hour Limit
20 hours limit per week (40 for biweekly pay cycle)
Must not permit student to work during his/her scheduled class time
Excess Hours
Departments responsible for paying 100% of hours worked in excess of the 20 hour weekly limit
Valid time records must contain student and supervisor signatures
Late Time records
Departments responsible for paying 100% of hours worked on time records submitted more than 30 days beyond the end of a pay period
Students should not be permitted to submit time record to payroll personnel
Supervisor should personally deliver or arrange delivery of time records to payroll personnel (not to be delivered by student participant)
9. Payroll Process Adjustments
Use the RX/LX process to adjust Work-Study student earnings for any of the following
Excess hours
Earnings in excess of award (NOT overmax-see below for additional details)
Non-split earnings
Earnings split to the incorrect program
Never process expense transfers for Work-Study earnings as these transactions do not update the payroll system correctly
For Overmax situations it is critical that your department consult WSO prior to processing any adjustment
Fiscal Year-end Process
See Accounting year-end closing calendar for Work-Study payroll deadlines
XX pay cycles
Avoid using XX pay cycles—earnings not updated properly in payroll (exception: final year-end paycheck processing)
Limit Updates
Limits updated on a biweekly basis via Financial Aid Management system to Payroll interface
Limits updated only for student’s whose appointments exist in EDB
10. Financial Aid Process Application Flow
March 2nd is the priority filing deadline
Students missing the deadline are not considered for Work-Study funding
April 30th—students wishing to be considered for summer Work-Study must submit summer application (via MyFAO)
May 15th—approximate summer eFAN release date
ORF is not available until award is accepted on eFAN
June 15th—approximate release date for AY eFANs
Note: Work-Study is non-transferable between participation periods
Impact of other aid on Work-Study funding
Work-Study is a need based award. Student’s program eligibility may be reduced or cancelled based on:
Receipt of external scholarships
Conversion of Work-Study to loan
Award changes generate updated eFAN
It is important to maintain ongoing communication with students to ascertain any changes to their Work-Study program eligibility
11. Financial Aid Process