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https://www.msu.edu/~sackashl/wa/ group.project/ grouphome.html. Money 101. By: Ashley Sack, Julia Sullivan, Andrea Reynolds, & Deanna Garrison. General Goal.
https://www.msu.edu/~sackashl/wa/group.project/grouphome.htmlhttps://www.msu.edu/~sackashl/wa/group.project/grouphome.html Money 101 By: Ashley Sack, Julia Sullivan, Andrea Reynolds, & Deanna Garrison
General Goal The specific audience meant for this website is a group of 9th-12th grade high school age students or early college-age students in a finance, economics, or business class. It is also A resource for any beginning learner in the area of finance and money. The objective of creating this website is to clearly give direction and general pertinent information regarding smart uses and management of personal accounts and finances to prepare students for their future financial endeavors in the future.
Goals and Aims for Website Communication Goal- To provide financial information to beginning learners who have little understanding of money and how it works in society already. Currently: There is no existing site for Henry Ford II High School to refer to in their business class to further their financial education. New Vision:One-stop shop for a broad range of financial information imperative to a young adult’s understanding of the financial world. Recommendations by classroom and classroom teacher: Include a navigation Bar, tips and tricks blurb, glossary of useful terms, additional resources, clear labels of information, simple language throughout the site, and basic information that only pertains to a young student’s everyday financial needs.
Navigation Bar Description: Our navigation bar has links to all of our pages that are clearly labeled for ease of access. Rationale: From any page on our website, students have access to any other page on the website. Design Choice: located at the top of every page so it is easily accessible and each link is labeled what the following page title will entail. All links are same size and color. Example: Checking vs. Savings button on navigation bar links to checking vs. savings page in our website, which describes differences between checking and savings accounts
Tips & Tricks Description: Our ‘tips and tricks’ has a list of ideas that help students learn how to manage money. Rationale: We include this because it is a short version of our website as a whole. It allows you to explore many parts of our information at once in organized main ideas. Design Choice: By putting this on the homepage, it would be one of the first things that students would see and would intrigue young students to explore the website more for their target information.
Financial Terms Glossary Description: The glossary page is a compilation of definitions of the financial terms listed in our pages. Rationale: Financial terms can be confusing. If you don’t have a background in finance, they can make learning difficult. Having a page of definitions makes it easy for young learners to understand our website’s content. Design Choice: This page is in alphabetical order, which makes it easy to find any definition you are looking for. Each new word is bulleted, separating it visually from the rest. Each word is followed by a colon, helping the reader distinguish between word and definition. Example: Budget: Plan of incoming and outgoing money. It is the expense and income.
Description: To provide and familiarize students with in more in depth information about what has been touched on in our website. • Rationale: We include this because providing these extra sources for information can potentially answer future questions or clear up any gaps or misconceptions about the information posted on the site. • Design Choice: We make these all hyperlinks so that they may be easily identifiable and link directly to the deeper information the client is searching for. Further Resources
Description: Each heading on a page sums up the information below that heading on the page. • Rationale: Students helped us to decide exactly what the main headings should say so that they would know exactly what comes next in their reading. At first, our headings were all to general and too similar. They needed more specificity and diversity in the headings to truly know what information is present below them. • Design Choice: The bold print catches the viewers eye and makes the main heading easily distinguishable so that the reader can either skip or read that information. Main Idea Headings
Michael-“ Put glossary link in navigation rectangle on all pages instead of just on homepage because I couldn’t get to it from anywhere else when I needed it”. (Age 18). • Alex- “ Have page titles next to the MONEY 101 big title so I know exactly what page I’m on and what that page is going to be about. Otherwise, I’m confused”. (Age 18) • Lara- “I really don’t like how the glossary is not in alphabetical order. I couldn’t find anything that I was looking for. Please alphabetize them”. (Age 17) • Sam- “Keep the ‘dos and don’t’ section shorter because I don’t want to read so much. It took too long to read everything and I forgot what I was reading’”. ( Age 16) High School Student User Test