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The Changing Role of the Interagency Agreement (IAA) Financial Acquisition Coalition Team

The Changing Role of the Interagency Agreement (IAA) Financial Acquisition Coalition Team. Lori Sakalos , CFCM Senior Procurement Analyst, GSA. Robin Gilliam, CPA, PMP GWA Systems & Standards Integrator Department of Treasury. Tom Howder Director, Acquisition Operations and Systems, GSA.

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The Changing Role of the Interagency Agreement (IAA) Financial Acquisition Coalition Team

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  1. The Changing Role of the Interagency Agreement (IAA)Financial Acquisition Coalition Team Lori Sakalos, CFCM Senior Procurement Analyst, GSA Robin Gilliam, CPA, PMP GWA Systems & Standards Integrator Department of Treasury Tom Howder Director, Acquisition Operations and Systems, GSA Tracey Malick Director, Financial Operations Division May 2011

  2. Agenda • FAR Subpart 17.5, Interagency Acquisitions • Interagency Agreement (IAA) • Internet Payment Platform (IPP) Intra-Gov Module Briefing

  3. FAR Subpart 17.5, Interagency Acquisitions Lori Sakalos, CFCMSenior Procurement AnalystGSA Office of Governmentwide Policy

  4. Interagency Agreement • Direct acquisition • Assisted acquisition • For orders over $500,000, the requiring agency shall make a determination that use of the Federal Supply Schedule is the best procurement approach

  5. Determination of Best Procurement Approach • Satisfies the requesting agency’s schedule, performance, and delivery requirements • Is cost effective, taking into account the reasonableness of the servicing agency’s fees • Will result in the use of funds in accordance with appropriation limitations and compliance with the requesting agency’s laws and policies

  6. Written Interagency Agreements • Assisted acquisitionsmust be accompanied by written agreements between the requesting agency and the servicing agency • Documenting the roles and responsibilities of the respective parties • Including the planning, execution, and administration of the contract, task order or delivery order • Direct acquisitions:The requesting agency administers the order; therefore, no written agreement with the servicing agency is required

  7. Interagency Agreement (IAA) Robin Gilliam, CPA, PMAGWA Systems & Standard IntegratorDept of Treasury, Financial Management Service

  8. The IAA is a standard template for doing reimbursable business between federal trading partners, with standard data elements to: • Account for and reconcile intra-governmental transactions between trading partners • Address the long-standing audit finding on the US Government’s financial report (FR) • $25 billion elimination entry between departments • Reduce future elimination entries between agencies • Provide correct information for receipt and acceptance of authorized work

  9. IAA History • March 2009 – November 2010: • Developed Standard IAA • Tiger Team • Finance, Budget, Acquisition, Legal • GSA, GSA-FAS, DoD, Education, NSF, Health agencies, IC • Identified standard data elements using 9 different agency Interagency Templates including the OFPP June 2008 policy guidance for assisted acquisitions • Developed Standard IAA Form • Version 1: Oct 2009 • Version 2: July 2010 • Introduced to Agencies • NSF piloted form starting in March 2010 V.1

  10. History of IAA (cont) • December 2010 – February 2011: IAA “Paper” Pilot • IAA Agency Pilots used the paper IAA form (version 2) for actual reimbursable business transactions • Collected comments by each data element (IAA Block) • March 2011: consolidated and analyzed pilot comments • April – June 2011 (Version 3): • Update standard IAA data elements • Develop data dictionary • Develop automated requirements • Work with OMB on updated policy

  11. IAA - One Form - Two Sections • Developed from OFPP’s June 2008 Interagency Acquisition Document • Part A = General Terms and Conditions (GT&C) Section • Captures the partnership/relationship between the parties • Part B = Order Requirements and Funding Information Section (Order) • Each IAA must include one GT&C and at least one order

  12. Communication is the Key; the IAA is the Tool initiates IAA Buyer Seller approves IT Legal Legal IT

  13. Managing Reimbursable Agreements - Governmentwide S E L L E R B U Y E R IAA Invoice Receipt & Acceptance $$$

  14. Reducing Elimination Entries Reconciliation Issues

  15. Automated IAA Functionalityin the Treasury, FMSInternet Payment Platform (IPP) Intra-Governmental Module

  16. Automation • The Internet Payment Platform (IPP) is a U.S. Treasury program for processing electronic orders, invoices and payment information • It is provided by U.S. Treasury at no charge to agencies • IPP was originally set up to handle commercial transactions between agencies and suppliers • It has been enhanced to support intra-governmental transactions between agencies

  17. Project Goals • Facilitate a standard business process for agencies to transact and reconcile reimbursable activity • Implement a digital version of the new standard IAA • Improve buy/sell management • Support the complete process flow from the IAA to settlement confirmation in one central location • Provide visibility for both trading partners throughout the transaction lifecycle

  18. Implementation Challenges • The new standard IAA is in the process of being introduced to agencies today, and is being finalized • There is no central digital system available to all agencies to implement the new standard business process • Migration to a single standard across agency trading partners with multiple processes and systems is difficult

  19. Project Approach • Leverage the current IPP commercial capabilities and best practices • Leverage Intra-governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC) intra-governmental transaction settlement capabilities • Enhance and integrate the two platforms to allow IPP to serve as a front-end to IPAC and automate support for reimbursable transactions

  20. Project Approach (continued) • Support new standard IAA through IPP-Intra-Gov automation. • Proactive controls to ensure that only valid reference data values are used (BPN, TAS/BETC, etc.) • Incorporate agency feedback on proposed changes • Implement the new standard process and automated solutions government-wide

  21. IPP – IAA Automation – November 2011 Release • Standard IAA data elements and relationships captured for and between GT&Cs and Orders • Buyer or Seller creates/approves IAA GT&C online • Buyer creates IAA Order from open GT&C

  22. IPP – IAA Automation – November 2011 Release (cont) • Seller creates invoice from IAA Order • Buyer approves invoice • IPP creates IPAC schedule for agency or automatic processing • IPP receives and displays IPAC confirmation data 22

  23. Agency Leadership – Help to Lead this Change • Be proactive • Develop an implementation plan • Identify your “population/inventory” of reimbursable activity • Identify how to move each activity to the IAA

  24. Develop Your Agency Implementation Plan • How do you process reimbursable activity? • Paper • Automated process • Review standard IAA data elements • Gap analysis • Create agency specific standard operating procedures • Work with your trading partners • Contact us for working/training sessions

  25. Agency Implementation Financial Acquisition Coalition is working to develop a phased Government-wide implementation strategy In the meantime: Request that Agencies processing IAAs using Paper forms use the automated IAA functionality in IPP beginning in November 2011

  26. References • Financial Management and Budget Standardization Web Page: http://go.usa.gov/gXz • Receive email updates for IAA and FM standardization information • FAR subpart 17.5 • GSAM • Internet Payment Platform • Intergovernmental business rules

  27. Contact Information • Lori Sakalos, CFCMSenior Procurement Analyst, GSA Office of Governmentwide Policy lori.sakalos@gsa.gov (202) 208-0498 • Robin Gilliam, CPA, PMP GWA Systems and Standards Integrator, Treasury, FMS robin.gilliam@fms.treas.gov (202) 874-9133 • Paul Lionikis IPP Strategic Agency Relations Director, Treasury, Boston Federal Reserve Bank Paul.Lionikis@bos.frb.org (617) 973-3637 • IAA@fms.treas.gov for email questions

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