Gdynia My City
History of Gdynia First mentionsabout Gdynia comesfrom 1253, but our city becomesreallyfamousafterdecision of building a hugeseaport and shipyard. Many peoplewerecoming to Gdynia to workhere. In 1926 Gdynia obtained city rights. Afterthisevent, dynamic growth started. Gdynia was one of thewillinglyvisitedcities and the most important place inpolish trade.
Gdynia Today Gdynia isconsidered by many experts as thebest place to live in Poland. Our city isstillveryimportant as a transit place and isvisited by many touristsfromallovertheworld. Ourpresident Wojciech Szczurek was selectedwith a record of around 90 % of votes. Gdynia is one of the most modern citiesintheentire Poland. Themaincharacteristicbuildingin Gdynia areSeaTowers, thebiggest residential construction outside Warsaw.
Attractionsin Gdynia Gdynia hasgot a lot of attractions. Thereis a beautifullsandybeachinthe city centre, lovelyKościuszko’sSquare, and boulevardwith old shipssituatednext to it. We’vegotplenty of sport teamslikeAsseco Prokom Gdynia, polish basketball champions, R.C Arka Gdynia whichare rugby champions, Seahawks Gdynia, a american football teams and MZKS Arka Gdynia, ourlocal football team whichhasgotthebiggestnumber of supporters.
SAILBOATS Dar Pomorza Dar Młodzieży
OTHER ATRACTIONS Muzeum of Gdynia SeaTowers
Thispresentation was made by Kamil Kręt & Przemysław Podemski from Gimnazjum nr 17 in Gdynia