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Fall 2011 Rev A 10-03-11. Team Infinity and Beyond Critical Design Review. Adam Archuleta Katie Cartee Logan Farley Patrick Klein Kamron Medina Catherine Villa. Mission Overview.
Fall 2011 Rev A 10-03-11 Team Infinity and BeyondCritical Design Review Adam Archuleta Katie Cartee Logan Farley Patrick Klein Kamron Medina Catherine Villa
Mission Overview • The objective of our mission is to test the practicality and capabilities of a satellite return vehicle prototype as it falls away from our BalloonSat at an altitude of approximately twenty-six kilometers. Our secondary objective is to use a micro video camera to create a video of the high altitude environment around the BalloonSat from the point of view of the glider during the ascent, and also record the fall back to Earth after detachment • We expect to prove the practicality of a glider-like vehicle that is designed to return a payload to Earth. A satellite return glider can provide companies a means of safely recovering their de-orbited satellites. Our paper airplane prototype will accomplish a task of the same nature. • We chose to carry out this experiment because the need for a satellite de-orbiting vehicle is prominent in light of the decommissioning of the space shuttle. • Much like the decommissioned shuttles, which relied on steering jets and its aero surfaces to control the vehicle for most of the re-entry, a paper glider relies on the aerodynamics in a continually densifying atmosphere to control its rate of descent and directional velocity. Our BalloonSat model however, is limited by weight constraints and a monetary budget; so it is incapable of carrying attitude correcting systems. • Hypothesis: Our return vehicle will successfully transfer the payload from our BalloonSat safely to Earth in an affordable and efficient manner. Future developed products may implement a structure and simple control systems based on our findings, using air jets for near space altitudes, and ailerons and flaps in a lower altitude, higher density atmosphere.
Flow Down Chart • Requirements Flow Down • Walk class through your Level 0 and Level 1 requirements and how they flow down from the Mission Statement • Refer to the class slides from the RFP lecture • You may be asked to stop and move on at anytime by Chris
Design • The imperative of Project Falling With Style is to design a BalloonSat with a glider payload that shall release at approximately twenty six kilometers. Its special feature is most notably a high altitude glider carrying a payload of a GPS tracker and video recorder. Through rigorous research and considerations of our proposal response, our design process has been moderately revised to include several improvements, such as an external paint layer to indicate stress points, and a specific timing circuit that will determine the time of release of the glider. Team Infinity and Beyond now has a more complete understanding of the satellite as the structure has already been built. • The payload on the glider itself is now set to carry only one video recorder facing frontward. The deletion of the second camera is due to lack of meaningful information provided, weight budget, and allows for a better camera model with more resolution. The camera specifications allow for three hours of battery life, but whether this will hold up during a continuous video will need to be determined during testing.
Design • The other half of the payload on the glider is the LG Lotus cell phone that will act as a GPS tracking unit. An accurate location of the GPS is essential for an easy recovery, and the cell phone may be wrapped in a bubble wrap as an added layer of protection to withstand landing. The placement of both devices are expected to be under the wings adjacent to the body, but testing will determine ideal positions. As mentioned, the glider will feature a paint job that will allow a visual inspection of minuscule cracks to be analyzed and see where the highest stress points were located. • On the interior of the BalloonSat will be the HOBO data logger, heater kit, Canon stillframe camera, timing circuit, and electromagnet. Each of these components will be held into place with hot glue or additional internal structures made from the foam core. The HOBO is planned to have the relative humidity and internal temperature sensors located within the cube, and the external temperature probe will extend approximately two inches outside of the structure through a snug opening. The heater kit is on the verge of being constructed, and proves little challenge to implement on the inside of the satellite to warm the entire craft due to a small volume. An external switch will allow the heater to be activated before launch. The Canon camera will follow the specifications and requirements provided to take pictures on ten second intervals starting from launch. The lens will protrude from another opening in the structure.
Design • The electromagnet is planned to be in a series with a circuit board containing a 4060 CMOS chip. Another external switch will be added on this circuit to be activated before launch. The chip is 14-bit binary, allowing for an accurate track of time in seconds. The expected time of release is 76 minutes after launch, which is derived from the rate of ascent and intended release altitude. When the electromagnet releases from the plane (attached by a small metal disc that is to be determined with testing), the glider should release cleanly. • The structure itself, which already has its first construction, is a fifteen centimeter cube made of foam core. Hot glue and aluminum tape shall be used to hold the structure together. Aluminum tubing running through the center of the cube will allow the string to connect the satellite to the weather balloon. A paper clip and washer on the bottom of the tube will prevent slippage of the line. The outside layer of thermal blanketing will add insulation and is expected to keep the interior above freezing temperatures. Contact information of SpaceGrant and the team leader will be visible on the outside, as well as an American flag.
Hardware • Most of the required materials for Project Falling With Style are provided through SpaceGrant. We ordered all of our hardware online and have already received our electromagnet. Separate testing materials (dry ice, cooler, and extra batteries) will be purchased out of pocket from the most affordable place we can find. From our $250 budget, we used $95.13. Out of our weight budget is 850 grams and we are estimating our total weight will be approximately 834.9 grams.(1) 2GB FPV Video Camera from Ebay for $49.35(2) Tubular Electromagnet from ElectroMechanicsOnline for $35.89(3) Timing Circuit Chip from reuk.co.uk for $0.40(4) GP 12V Alkaline Batteries-23AE from Amazon for $9.89(5) Components such as the HOBO, camera (SD780), heater, temperature sensor, foam core, and accessories (hot glue, wires/ switches, batteries) are provided by SpaceGrant.
Schedule Team meetings will be every Sunday from 5-9 PM and every Monday and Tuesday from 5-7 PM Team meetings are tentative due to outside scheduling conflicts and potential necessity for more meetings. Due dates are definite and all requirements will be completed at the designated time.
Functional Block Diagrams BalloonSat Glider
Testing • Testing is one of the most important procedures that must be performed on any mission based program because testing is the single most effective method in identifying design and/or build problems. Along with identifying the problems, testing the device gives a simulation of how the BalloonSat will perform in each tested condition. Each system will be rigorously tested individually for all questionable upcoming conditions on the flight. Not only will each system be tested individually, all systems will be combined in the BalloonSat and will be tested extensively to ensure each system works together. The tests that will be performed include: freeze tests, camera tests, drop tests, whip tests, free-fall tests, release tests, stress tests, and aerodynamics tests. • For the freeze test, each system will be placed in a cooler containing dry ice. While not in direct contact with the ice, each system will experience similar temperatures (-10°C approx.) to expected internal flight temperatures and will be examined for functionality at these temperatures to simulate the temperature inside the BalloonSat near the edge of the troposphere, when the temperature is the coldest. This test will have duration equal to that of our flight, about 2.5hrs while the BalloonSat is operating. During this test, we can make sure we will have sufficient battery life for our cameras. However, the release mechanism needs to be tested at even colder temperatures (-50°C approx.) because the release will be taking place outside of the insulated BalloonSat and will experience much lower temperatures: the same test will be carried out for this system because the dry ice used will produce temperatures cold enough to simulate this condition.
Testing • The cameras on board have a unique set of requirements that must be met. The still frame camera must take pictures at specific time intervals (every 10 seconds) for the entire flight. This means the camera must be tested to ensure it will take the pictures as programmed for the entire flight, as well as ensuring battery life. To run the test, the camera’s specific programming will be run while the camera undergoes the freeze test so the team can ensure proper functionality throughout the most difficult conditions. The video camera will be tested on the same terms as the still frame camera but with some extra testing included: determining the angle to mount the camera to ensure an appropriate field of view from the glider. To do this, the video camera will take a short video while attached to the glider during a test flight, and the resulting video will provide a reference for proper adjustment • Structure of the BallonSat is a crucial element of our BalloonSat because it protects all of the systems and the mission itself. Because of this, the structure will undergo two tests for durability. The first is known as the drop test, where the structure will be dropped from a height of two stories (~6 meters) to simulate a rough landing. Another version of the drop test that will be conducted is dropping the BalloonSat down a flight of stairs so ensure the structure can withstand any number of variable landings, such as bouncing, rolling, or dragging upon landing. The final structural test is the “whip test”, where the BalloonSat will be tied to a string and then swung around to simulate extreme g-forces experienced soon after the balloon burst. Throughout the structural testing, an equal mass inside the BalloonSat will be achieved using weights or rocks that will be positioned similarly to our systems positioning to account for the center of gravity and overall mass.
Testing • Dropping a glider from a BalloonSat is one of the most difficult operations that could be performed. Because of this, the glider, release mechanism, and the total apparatus must be tested thoroughly to ensure proper function. At launch of the BalloonSat, the glider will be attached to the side of our BalloonSat. This brings up the matter of launch and ascent survival. As the BalloonSat ascends, it will experience average speed of about 5.5 m/s. We will test the apparatus in the wind tunnel to ensure the glider will not release during the climb. Once at altitude, the release of the glider is crucial. We will test the release mechanism at very low temperatures (around -50°C) to ensure the release of our glider in the appropriate environment. The final test the glider needs to undergo is what we are calling the “freefall test”. The main reason for this test is to observe how the glider will react after release. When released, the glider will be facing the ground with very little air present. We will be dropping the glider from approximately 21 meters in the same fashion that the glider is going to release from the BalloonSat in order to observe whether or not the glider will stabilize and glide as required by the mission. • Finally, the team will be executing simple stress tests on the glider to analyze and further the proposed design. To do this, the glider will be painted in a thin coat of white paint for the aerodynamics tests as well as the maiden voyage. The reason behind conducting the test on the actual mission along with during testing is because the actual stress under the exact conditions experienced is impossible to identify and therefore test. By conducting the stress tests, areas of high stress will yield cracks in the paint. These results will provide evidence of dangerous stress levels to be assessed in future glider designs.
Expected results • Since a space glider would enter the atmosphere at a predetermined angle, this prototype must also try to level the plane out before it loses too much altitude, and an analysis of the upper atmospheric flight can be made from the descent video. • We expect the release mechanism to release at 24-30 km. The goal is for it to release at 26 kilometers. The intended path of the glider is a straight line of flight relative to the air. Wind is expected so an actual straight line path relative to the earth is likely unachievable and would require corrective directional systems. We would like a high ratio of distance travelled to altitude dropped to minimize the vertical speed of landing. There are no mechanisms to control horizontal velocity other than drag so the nose of our glider is expected to meet a rough landing if it encounters a landing zone other than a flat open field. • While the camera is expected to record during the entire flight, there is a chance that force of impact could crack the lens or damage the camera. This should not be a problem because all that needs to survive and be recovered is the microSD card.
Expected Results • If we see a large view of earth then can determine the pitch is low, and it is falling too quickly; alternatively if there is a shot that consists more of the horizon and/or sky then we will know it is maintaining a lower rate of altitude loss. The angle of the horizon/earth directly in front the the glider will give us an idea on how much roll the plane is experiencing. The yaw can also be determined if the camera is facing in the same direction as velocity, which may indicate winds affecting the flight path. • The condition of the glider will be analyzed to determine stress on the glider during the flight. During testing we will find a paint-like material in which to cover the glider. After flight there will be be small cracks where the wings bend and other areas that were stressed. • Testing of data retrieval will be done thoroughly before launch. Data retrieval from the flight video will be plugging the microSD into an adapter and into a computer. A test in which the video is recording and the battery is suddenly removed will be used to determine if the video will be corrupted and can even be played on a media player. This might occur as the glider hits the ground and the camera is destroyed while the video is still recording. • The GPS will be tested before the flight to ensure it's accurate. Since the GPS is not in real-time, we will need to constantly refresh the website to get the location and take screenshots to get a semi-accurate flight path. When the GPS location stops moving, we can assume the eagle has landed.
Biggest Worries… • Timer/Release (too early/failure) • Battery life • Camera malfunctions • GPS (service/destruction) • Glider stabilization • Phone destroyed on impact