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Principal’s News

SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY. A Title 1 School OCTOBER 2010 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM. Principal’s News. Dear Parents and Friends of SES,

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Principal’s News

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  1. SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY A Title 1 School OCTOBER 2010 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM Principal’s News Dear Parents and Friends of SES, The new school year is off to a very solid start. A record 413 students enrolled at SES with the average class size holding at just below twenty-one students. The pupils have come back to school enthusiastic and eager to learn. Please know that your collaboration and cooperation is encouraged; educating youngsters is a job that consistently involves both educators and parents. Toward that end, we were pleased to see so many parents at the September “Back to School Night,” as well as at the various Title I orientation functions. To further increase your understanding of the academic program at SES, we would like to invite parents of all Pre-K and students new to the school to our Sailing Through the System series of evening classes. On Tuesday, October 12th, 19th, and 26th, staff from SES and several county educators will discuss policies, procedures, and academic programs of interest to parents. The sessions begin at 6:30 P.M. with a light supper followed by about an hour of discussion. You are welcome to attend and, if your child is new to SES, you should find the sessions quite helpful. We encourage you to volunteer in the school but remind you that all volunteers must undergo a short orientation session. Mrs. Elaine Butler, our Home-School Coordinator, will run the training and promises to make it as painless as possible. In addition, you must fill out a volunteer form. Contact your child’s teacher or Mrs. Butler for more information. Whether you decide to help us on a regular or sporadic basis, please know that we welcome your assistance and look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Upcoming Events • 10/4–8 Book Fair • 7:30am-2:30pm • 10/4 Flu-Mist Day • 10/7 Health Fair • 7-10 am • 10/8 Sister School • Assembly • 1:45 – 2:15 pm • in SES Gym • 10/12, 19, 26 • Sailing through • the System 6:30pm • 10/12 PTA Meeting • 6:30pm • 10/13 Half Day • 10/14-10/15 • No School • 10/18 Bus Driver’s • Appreciation Week • 10/28 Picture • Re-take Day

  2. SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School OCTOBER 2010 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM BOOK FAIR October 4th – 8th Open everyday 7:30 am - 2:30 pm in the cafeteria Everyone is welcome to stop in during any of these hours!  We also have Friends and Family Night  Wednesday, October 6th from 6 – 8 pm. Heroes from Sudlersville Volunteer Fire Department will give children a tour of a fire truck and give parents information on fire prevention.  * Stop by after you visit the Health Fair on Thursday!  S.E.S. EAGLE SQUAD OPENS SISTER SCHOOL ASSEMBLY Parents and school community members are invited to the Sister School assembly set for 3rd-5th graders on Friday, October 8, 1:45 – 2:15 pm, in the S.E.S. gym. There is exciting news about special projects that students throughout the school will be doing in partnership with our sister school teachers and students. Come learn about our sister school partnership with Escuela Primaria Juventino Rosas in Mexico. In addition to learning about environmental projects led by Mrs. Vooris, you will also be treated to a drill team performance by the new S.E.S. Eagle Squad. Our sister school has a drill team, so we thought we could learn from them and also form a team. Eagle Squad members have been practicing since this summer. Eagle Squad members include Sam Angelini, Christine Apple, Madison Bailey, Chloe Begley, Jordan Dozier, Jacob Elborn, Neidy Roblero, Nicholas Short, and Noah Skinner. Mr. Leventhal, instructor, and Mrs. Leventhal, supervisor, meet with the Eagle Squad every Friday after school. A special thank you to parent volunteers—Mrs. Paniere, Mr. Downey, and Ms. Begley—who have helped with practices.

  3. SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School OCTOBER 2010 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM Grade 2 News O – Oh boy! Fall is here already! C – Can you believe September is gone? T – The 2nd grade has been working very hard! We will be finishing up our first reading theme “Silly Stories” this month. We finished the first math unit which was basically a review of 1st grade math. Our Social Studies Unit on Communities is wrapping up and will culminate with a walking trip around Sudlersville on October 5th. This will also be a nice introduction to our next reading theme. O - Onward to the upcoming units of study for this month - They include a “Nature Walk” theme in reading which ties in nicely to our science unit having to do with the environment. We will also be exploring addition and subtraction fact strategies in math. B – Be on the lookout for permission slips for a field trip to the Museum of Natural History on Tuesday, October 19th. Parents, mark your calendar and get to a volunteer workshop if you are interested in coming with us. E – Everybody’s a winner when you do your best! Keep up the good work second grade! Don’t forget to read each and every night. R – Rotations have started during intervention time. This year the second grade teachers will each choose a topic or theme to focus on for a two week period. We will rotate through so that each class benefits from the enriching activities that each teacher is doing. This month we are working on writing, readers’ theater and Mexico (for Hispanic Heritage Month). Kindergarten News FREE HEALTH FAIR Thursday, Oct. 7 7 am – 10 am Kindergarten will begin to have homework in October. Information about the homework packet will be sent home at the same time as the homework packet. Each child, who completes, his/her packet by the end of the month, will receive a certificate for being a "Homework Champ" and a prize.  You should have scissors, crayons, and a glue stick in a special place in your home so that your child will have these materials available to complete the homework. If you have any questions, please promptly contact your child's teacher and she will be happy to help you. It's so hard to believe that September is already over! Please be sure you are checking your child's folder every evening when they come home from school. We have completed Unit 1 in math and have moved on to Unit 2: Everyday Uses of Numbers. This unit encompasses both money and time, so please work with your student on both of these skills. We have also started our second theme in reading, Surprises! We will be wrapping up our Living Things unit in science with a trip to the zoo - we will send out more specific information as the time draws nearer! FREE glucose and cholesterol blood tests will be offered.  ** Remember do not eat for 12 hours before getting your blood drawn, you may drink water.  Grade 1 News We have had a great beginning to the school year.  The kids are beginning to adjust to the new routines. We have been reading a lot of stories about starting school.  We've also been learning our shapes.  Have your children look around and identify circles, triangles, squares and rectangles. Starting this month, we will be learning our nursery rhymes in preparation for Nursery Rhyme Day on Oct. 29th .  Ask your child each night which new rhyme we learned that day.  Thank you for your support. PreK News

  4. SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School OCTOBER 2010 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM • Sultana • Our first field trip was a success. Our students learned a lot about the Chesapeake Watershed and are currently learning in class about John Smith’s exploration on the bay and how people effect changes in the bay. • Agenda and Homework • Check your child’s agenda EVERYDAY. They should be responsible for writing in their agenda each day. If you are noticing that your child is not writing in their agenda, please discuss the importance of this with your child. • If you and your child are having trouble with the nightly homework, please be sure to contact your child’s classroom teacher. If you make us aware of a problem through a phone call or a brief note we will work hard to meet the needs of your child. • Grade 5 welcomes fall with studies of nature, Native Americans, the Earth, and strong characters.  As we finish the "Natures Fury" theme in language arts we will next be reading about people, real and fictional, who "Give It All You've Got!"  These reading unit selections feature strong characters and autobiographies of people who overcome obstacles to succeed in life.  •  In addition we will continue to study Native Americans in social studies and study our Earth and its surface in science.  We will then move on to study Earth in space.  In math, we review geometry and begin a unit on division.  We hope parents will continue to support learning efforts with nightly reading time, homework discussion, and fact practice for math.  Thank you for all that you do for our students. Grade 3 News Grade 4 News • Thank you to all the parents who came out for Back to School Night. We enjoyed seeing you and sharing our goals and expectations with you. We are excited to work with each of you to ensure that your child has a successful 4th grade year. • Reading • The first book report of the year is coming up. The students’ book report about our theme “Journeys” is due October 11, 2010. • Please continue encouraging your child to read at home. A best practice is to ensure that your child is reading at home at least 15 minutes a day. Developing a routine for reading everyday would be a good way to encourage reading and break up that stressful book report. • Testing • Our first quarterly tests begin the week of October 4th. Fourth graders will be taking their reading assessment on Wednesday, October 6th. Start practicing good test taking strategies with your child now. • Ensure your child gets plenty of sleep • Your child eats a good breakfast • Your child comes to school prepared to do their best • Math quarterly testing will begin the week of October 18th. Fourth graders will only be testing one day, once the date is announced we will let you know through your student’s agenda. We have been very busy in the first month of school! In Math, we are wrapping up Unit 1, “Routines, Review, and Assessment” as well as being introduced to Math “BCR’s.” Our “Off to Adventure” Houghton Mifflin Reading unit is in full swing- we have read the selections “The Lost and Found,” as well as “The Ballad of Mulan.” Intervention just started on September 20th, 2010. Students are being taught by a teacher in the subject areas of Reading or Math so that they are prepared for the M.S.A. in March. We are on the lookout for eagles in the third grade that are S.O.A.Ring! Take a look at the Eagle bulletin board in the hallway! The third grade is looking forward to celebrating, “Hispanic Heritage Month” in the next few weeks! We are all working diligently and keeping the academic rigor moving along at a good pace since the first day of school and will continue this daily. Thank you for all of your support! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact the third grade teachers during school hours. Happy fabulous fall! Grade 5 News

  5. SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School OCTOBER 2010 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM Media News Health Room News Art News  The Queen Anne's County Department of Health will once again be giving flumist to elementary students grades K thru 5 again this year. Consent forms and letters have been sent home this week.  Three nurses from the Dept. of Health will administer the Flumist. Sudlersville Elementary first dose is scheduled for Monday, October 4th, 2010. They will return to schools one month later to give students a second dose for those that need it. With the advent of ‘Flu Season,’ here are some guidelines for student illness: Students should be *“fever free for 24 hours without the aid of fever reducing medication”,* in order to return to school, and if student receives a prescription for antibiotics, they must take the medication for 24 hours, before returning to school. This also applies to being vomiting & diarrhea free for 24 hours. These guidelines are in place to protect all students and staff. Remember to monitor your child’s hair for signs of lice, at least once a week. This usually shows itself, by ‘itching’! The county follows a “Nit-free” policy. If you have any questions as to what you may see, you may bring your child to the health room to have checked. If you discover nits or lice, notify the school nurse, so that the class will be checked. It is also helpful for the nurse to be notified if your child has been diagnosed with strep-throat, seasonal flu, conjunctivitis or any other contagious disease. Also, if your child is diagnosed with any new medical conditions, or receives any additional immunizations, send in a copy to be applied to their health record. Thank you for your support.  Jaci Reilly; Mon, Tue, Wed Pat Golshani; Thurs, Fri Welcome back to art!  We are working hard in every grade level.  All students are studying what we can do with our first Art Element, Line.  Students are learning about a variety of lines, such as vertical, horizontal, diagonal, thick, thin, bumpy, jagged, zigzag, loopy, and curves, just to name a few.  Fourth grade has started a project about the American Artist Georgia O'Keeffe.  We are working with crayons, markers, and will be painting soon!  Please remember to send your child to school with an art shirt if possible.  The shirts are kept at school so they can bring it to art to protect their clothing.   I encourage all students and parents to practice their art making skills at home.  These activities include drawing, coloring, painting, creating lines and shapes, or even using play dough.  These activities help us to become creative and help build strong hand and eye coordination as well as strengthens our hands. Please feel free to stop in and see what we are creating in art!Thank you,Cassie Hosler SES Art There were 125 students that participated in the summer reading incentive, "Bucks for Books".  These students received play money for the amount of books read  and went shopping in the media center on Monday, September 27th. Thank you to all of the parents for encouraging their  child to read this summer.   For the months of October and November, SES will be participating in the READ 100,000 Minutes Challenge.  The theme for these months goes along with our book fair theme, BE A READING HERO.   Your goal for the month of October is to read for at least 4 hours.  That means you must read for 10 minutes for 25 days in October.  You may read any kinds of books.  Rewards will be given out to those who return their reading log to their teacher by Thursday, October 28th.  Your child will be receiving their October Reading Log during the first week of October.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call Mrs. Embert.  Thank you for your support.  Kelly Embert SES Media Specialist Totally Vocally is the next Cultural Arts Assembly. It will be held November 10th at 9 & 10 am. Cultural Arts

  6. SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School OCTOBER 2010 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM Math Matters Numeration includes counting and writing numbers, as well as identifying equivalent forms of numbers. Trading pennies for an equivalent amount of money, such as 10 pennies for a dime, can build understanding of numbers. When sorting change at home, involve your child and build their math skills. Show them that MATH MATTERS! Thank you to all parent/guardians who attended the volunteer orientation and have completed the necessary paperwork for volunteering at SES. The new sign in/out system will be in place within a couple of weeks. Congratulations to Mrs. Beres’ classroom who completed and returned the most Parent Surveys and signed Family Partnership Compacts at the “Back to School Night”!! Mrs. Hayman’s and Mrs.Dean’s classes are the runners up. All three classrooms will be having an ice cream party in their classroom within the next couple of weeks. We have many activities/events coming up this fall. Please be sure to check the calendar and plan to attend!! Our annual “Sailing Through the System” parent orientation sessions will be held Oct. 12, 19, and 26th. All Pre-K and new parents are invited to attend. Look for an invitation to be sent home soon. Elaine Butler, Parent Coordinator x209 Reading News NUMERATION In math, we start with a concept called numeration. This is the process of counting and numbering items. As early learners, children form sets and learn to count the objects. They learn number words and progress to higher values. Our young children (K-2) are expected to be able to: - Read, write, and represent whole numbers up to 100 and beyond using models, symbols, and words - Express whole numbers up to 99 using expanded form - Identify the place value of a digit in a whole number up to 99 At home, parents and children can count everyday items and learn the numbers. Card games with number values, such as “War” where children name and compare values can help develop the concept of numeration. Games where children roll a dice and progress forward a number of spaces can also build this counting and number sense. Money (with its one dollar bills and ten dollar bills) can be used to represent an amount. Families can look in advertisements and catalogs, and then make the amount of money needed to purchase an item, or discuss why a certain amount of money may or may not be enough to purchase the item.  Older children (3-5) are asked to extend their number skills to include larger whole numbers, decimals and fractions. Many opportunities at home use these types of numbers. Lengths, measurements for cooking, money amount and bill paying can be used and discussed to develop numeration skills. Have Fun Reading!! It is very important to read with children from a very young age. Putting a few simple strategies into action will make a significant difference in helping children develop into good readers and writers.  Through reading aloud, providing print materials, and promoting positive attitudes about reading and writing, you can have a powerful impact on children's literacy and learning.   *Invite your child to read with you everyday  *When reading a book where the print is large, point word by word as you read. This will help your child learn that reading goes from left to right and understand that the word he or she says is the word he or she sees.  *Read a child's favorite book over and over again  *Read many stories with rhyming words and lines that repeat Invite the child to join in on these parts   *Discuss new, unfamiliar words *Stop and ask about the pictures and about what is happening in the story *Read from a variety of children's books, including fairy tales, song books, poems, and informational books Reading well is at the heart of all learning. Children who can't read well, have difficulty learning. You can help make a difference for your child. Have fun reading!!!! Mrs. Thurber Reading Specialist Parent Involvement

  7. SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School OCTOBER 2010 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM The following are going to be recognized at the October 6th Board of Education meeting at 6:00 pm. They are being honored for their hard work at SES. (each month two different schools recognize four different honorees) EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH LAURA DEAN (Pre-K teacher) Laura Dean is our Employee of the Month. Though she has taught pre-K in our school for but two years she was a long-time Even Start teacher at Sudlersville and prior to that taught at Grasonville and Church Hill Elementary schools. Laura is unfailingly optimistic and, at the same time dedicated to her students and her school. She has overcome some health issues over the past several years but has remained unfailingly positive and kind. Her colleagues, students, and their parents, are all recipients of her dedication and understanding of early childhood education and, more importantly, her understanding of early learners. In short, she loves her students and it shows. Her work ethic is to be admired. Students who are in Mrs. Dean’s class make impressive academic progress. We are proud to have her on the SES staff and salute her as our Employee of the Month. ENERGIZER BUNNY AWARD JEANNETTE SETTLEMAIER (4th grade) Four years ago our then Teacher Specialist, Theresa Farnell, clued me into a teacher who was working in A.A. County and who was also helping her during the summer at Bible School. Theresa described Jeannette as “awesome” and explained that “she never stops working.” Wow, have we found that out. Mrs. Settlemaier is constantly working to improve student achievement. She and our music teacher, Chris Harrison have spearheaded the PBIS initiative in our building and if something needs to be done, quickly and effectively, you need only give Jeanette at call. She’s the best. Our current Teacher Specialist, Tom Walls said to me several weeks ago., “You know that Jeanette Settlemaier is one hard worker.” Everyone agrees and, the best part … she’s self-winding, no batteries needed. She personifies “intrinsic motivation” as much as “constant locomotion.” Congratulations Jeannette. UNSUNG HERO AWARD       ANGIE SOTO (tutor) Sudlersville Elementary School enjoys a ten percent Hispanic population. We have a number of wonderful children who speak English as a second language. In many cases their parents speak very limited English or English not at all. That is where our Unsung Hero, Angie Soto comes into play. Angie serves as an English tutor to students, translator for parents, dispenser of cultural information and all-around liaison and diplomat to our Hispanic community. She is always willing to help out and in her ever-expanding role, Angie is often over-looked but never underappreciated. Both faculty and parents find her patience and willingness to “go the extra mile” impressive. She works long hours and includes visiting parents as part of her duties. Mrs. Soto is a gem and, we hope, an “unsung hero” no more. COMMUNITY SERVICE        ANNETTE DIMAGGIO (PTA President) When it became apparent that the Sudlersville Elementary School PTA needed to be revitalized, Annette DiMaggio stepped up to the plate. In fact, to continue the baseball analogy, she rebuilt the team, became installed as manager, and proceeded to hit homeruns out of the park. Annette is a tireless worker whose efforts have brought the community and school closer together and helped forge real partnerships between parents and teachers. Her efforts are always directed at strengthening the school ethos and she is not afraid to seek the assistance of other parents and friends of the school. The students at Sudlersville Elementary School benefit as a result. Annette is an asset to the school but also to the Sudlersville community. She gets things done because she is willing to serve. We are proud to have her on our team. Congratulations Annette.

  8. SUDLERSVILLE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Title 1 School OCTOBER 2010 “Where Eagles SOAR!” www.qacps.k12.md.us/ses/WELCOME.HTM SUDLERSVILLE EVEN START AND ADULT EDUCATION Sudlersville Even Start and Sudlersville Elementary School Adult Education classes will be conducted in partnership with Chesapeake College this year and are now underway. Evening ESOL classes will be held in the SES Media Center and in the Sudlersville Even Start Adult Education classroom.  The evening ESOL classes began Monday, Sept. 13th and will be held from 6 pm - 8 pm on Monday and Wednesday.   A parenting/interactive literacy session will be held before and/or after these classes for Sudlersville Even Start parents only.  (See attached schedule of classes - 2010-2011 Sudlersville) Sudlersville Even Start will also conduct additional Adult Education, Parenting classes, Home Visiting, and Interactive Literacy Events throughout the week for all parents who qualify for the program.  For interested parents of children 4 years old and older in the Sudlersville area, who would like to enroll in our program, please have them call the Sudlersville Even Start staff at (410)438-3887.  We are enrolling more students October 4th from 6:30-8:30 pm. Elizabeth Miller, CoordinatorEven Start Family Literacy Program (410) 438-3887

  9. PTA Our next PTA meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 12th at 6:30 pm at SES. Have you linked your Food Lion card to Sudlersville Elementary? If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at sespta@hotmail.com. MONEY & SUPPLIES FOR SES!!!

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