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Departmental Research Administrators Training Track. Grant Overview. Course Information. Prerequisite: PeopleSoft Overview PeopleSoft Fundamentals Audience: UMBC Staff responsible for working with, or managing Sponsored Awards
Departmental Research Administrators Training Track Grant Overview
Course Information Prerequisite: PeopleSoft Overview PeopleSoft Fundamentals Audience: UMBC Staff responsible for working with, or managing Sponsored Awards This course is prerequisite to the Grant Reconciliation course Length: Approximately 2 hours Instructors: Staff from OSP and OCGA
AGENDA What is the Grant Life Cycle? Pre-Award tasks and responsibilities Post-Award tasks and responsibilities Grant Reports Getting Help
Module 1: Grant Overview By the end of this module, you will be able to: Name the Grant Players Discuss the Grant Life Cycle Discuss the PeopleSoft Grant Life Cycle
UMBC Grant Players Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) Office of Contract and Grant Accounting (OCGA) Individual Departments Sponsors
Grant Life Cycle Pre-Award Award Post-Award
Grant Life Cycle Pre-award Award Post-award
Practice 1: Name the three stages of the Grant Life Cycle Pre-award, Award, Post-award Name two chartfields associated to Grants (or projects) Business Unit, Fund, Department, Program Fin, Project ID, Account, Analysis Type, Resource Type
Module 2: Pre-award By the end of this module, you will be able to: Discuss the Pre-award process Identify the tasks required of the various entities for each process step Know what to do to appropriately setup the Budget. Define what is Cost-Sharing Discuss how to use Subrecipients Know when a pre-award spending is allowed
Pre-award Process PeopleSoft Process
Pre-Award Terminology Proposal Sponsor CFDA (catalog federal domestic assistance) Proposal ID Direct Costs F&A (Facilities & Administration) Indirect Costs MTDC (modify total direct costs) TDC (Total Direct Cost) Participant Support Costs Subrecipients
Identify Opportunity OSP Website: www.umbc.edu/ospa Grants.gov Most Commonly Used Forms Cost Sharing Approval Form Indirect Cost Waiver Form Hazardous Materials IRB Form NIH Addendum Form
Budget Items Budget Items are used during the Pre-award stage of a grant. Define for a sponsor how funds are proposed to be spent on a Grant. Direct costs vs. Indirect costs (F&A) Once a Grant is Awarded, Budget Items are mapped to Resource Types.
Cost Sharing Cost Sharing Matching Cash Contributions are actual funds In-Kind Contributions are non-cash contributions from inside or outside UMBC. Portion of project or program costs not borne by the sponsor. Department submits cost-share approval form to OSP
Sign-off for Proposal Submission Initiator Principal Investigator Department ChairsDean Representative Office of Sponsored Programs
Award Process Upon selection of a proposal by a Sponsor, OSP performs a ‘Generate Award’ process in PeopleSoft Transfers budget information from the pre-award to post-award PeopleSoft Grant Terms and Sample Values
Chartfield Transitions Proposal ID =Award ID = Contract ID Project = Project Budget ID = Project Activity ID Budget Item = Resource Type
How will I know if my Grant has been Awarded? Departments are notified by OSP Locating Grant Status via PeopleSoft
Pre-award Spending Used if spending on a Grant is authorized by the sponsor before funds have been secured PI Completes authorized pre-award spending form Sends form to OSP for Signoff OSP generates a pre-award spending award in PeopleSoft Proposal Status in PeopleSoft is “Pre-award Spending approved” FYI Billing can not occur until final award is received
OSP Tools www.umbc.edu/ospa Forms Policies FAQ Grant Training via OSP PI Handbook (via OSP web page) COS (via OSP web page) Foundation Directory (via MyUMBC) Grants.gov
Practice 2: Name an Indirect cost? Name a Direct cost? What is a Participant Support Cost? What is the OSP website URL? www.umbc.edu/ospa Who has final signoff on a proposal prior to submission? OSP Who approves pre-award spending? OSP
Module 3: Post-Award By the end of this module, you will be able to: Discuss the Post-award process Identify the responsible department for each process step Know what to do if you receive a check from a sponsor Discuss the steps to take if additional funding is required? Discuss the steps for closing a Grant?
Post-Award Terminology Chartstring Chartfield Account HR Account Code Position Management Position Employee Job
Post-award Process PeopleSoft Process
Grant Chartfields Project ID Activity ID (BUD001) Resource Type Analysis Type Fund Code (1253 / 1114) Department Program FIN Account
Project ID Proposal ID = Contract ID = Award ID Project ID = Grant ID
Resource Types Used to track, analyze and report on actual and planned costs in grants or projects. For every Budget Item there is a matching Resource Type. Assigned to individual resources to identify the purpose of distinct transactions. Resource Types can be as general or specific as needed The Resource Type chartfield will be used to override F&A charges when the account chartfield does not provide the level of detail needed to segregate the charges.
Analysis Type Assigned to individual transactions to identify the transaction’s source and type.
Analysis Type Expenses: ACT – Actual Expense GLE – GL Expense (journal entry) PAY – Payroll Expense SFA – Sponsored F&A (calculated) SRE – Student Payments (Student Financials) Cost Share Expenses: CAC – Cost Share Actual Expense CGE – Cost Share GL Expense (journal entry) CPY – Cost Share Payroll Expense CFA – Cost Share F&A CSE – Cost Share Student Payments
Revenue: BIL – Unbilled transactions BLD – Billed transactions OLT – Over Limit Transactions Other Analysis Types: BUD – Budget Transactions WFA – Waived F&A COM - Commitments Analysis Type
What is a Fund Code? Used to define a common collection of activities and resources 1253 = Grants/Contracts 1114 = Cost Share
What is a Program Financial? Also referred to as a ProgFIN External reporting requirement of the General Accepted Accounting Principals (GAAP), University of Maryland (UM) the State of Maryland (SOM) Used for Expenses only, not for Revenue
Program FIN – Common Codes Instruction -includes expenditures for all activities that are part of an institutions instruction program. INST - 011 - Instruction – General (during regular term) Research – includes all expenditures for activities specifically organized to produce research RSCH - 022 - Research – Individual (DRIF)- 021 Other Sponsored Activities – includes all expenditure for activities related other than insturction and research SERV - 031 – Other Sponsored Activities
Program FIN – Common Codes Scholarships – includes expenditures for scholarships and fellowships – from restricted or unrestricted current funds – in the form of grants to students, resulting from selection by the institution or from an entitlement program SCHOL - 171 - Scholarships FELLO - 172 - Fellowships
Account Natural classification for a financial transaction guided by GAAP, UM and SOM Salaries Contributions Cash 3000000 – Net Assets 4000000 – Revenue 5000000 - Transfers 6000000 – Personnel Expenses 7000000 – Operating Expenses 8000000 – F&A
OCGA Website Office of Contract and Grant Accounting http://www.umbc.edu/FinancialServices/grantacct.html
Receiving Checks from Sponsors Immediately restrictively endorse checks ‘for the deposit only’ with UMBC stamp Make 2 copies of the check Copy 1 – provide PeopleSoft project number/Grant number, Sponsor Name, and e-mail address of department representative Copy 2 – serves as receipt of delivery Grant Accounting will sign this copy Departments should retain this copy as proof of disposition of check Hand deliver original and copies to OCGA, Admin 413 Grant Accounting will email deposit # within 48 hrs.
Significant Budget Changes Changes to a Grant Budget, that require prior approval, must go through OSP Once the Sponsor approves budget changes, the new budget is to be forwarded to OCGA to update Peoplesoft.
Grant Closing Procedures The Grant Closeout Report can be run at anytime to view the status of expired and soon to expire grants. OCGA Grant Accountants on a monthly basis run a query for expired grants and initiate the closing process. Closing process may also be initiated by departmental business managers.
Practice 3: What are the two PeopleSoft Fund Codes that are used for Sponsored Awards? 1253 / 1114 Name one of the Program Fin (Prog Fin) codes often used for Sponsored Awards? 011 / 022 / 031 / 171 / 172 What should you do if you receive a check from a Sponsor? Make 2 copies of the check / enter grant ID, sponsor name, and email address of dept on copies / hand deliver to Grant Accounting
Module 4: Reporting By the end of this module, you will be able to: Name the various Grant reports Describe what is Effort Reporting Know what to report to Sponsors
What do the Reports tell me? Identify amount spent on a Grant by resource type Identify amount left to spend on a Grant Define Budget
PeopleSoft Grant Reports Grant Summary Report Grant Detail Report Statement of Payroll Charges Report Effort Reports Grant Cost-Share Grant Closeout Report
Why Effort Reports Government regulations, set by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in Circular A-21 "Cost Principles for Educational Institutions" require that the University maintain records that will substantiate the effort of each individual charged to a sponsored project. Therefore, time records must be carefully maintained. A-21 states that the payroll distribution system will (I) be incorporated into the official records of the institution, (ii) reasonably reflect the activity for which the employee is compensated by the institution, and (iii) encompass both sponsored and all other activities on an integrated basis. Of the options available for documentation, according to A-21, the After-the-Fact Activity Records Method has been determined to be the method most easily adaptable to the Campus environment.
When are Effort Reports Due? Fall; Pay Periods 1 – 14 Due 30 days after closing Spring; Pay Periods 15 – 26 Due 60 days after closing
Reporting to Sponsors Each Sponsor has different reporting requirements and timeframes Become familiar with the detail of your Grant to ensure you meet the Sponsor’s reporting requirements Work with OSP and Grant Accounting if you have questions