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Raw data: student practice slides. Friday April 2, 2004 Team Job Assignments Leader/mini-topic 1 presenter Taskmaster/mini-topic 2 presenter Powerpoint Master/mini-topic 3 presenter Head Researcher/Team Emailer/minitopic 4 presenter (see me for advice if necessary)
Raw data: student practice slides • Friday April 2, 2004 • Team Job Assignments Leader/mini-topic 1 presenter • Taskmaster/mini-topic 2 presenter • Powerpoint Master/mini-topic 3 presenter • Head Researcher/Team Emailer/minitopic 4 presenter • (see me for advice if necessary) • Homework: Your homework is to read one or both of the Powerpoint tutorials • located in the Task section of Focus on Foods AND to email me a practice powerpoint slide that has: your name • names of all your Team members • title of Team project • your job(s) • your mini-topic title • period# • by midnight Sunday April 11th jed22 at csus dot edu • (Please change the at to @ and the dot to a real .)
:: Alcohol ::Is it healthy? Anna Chu Anna [ taskmaster], Diana [ head researcher], Randi [ powerpoint master], Adam [ leader ] Period 2
Proteins and fats are eaten liberally in every phase, but carbs are restricted to different degrees. In the first two weeks (the Induction phase) dieters are limited to 20 grams of carbohydrate per day, or roughly the amount in 3 cups of salad vegetables. After that, carbs are gradually added back in 5-gram increments until weight loss stops. Atkins calls this point the Critical Carbohydrate for Losing Level (CCLL). Dieters will all have different thresholds, but about 35 to 40 grams of carbs per day seems to result in a continued 1-pound-per-week weight loss for the average person
Juliana Y John B, Katy W, Alese A How to lose weight effectively Leader Do diet pills work? period 3
Are Energy Drinks Good For You?The quest for the truth…By: The Energizers • Lea C: Team Leader • Lisa K: Research • Kristina R: Power Point Group Members: Mrs. Dibble. Chemistry Per.1
Aurora W • Alex B, Kelly W and Alix P • Long Term Effects of the Atkins Diet • Team Leader • “What is the Atkins Diet?” • Period 4
Alex B • Aurora W, Kelly W and Alix P • Long Term Effects of the Atkins Diet • Taskmaster • “Food Relating to the Atkins Diet” • Period 4
Kelly W • Aurora W, Alex B and Alix P • Long Term Effects of the Atkins Diet • Power Point Master • “Diets Similar to Atkins” • Period 4
Alix P • Aurora W, Alex B and Kelly W • Long Term Effects of the Atkins Diet • Head Researcher and Team Emailer • “Side Effects of the Atkins Diet” • Period 4
How diet affects acne Does eating junk food really make acne worse?
tHe TeAm!!! • Hannah B • Cara C • Mia E • Robin J
THE JOBS • Hannah B- Team Leader • Cara C- Task Master • Mia E- Power Point Master • Robin J- Head Researcher
*Mini Topics* • What is acne and what causes it? • What kind of affect does a person’s diet have on their acne? • Do certain foods have a bigger impact on acne? • Is there a food that can help clear acne? • What does help acne if food doesn’t?
Cara F Rommie Jessica P Adie Fast Food Fast food effects on your body Period 2
Cheese Is Good • Eric P Period 3- Mini task 2, head researcher/ oral presentation (How to make cheese) • Nathan T- Team Leader/ science • Jiyune? K- mini Task 3/ multimedia and written presentation
Alicia G Matt M Nick S Tony D Does the Atkins Diet really work? Alicia- Powerpoint master- Why count carbs? Matt- Head Researcher- Theory of Atkins Nick- Task Master- What’s a good diet? Tony- Leader- False Marketing Period 5
What is the Best Diet for an Athlete? mini topic: carbohydrates by raquel m period 4
group and jobs raquel m:powerpoint master michelle g:head researcher/team emailer alex d:task master shara s:leader
e h T End
CREATINE • Myself and Mike N • Period 1 • I believe my job is head-researcher…
Katie M • Team: Brittany C, Rebecca R, Yoon B • Title: Why do we crave chocolate? • Job: researcher • Topic: Why do we crave chocolate? • Period 1
Team Members Brianna M John M Darcie B Shari R Team Jobs (respectively) Leader Head Researcher Powerpoint Master Taskmaster How healthy are diet foods? What are the additives? Period 1
Top 10 Contaminated Foods & their Affect on the Body Slide created by Sylvia R Per. 5 Sylvia- power point Robert- team leader Murry- researcher
Name: Joe L Team members: Luke, Chris, Arielle, Nico, Celina Title: Vegetarianism My Job: Power Point Master My mini-topic: What types of vegetarians are there? Period: 4
Mike N A Team CICAFIG Production
MIKE’S JOBS • CO-LEADER • POWER-POINT MASTER • *task master was an unnecessary job for our “duo”.
Chemical Make-up Affects How It Works How To Use Interaction With Body Mini-Topics
Focus on Food Project Title: Why do we Crave Chocolate? Mini-Topic Title: What Health Benefits does Chocolate Have? Job: Powerpoint Master (or Leader, still undecided) Period 1 Name: Rebecca Radding Team Members: Brittany Callander Katie Meinders Yoon Mee Byun
Colin Kelly What is MSG? My Topic: Is MSG Addictive? Power Point Master Alexa G Craig S Aaron W Colin K Period 1
Malcolm N Group Members: Tom F, Peter M, Stacey J Title: Atkins Diet I am Powerpoint Master Mini Topic: Guidelines/Recipes Period 5
Example PowerPoint Presentation Brittany T Period 5 Milk
RuthieE Power Power Point Master& topic 3 presenter Fast Food Myths and Facts Team Kaitlin B Ruthie E Hailey F Nina Period #2
Kaitlin B Halley F Fast Food Fever Ruthie E Nina S Halley F Fast Food Alternatives Chief Researcher/E-mailer Period 2
Leader- Ned K Taskmaster- David R PowerPoint Master- David L Head Researcher- David R Period 3 Name- David L Mini Topic- Carbohydrates How do you know the foods you are eating are healthy?
Alex D Michelle G Shara S Racquell M DIET FOR AN ATHLETE Facilitator Steroids(Creatine)-Are they worth it?/Glycemic Index Period 3
What is the best diet for an athlete? By: Michelle G - Head Researcher/Team Emailer P1 Raquel M – Powerpoint master Shara S - Leader Alex D – Task Master
The Metabolism Question By Hannah E: Leader/PowerPoint Master (p. 2) Miriam R: Head Researcher (p. 1) , & Elana E: Taskmaster (p. 1) Hannah’s Mini-Topic: What can be done to change your metabolism?
How Cheese Is Made And The Types of Cheese With Nicole R as Team Leader and Researcher And Matt S as Power point Master Nicole R Period 2
How to Effectively Lose Weight Alese A - Power Point Master Juliana Y - Team Leader Katy W - Task Master John B - Head Researcher/Emailer Period 3 Mini Topic: my group has not yet assigned mini topics, when we do I will update this
How to Effectively Lose Weight Alese A - Power Point Master Juliana Y - Team Leader Katy W - Task Master John B - Head Researcher/Emailer Period 3 Mini Topic: my group has not yet assigned mini topics, when we do I will update this
John B How To Lose Weight Effectivly Juliana Y Alese A Katie W Does the Atkins Diet really work? My Task-Powerpoint Master Period 3
Ice Cream • ~Team~ • Lauren R- Researcher (Fat Free Ice Cream) • Kimmy K- Leader (Ice Cream vs. Frozen Yogurt) • Mariel T- Powerpoint master (Non Dairy Ice Cream) • Francesca L- Task master (Low Fat Ice Cream) • Period 5
Ice Cream My Mini-topic title:The Differences Between Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt My Name:Team Members: Kimmy K Lauren My Job: Francesca L Team Leader Mariel T Period 5
Ingested PoisonKesav Ralong with Dale T, Daniel F, and unknown personPeriod 4 My job is powerpoint master Unfortunately, I don’t know my mini topic
Brooke T “me”– Task master Sarah W – leader Brittany T-Powerpoint master Justine D – head reseacher My mini topic- how do they make powdered milk? Per 5 Milk and how it affects your body