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Bericht zu ISOLDE. Low-energy precision experiments: Laser Spectroscopy – COLLAPS Mass Spectrometry – ISOLTRAP Weak Interaction Studies – WITCH Post-accelerated beam experiments: MINIBALL @ REX-ISOLDE HIE-ISOLDE TSR@ISOLDE. KHuK Jahrestagung 2011 Physikzentrum Bad Honnef
Peter Reiter Universität zu Köln Bericht zu ISOLDE Low-energy precision experiments: Laser Spectroscopy – COLLAPS Mass Spectrometry – ISOLTRAP Weak Interaction Studies – WITCH Post-accelerated beam experiments: MINIBALL @ REX-ISOLDE HIE-ISOLDE TSR@ISOLDE KHuK Jahrestagung 2011 Physikzentrum Bad Honnef 8. - 9. Dezember 2011
> 80% high reliability! ISOLDE – Some statistics ISOLDE-Collaboration: 13 member states + CERN BMBF-Funding (~10% contribution to the ISOLDE collaboration): German contribution to ISOLDE: 40 t€ / year to HIE-ISOLDE: 40 t€ / year >60 publications / year (among them ~10 Phys. Rev. Lett.) >20 PhD students / year Year Shifts requested Shifts scheduled Shifts delivered 2009 ~480 ~400 350 2010 ~500 ~400 340 2011 ~650 ~440 360 1 shift = 8h of protons on the target 18 experiments out of 50 scheduled in 2011 have spokesperson presently at a German institute.
New target laboratory (class A lab) New targets ISCOOL (Mainz, MPIK) RILIS Upgrade (Mainz) University Bonn University Darmstadt University Köln LMU Munich TU Munich GSI Darmstadt MPIK Heidelberg University Mainz University Münster University Tübingen University Münster GSI Darmstadt MPIK Heidelberg University Dresden University Greifswald Hall extension The (HIE-)ISOLDE facility The ISOLDE facility WITCH
Upgrade ISOLDE/RILIS Lasersystems (K. Wendt, Mz) Bisheriges Farbstoff Lasersystem ISOLDE Neues Titan:Saphir Lasersystem Farbstoff-Laser Titan-Saphir-Laser ISOLDE/RILIS Kabine - Panoramaansicht
Beam developments (K. Wendt, Mz) Laser Ion Source Trap (LIST) New astatine RILIS beams • highly selective laser ion source: • fully commissioned • at HRS front-end production of 21Na, 27Mg • highest selectivity (gain 200-1600) • acceptable efficiency (loss 50) • preparation of purest ion beams! Beam developments are of utmost importance for the success of ISOLDE.
excitation & observation reg. charge exchange cell (Na) electrostatic lenses for retardation D 25 25 HFS of Mg Mg HFS of 6.5 photons 300 350 400 250 250 fine Doppler tuning voltage (V) fine COLLAPS: Collinear laser spectroscopy GSI, Mainz, MPIK, Münster, Tübingen electrostatic deflection ion beam Ekin<60 keV + laser beam fixed frequency + + o o photo multiplier Technically challenging: Frequency-comb based spectroscopy and high-voltage calibration.
COLLAPS harvest (GSI, Mz, MPIK, Tüb) Proposals at COLLAPS: Data Taking, in Preparation, Just Completed 2008 – 2010: 15 Publications (6 x Phys. Rev. Lett) 3 PhD and 3 master theses (Mainz + MPIK) + 2 PhD + 1 Master (Leuven, Manchester) IS484 (G. Neyens, Leuven) IS517 (Ch. Geppert, Mainz) IS497 (D. Yordanov, MPIK) K Be Mg IS439 (K. Flanagan, CERN) PRL 103, 142501 (2009) IS457 (B. Cheal, Manch.) PRL 104, 252502 (2010) IS519 (B. Cheal, Manch.) PRC 82, 051302(R) (2010) Cu, Ga, Zn Cd Pr IS427, IS480 (G. Neyens, Leuven) PRC 77, 044307 (2008) IS480 (K. Blaum, MPIK Heidelberg) PLB 678,465 (2009) IS449 (W. Nörtershäuser & Ch. Geppert, Mainz) PRL 102, 062503 (2009)
Charge radii of 11,12Be (W. Nörtershäuser, Mz) IS 484: Disappearance of the N=8 shell closure from comparison of Be charge radii with fermionic molecular dynamics calculations. intruder 11Be: W. Nörtershäuser,et al; Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 062503 (2009) 12Be: A. Krieger, T. Neff et al., submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.
ISOLTRAP: Penning trap mass spectrometry B q/m end cap Remarkable: accessible half-life: t1/2 ~ 10ms required yield: 0.5 ions / sachieved precision: dm/m = 2x10-9 ring electrode Dresden, Greifswald, GSI, MPIK
ISOLTRAP Highlights (L. Schweikhard, Greifswald; K. Zuber, Dresden; K. Blaum, MPIK) Dresden, Greifswald, GSI, MPIK New Proposals: IS498 (Sm, Eu, Gd) IS513 (Tl, Hf) IS518 (At, Au, Fr) W. Geithner et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 101, 252502 (2008) M. Breitenfeld et al., Phys. Rev. C 80, 035805 (2009) R.B. Cakirli et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 082501 (2009) D. Neidherr et al., Phys. Rev. C., 80, 044323 (2009) D. Neidherr et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 112501 (2009) M. Breitenfeld et al., Phys. Rev. C 81, 034313 (2010) S. Eliseev et al., Phys. Lett. B 693, 426 (2010) S. Naimi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 032502(2010)
Neutrinoless double decay: (A,Z) (A,Z+2) + 2 e-0 11 Isotopes with Q-value larger than 2 MeV Neutrino masses and traps Signal: Peak at the Q-value of the transition Aim: Measure all of them with < 1 keV accuracy Example: 110Pd D. Fink et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. accepted
The WITCH experiment at ISOLDE/CERN Leuven, Caen, Darmstadt, Karlsruhe, Mainz, Rez, Münster Precision measurement of the e-n-angular correlation “a“ a = 1 is favored WITCH – Universität Münster
The WITCH experiment at ISOLDE/CERN Leuven, Caen, Darmstadt, Karlsruhe, Mainz, Rez, Münster Precision measurement of the e-n-angular correlation “a“ a = 1 is favored 3 beam times with 35Ar in 2011 PRELIMINARY WITCH – Universität Münster
REX-ISOLDE: Post-accelerated ion beams • 300 keV/u to 3 MeV/u • isomeric beams due to RILIS • acceleration scheme works • from Li to Ra Darmstadt, Köln, München
MINIBALL @ REX-ISOLDE experiments T. Kröll/N. Pietralla, TUD, R. Krücken/D. Mücher, TUM, J. Jolie/P. Reiter, UK Shape coexistence around Pb Quadrupole Collectivity around 132Sn g-factors MINIBALL Results Island of Inversion PLB, 700 ( 2011) 181 PRL105, 252501 (2010) PRL103, 012501 (2009) PLB 647, 237 (2007) PRL 94, 172501 (2005) Shell evolution PRC 82, 064309 (2010) PRC 79, 014309 (2009) PRC 78, 047301 (2008) PRL 100, 112502 (2008) PRL 99, 142501 (2007) PRL 98, 122701 (2007) Towards 100Sn EPJ. A 44 (2010) 355 PRC 80, 054302 (2009) PRL 101, 012502 (2008) PRL. 98, 172501 (2007) Oblate shapes PRL 98, 072501 (2007) Towards 100Sn Oblate shapes? molecular beams Shell evolution N=40 to N=50 isomeric beam, in-trap decay Island of Inversion
Transfer-reactions at MINIBALL (R. Krücken/D. Mücher, TUM T. Kröll/N. Pietralla, TUD) Study of shell evolution in neutron-rich nuclei using one- and two-neutron transfer reactions IS499: t(44Ar,p)46Ar K. Wimmer, TUM, MSU IS510: t(72Zn,p)74Zn D. Mücher, TUM t(30Mg,32Mg)p 1058 keV E0(?) E2 T-REX detectors K. Wimmer et al.; PRL 105, 252501 (2010): t(30Mg,32Mg)p
g-Spektroscopy with MINIBALL (P. Reiter, Köln) 31Mg Coulex PLB, 700 ( 2011) 181 31Mg MINIBALL • Odd isotopes in island • of inversion provide most • stringent and sensitive • tests of large scale shell • model calculations • Ongoing program at • Coulex and transfer • 30,31Na, 33Mg 30Na ((3+) → 2+) 30Na 30Na ((4+) → (3+)) 30Na ((4+) → 2+) Particle detection
Aktuelle Projekte Gruppe Kröll, Gruppe Pietralla Senior Investigators: M. Scheck, J. Leske, G. Rainovski (Humboldt fellow) Laufende und in Analyse befindliche Experimente: • Collective excitations of radioactive isotopes in Coulomb excitation(IS 411, 452, 465, 475, 477, 496) • n-transfer @ island of inversion (IS 502) • magnetic moments in neutron-rich isotopes (IS 415, 483) Messung magnetischer Momente kurzlebiger angeregter Zustände an REX-ISOLDE demonstriert: RIB 138Xe Masserekord für ISOL-RIB Machbarkeit von E3-Coulex an ISOL-RIB
New B(E2) valuesfor92,94Kr and 96Kr Zr Sr 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 Number of neutrons Nuclear structure of n-rich Kr (J. Jolie, Köln) A~100 mass region: phase shape transitions from spheric to deformed nuclei. E(2+1) and B(E2;2+10+1) studies New result for the energy of the 2+1 state in 96Kr Smooth transition from spheric to deformed nuclear shapes in the neutron-rich Kr region. S. Naimi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) 032502 M. Albers et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. submitted
The HIE-ISOLDE project • Increase of REX-ISOLDE energy (up to 10 MeV/u) • Increase of primary beam intensity (LINAC4, 6mA) • Improvement of secondary beam production efficiency (RILIS, new frontends and targets) • Improvement of beam purity (RILIS/LIST) • Improvement of beam optical quality (ISCOOL)
Heavy-ion storage ring TSR at MPIK In operation: since 1988 Circumference: 55 m Vacuum: ~10-11 mbar Acceptance: 120 mm mrad Multi-turn injection: mA current Electron cooler Electron target RF (de)acceleration Typical energy 12C6+: 6-10 MeV/u Lifetime: hours Ion Storage Ring TSR, http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/blaum/storage-rings/tsr/index.en.html • Time schedule: • End of operation of TSR in 12/2012 • Preparation for a move of the TSR to ISOLDE in 2013 • Installation of the TSR at ISOLDE as soon as the building is ready
Summary • ISOLDE is one of the most active places for experiments with radioactive ion beams. • Interest to perform experiments at ISOLDE is increasing. • German groups obtained numerous scientific highlights at ISOLDE in recent years. • HIE-ISOLDE and TSR@ISOLDE offers unique perspectives. Thanks a lot to many colleagues who provided material.