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Maria J. G. Borge ISOLDE- PH, CERN (Isotope Separator On-Line ) IEM-CSIC, Madrid. ISOLDE – High-lights and HIE-ISOLDE. Exploring the Nuclear Landscape . ISOL DE. 1992. Maria J. G. Borge , CERN, PH-Dept. 1998. 2008. HIE-ISOLDE. Hot Topics in Nuclear Physics. Physics at
Maria J. G. Borge ISOLDE-PH, CERN (Isotope Separator On-Line) IEM-CSIC, Madrid ISOLDE – High-lights and HIE-ISOLDE Exploring the Nuclear Landscape ISOLDE 1992 Maria J. G. Borge , CERN, PH-Dept 1998 2008 HIE-ISOLDE
Hot Topics in Nuclear Physics Physics at the Femtometer scale
Open Questions in Nuclear Physics • How are complex nuclei built from their basic constituents? • strong interaction in nuclear medium • • How to explain collective properties from individual nucleon behavior? • collective versus individual • • How do regular and simple patterns emerge in the structure of complex nuclei? • symmetries LRP2010 Observables: Ground-state properties: mass, radius, J, μ, Q moments Half-lives and decay modes Transition probabilities Cross sections Main models: Shell model (magic numbers) Mean-field models (deformations) Ab-initio approaches (light nuclei)
ISOLDE Facility • ISOLDE is the CERN radioactive beam facility • Nuclei produced via reactions of high intensity high energy proton beam with thick and heavy targets • Provides low energy or post-accelerated exotic beams intensity (2uA -> 6uA ) energy (1.4 -> 2GeV) PSB upgrade (2018)
Produced Nuclei: ISOLDE 45 y Experience • Over 20 target materials and ionizers, depending on beam of interest operated at high temperature • U, Ta, Zr, Y, Ti, Si, … • 3 types of Ion-sources: Surface, Plasma, Laser • > 700 nuclides of over 70 chemical elements produced Target ISOLDE today offers the largest range of available isotopes of any ISOL facility worldwide.
ISOLDE Physics Topics Applied Physics Condensed matter physics and Life sciences Tailored Isotopes for Diagnosis and Therapy MEDICIS Project Nuclear Physics Nuclear Decay Spectroscopy and Reactions Structure of Nuclei Exotic Decay Modes Fundamental Physics Direct Mass Measurements, Dedicated Decay Studies - WI CKM unitarity tests, search for b-n correlations, right-handed currents Atomic Physics Laser Spectroscopy and Direct Mass Measurements Radii, Moments, Nuclear Binding Energies Nuclear Astrophysics Dedicated Nuclear Decay/Reaction Studies Element Synthesis, Solar Processes • Many beams • Good beam purity and quality Best in the World! • High intensity f(N,Z)
Determination of theatomicproperties of Astatine • Determination of ionising potential • Identification of new atomic transitions • Comparison with atomic theory • Scan of ionizing laser: converging Rydberg levels allow precise determination of the IP ISOLDE collaborates with the Short-Lived Nuclei Laboratory which is based on the ISOL facility IRIS at PNPI since 1999. M. Seliverstov, V. Fedoseevteam IP(At) = 9.31751(8) eV Nature Com. 14May2013 DOI 10.1038
Experimental hall Decay spectroscopy Coulomb excitation Transfer reactions Laser spectroscopy Beta-NMR Penning traps Applications: Solide state Life Science Beams of 30-60 keV Beams of 3 MeV/u Target stations HRS & GPS PS-Booster 1.4 GeV protons 3×1013ppp Mass-sep. HRS WITCH ISCOOL RILIS REX-ISOLDE Travelling setups NICOLE Post-accelerated beams MINIBALL and T-REX Collection points Travelling setups COLLAPS CRIS ISOLTRAP TAS
COLLAPS – Ne charge radii Laser spectroscopy & Massses Intrinsic density distributions of dominant proton FMD configurations Geithner et al, PRL 101, 252502 (‘08) Marinova et al, PRC84, 034313 (‘11)
ISOLTRAP: High-precision mass of 82Zn Combined ISOLDE technical know-how: neutron-converter, quartz transfer line, laser ionisation Nuclear structure: N=50 shell closure Astrophysics: r-process path Astrophysics: neutron star structure • Its determination is important for modelling of the crust of neutronstars , PRL110 (2013) 04110 CERN Courier, 53, n 3, 2013 D. Rodriguez, U. Granada
The Magic Number N=32 Nature 498 (2013) 346
WITCH Weak InteractionTrap for Charged particles -> fundamental studies Goal: determine bn correlation for 35Ar with (a/a)stat 0.5 % • Energy spectrum of recoiling ions with a retardation spectrometer • Use a Penning trap to create a small, cold ion bunch June 2011 data M. Beck et al., Eur. Phys. J. A47 (2011) 45 M. Tandecki et al., NIM A629 (2011) 396 S. Van Gorp et al., NIM A638 (2011) 192
REX-ISOLDE Total efficiency : 1 -10 % 1+to A/Q = 3 – 4.5 Tested A/q = 2
Halo Nuclei & Reactions 7Be 8Be 9Be 10Be 11Be 12Be 14Be 6Li 7Li 8Li 9Li 10Li 11Li 6He 3He 4He 2n-halo 1H 2H Common “Structural” properties • Rather inert core plus one or two barely unbound extra neutrons • Extended neutron distribution, large “radius”. “halo” • Very few excited states –if any. n Reaction properties at near-barrier energies: Is the Optical Model able to describe the scattering of the halo systems ? Strong absorption in elastic channel • Large cross section for fragmentation • They are easily polarizable. • Reaction mechanisms and Nuclear effects • of halo nuclei need to be understood Dobrovolsky et al, NPA766 (2006) 1
Elasticscattering of halo nucleinearthe Coulomb barrier 10,11Be+64Zn 10Be+64Zn 11Be+64Zn Di Pietro et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105,022701(2010) Catania, IEM-CSIC, Huleva, Sevilla Collaboration CDCC calculations Experimentalelasticcross section. reproducedonlytakinginto account coupling to continuum via the Coulomb and nuclearinteractions
Scattering of 11,9Li on 208Pb around the Coulomb Barrier Elastic Scattering ECM = 23.1 MeV below Coulomb Barrier CompetingprocesswithElasticScatteringforlooselyboundsystems 9Li DirectBreakup 2n-Transfer 11Li ECM = 28.3 MeV @ the Coulomb Barrier • Scattering process dominated by: • - Dipole couplings (coulomb + nuclear) • Coupling to continuum • Good description in a 4-body model • Cubero et al, PRL109 (2012) 262701 • IEM-CSIC, Huelva, Seville Collaboration 9Li 11Li 18
Whytostudythe N=Z 72Kr Nucleus? • Nuclear structure: • Shapecoexistence in themassregionwasfirstproposedfor72Se [Ham74]. • 72Kr groundstateispredictedto be oblate[Dic72] and [Naz85]. • Firstexcited 0+state in 72Kr foundto be a shapeisomer [Bou03]. • Possibility of studynp-pairingeffectsas 72Kr belongsto N=Z line. • [Ham74] J.H. Hamilton et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 32, 239 (1974) • [Dic72] F. Dickmann et al., Phys.Lett. 38B, 207 (1972) • [Naz85] W. Nazarewicz et al., Nucl. Phys. A435, 397 (1985) • [Bou03] E. Bouchez et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 082502 (2003) • Nuclear astrophysics: • 72Kr “waitingpoint" in rpprocess. • 73Rb isunbound • β decay competes with 2p capture. rp-process in N=Z nuclei& A=70-80 region
Coulomb excitation of 72Kr Use of submicron Y203 material for target => Yieldincrease x 10 Coulex Spectra - number of counts in 710 keV peak depends on the shape of 72Kr Oblate 72Kr expected The technique Doppler Corrected for 104Pd target excitation Doppler Corrected for 72Kr projectile excitation: 150 counts in 710 keV line
TAGS @ISOLDE: The case of 72Kr • Conversion electron studies to determine the multiplicities of the low gamma transitions • B(GT) obtainedbymeasuringtheintensity of the full gamma de-excitationcascadefromeachfedleveltothegroundstate. P. Sarriguren, Phys. Rev. C 79, 044315 (2009) IEM-CSIC, Strasbourg, Surrey, Valencia The B(GT) distribution favours oblate deformation! Briz, ISOLDE Workshop 2012
Searching for pear-shaped nuclei at ISOLDE λ = 2 λ = 2 Octupole correlations enhanced at numbers: Z or N=34, 56, 88, and N= 134. Observed Z≈88 & N≈134 Coulomb excitation to directly access E3 transition strengths Microscopically driven... Intruder orbitals of opposite parity and ∆J, ∆L = 3close to the Fermi level B(E3) ≳ 30 s.p.u. gives significant β3
L. P. Gaffney, et al. (2013). Nature, 497(7448), 199–204. doi:10.1038/nature12073 Hangout with CERN: Going pear-shaped (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8Jdu9O2RhU&feature=em-uploademail) MORE than 1000 viewers
Physics program @ REX REX-ISOLDE started in 2001 72 differentbeamsalreadyused at REX- ISOLDE of 700 available! 222,224Ra; 220,222Rn Probing Pear Shape Nature 497 (2013)199 184,186,188Hg Probing shape coexistence 82 20 40 50 82 • TheLimitations of REX-ISOLDE (E 3.1 MeV/u) • Verylimitedenergyflexibility • Operationrestrictedtopulsedmode • Bunchlengthisnot flexible • Extensiontohigherenergyisdifficult 110Sn; Cederkäll, PRL 2007 106,108Sn, Cederkäll, PRL 2008 50 122,124,126Cd 138,140,142,144Xe 140,148,150Ba Evolution of collectivity around 132 Sn 70Se, shape coexistence, Hurst PRL 2007 96Sr, 88Kr, 92Kr 28 Probinglargescaleshellmodel, Van der Walle, PRL2007 74,76,78,80Zn 67,69,71,73Cu, Stefanescu et al., PRL 2008 68,70Cu, isomeric 68Cu, Stefanescu , PRL 2007 30,31,32Mg, Niedermaier PRL2005, H. Scheit d(30Mg,p)31Mg, K. Wimmer, PRL 2010 20 Halos & clusters d(8Li,p)9Li*; d(9Li,p)10Li…
Near Future: HIE-ISOLDE project • ApprovedDec 2009 • OfficallystartedJan 2010 • YacineKadiproject Leader • Budget 40 M$ Energy Upgrade: The HIE-ISOLDE project construction of the SC LINAC to upgrade the energy of the post-accelerated radioactive ion beams to 5.5 MeV/u in 2015 and 10 MeV/u by 2017 Intensity Upgrade: The design study for the intensity upgrade, also part of HIE-ISOLDE, started in 2011, and addresses the technical feasibility and cost estimate for operating the facility at 10 kW once LINAC4 and PS Booster are online.
Physicsaddressedwith HIE-ISOLDE / IS564 • Study of theunboundproton-richnucleus21Al withresonanceelastic and inelasticscatteringusingan active target (USC, IEM, MAYA Collaboration)
Experiment • Tomeasureresonantelastic, 20Mg(0+), and inelastic, 20Mg(2+), scatteringusingMAYA to determine energy, spin and parity of the21Al excitedstates.
Summary and outlook • The future of ISOLDE is bright. It will restart in June 2014 with the low energy program. • With more than 40 year of operation ISOLDE remains as the pioneer ISOL-installation both at the level of designing new devices and production of frontier Physics. • Post accelerated beams up to 5.5 MeV/u for the wide range of nuclei produced at ISOLDE will be available from Autumn 2015. • HIE-ISOLDE will be the only next-generation radioactive beam facility (as identified by the NuPECC LRP) available in Europe in 2015, and the most advanced ISOL facility world-wide. • Welcome to propose challenging experiments! Thanks for your attention !