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The Hippest Place Since Timbuktu. President and CEO Nicholas L. Thomas IV Esq. (Cooler than Leo DiCaprio ). 3 store fronts Each store 25,000 sq. ft. Located in the heart of Uptown: Lake St. and Hennepin Ave. Across from The Independent All three buildings will be fully
The Hippest Place Since Timbuktu President and CEO Nicholas L. Thomas IV Esq. (Cooler than Leo DiCaprio)
3 store fronts • Each store 25,000 sq. ft. • Located in the heart of Uptown: Lake St. and Hennepin Ave. Across from The Independent • All three buildings will be fully remodeled to fit the achieved look of the store. • Basement of the three stores will house a music venue with a square footage totaling 75,000 sq. ft. • Will make yearly donations to fund AIDS and Cancer Research. • We also give away FREE HUGS!!!
Stores Layout • All three rooftops will be an eco-friendly roofs that will have grass and a full garden for patrons to enjoy. This in effect will save on the use of gas heating and provide air for us to breathe. We gone Green!
Basement Layout • All bathrooms will be equipped with 1 gal flush toilets, bar will be stocked only with recyclable/reusable materials, and all paper products (napkins, tickets, etc) will only be from recycled material. Motion Sensor lights will be installed in the restrooms with a duration of a 10 min timer. After which, the lights will automatically turn off until movement occurs again.
Bread and Butter • Cloverleaf Records works exclusively with local artists and independent artists who need a place to get their music out to the public. Located in the middle of the 3 stores. • This branch will only take 25% of the gross income earned for this one establishment and the rest will be given back to the artist themselves. Barcode systems will be mandatory and if there is not one on the CD one will be provided for each record. • Cloverleaf Records also will provide patrons with new and used vinyl records. • All staff must have knowledge of the inventory, thus every album in stock will be played at least once over the stores stereo system. • Staff are not allowed to be “Music Nazis” and criticize ones taste in music. Becoming a “Music Nazi” results in termination and 86’ed until they cool their jets.
Bongs NOT sold here • Cloverleaf Records target market is 15 – 40 male and female indie scenesters looking for local and national indie/rock/alternative bands. But all are welcome! • If Cloverleaf Records doesn’t have it, we’ll get it GARUNTEED. • Listening areas will have record players, CD players, and Computers to listen to music. Patrons may also buy digitally from computers and placed directly on to their MP3 players in store. • The store itself will have a typical record store look to its inside littered with posters, flyers, show dates, album release dates, and the smell of incense. • Majority of Cloverleaf Records inventory will be CD’s, Vinyl, Posters (paper and cloth), incense, and digital downloads. • Online Purchases can be made at www.cloverleafrecords.com. Links will be provided to ALL artist's web pages.
Le Boutique • Snitches Get Stitches is the second store that will be available to patrons for their clothing needs. • S.G.S. will work exclusively with local MN based fashion and apparel designers who need a location to sell their wears. • The establishment will be connected to Cloverleaf Records to allow patrons to move in between stores and each register counter is capable of ringing up either sides merchandise. • S.G.S. also offers slightly used clothing which can either be donated or sold for 3 dollars an item. Designers will not receive a percentage from this portion of profits. • S.G.S. wants to make the clothing provided affordable for everyone. With that, a percentage of 10% of gross profits will be taken and the rest given back to the designers. • Target Market for S.G.S. is 15 – 35 male and females into indie/alternative styles.
We’re not Tacky, We’re Trendy • S.G.S. will have a large selection of men/women's t-shirts, hoodies/sweatshirts, jackets, shoes, hats, accessories/purses, dresses, skirts, women's jeans, earrings/gauges, and new arrival racks for both men and women. • All un-bought used clothing will have a shelf span of 3 months, after which they will be donated to local homeless shelters, relief efforts, and low income families. • Staff must have prior experience working in clothing retail and have trendy ideas for new looks and styles. • Designers are highly encouraged to make many sizes and that which doesn’t sell within 4 months will be moved to clearance and the stores percentage will be dropped to 3% of gross income. • Online purchases can be made at www.snitchesgetstitchesclothing.com with links to access designers webpage's and full catalogs.
Macchiato • Jonesin’ Coffee House will be the up and coming new hang out spot. Its light atmosphere provides perfect conditions for a local hangout, homework center, and work area. • Jonesin’s target market is for anyone who likes teas, coffee, espresso, or schmooze central. • Acoustic artists are invited to come and play the “Acoustic Corner” from open to close. Provided is a small PA system, microphones with stand and acoustic guitar amp. Any tips are theres to keep • All to go cups will be made out of 100% Recyclable material. • Jonesin’ Coffee House will also serve a large variety of domestic coffees and teas as well as imported specialty coffees and teas. • Staff can have no prior experience with coffee machines cause we perfer to train them our way.
Hipsters Love Us • All profits will be collected by Jonesin’. 5% will be given to the Farmers Union of MN. • Jonesin’ is also connected to Cloverleaf Records but merchandise is not allowed into the Coffee House unless paid for at Cloverleaf’s register or Snitches register. • Jonesin’ is also the access point to the Rooftop Gardens as well as the venue downstairs. • Tickets for the venues shows are also sold at the ticket booth at the front exit. • Jonesin’ Coffee House has a unique quirky theme to it. It has a couch, 2 recliners, a fireplace, many comfortable tables, bar top in front window, and covered with coffee loving posters. Many board games are available to play as well. • To add to Jonesin’s uniqueness Baristas will ask if you’re Canadian. If so the patron must either A. Admit to being afraid of the dark. B. Sing 1 minuet of either Celine Dion, Alanis Morisette, or the Canadian National Anthem “Oh Canada!” or C. Give the name of a hockey team plus 1 player on that team. If the Barista forgets to ask and you are Canadian, your drink is on us. This will be posted on the menu ey’.
If its too loud, you’re to old • Romanorum is the next CBGB only its not as Punk. This 75,000 sq. ft. venue will be located under the 3 stores above. Access can be gained either through Jonesin’ Coffee House or the front door located just below Cloverleaf’s landing. • Target Market is 18 – 40 male and female. • Every Thursday will be 18+ Thursdays with local DJ’s remixing some of the top sellers from Cloverleaf’s inventory • Friday and Saturday will be 21+ and will have drink specials exclusively on Grain Belt, PBR, and buy one get one 2 dollar rail drinks 6 pm – 7pm and 11pm – 2am. • Local artists will be top priority for shows. National artists have the option to add bands to their line up and may be recommended by staff. • An oxygen bar is also located next to the adult beverage bar for 5 dollars every 10 min session. Because oxygen gets you high! Thanks Tyler Durdan!
Romanorum will also work exclusively with local artisans who will perform live art shows during concerts and DJ nights. Any work sold or tips received will be taken by the artisan. • All profits from bar will go back to the stores and venue. Artists are asked to plug the bar and if the bar exceeds 2500 dollars for their show, artists receive and additional 5% on top of their 100 - 500 dollar profit for playing. • Staff is encouraged to have some venue/bartending experience but not required. Must feel comfortable in a toga. • Every month Romanorum will host charity shows with profits of the night going to local organizations we see fit to have that money. • Once a year 50 bands in 3 days will be asked to play for a Battle of the Bands. 5 winners chosen by the crowd will be asked to come back and play the Block Party Roof Top Show at the Uptown Art Fair. • Peace is our motto and anyone who wants to throw the fistty cuffs will be 86’ed FOR LIFE. NO EXCEPTIONS
When in Rome • The Deco for Romanorum will be classy and extravagant. Fit for Ceaser. • Once a year during December a wine gala will be held exclusively for staff and 5 other of their guests. Open Bar to anyone dressed as a Roman that night. • Two marble pillars will be placed in front of each corner of the stage. • Along each North and South walls will be Roman numeral mosaics lining the top edges. • Underneath more mosaics will be placed depicting on one wall a great Roman battle and the other a feast unprecedented by who else but the Romans. • The reception area will have intricate tile work around a grand fountain filled with Koi.
Our benches and bar chairs will be covered in red velvet. • Bar tops and coat check will be etched into grand pieces of wood art made from Cherry wood. • The dance floor area will be hard marble floors. Low shine and smoothness so no one slips in their heels or slicks. • Our Bathrooms could be our main attraction. • Any employee caught stealing from any store or the venue has the option to save their job and legal recourse by subjecting themselves to public humiliation for one work shift with a sign that reads “I stole from my job cause they treat me too well.” as they pace in front of the stores. This only happens once. • Show times and dates can be checked either Citypages.com or Romanorumclub.com
Little Boys Room • Each Bathroom will have separate looks to them. Here the men’s room will have Cigars for sale, colognes, and free mints. Fertility Mosaics and manly things will be on the walls cause that’s how the Romans did and that’s how Romanorum does it.
Lady’s Room • Unlike the men’s room, the lady’s room will be more elegant and larger providing disposable tooth brushes, complimentary glasses of champagne, elegant tasteful mosaics, fire place, lotions, and perfumes. You’ll never want to leave
Bird is the Word • All advertisement for all four businesses will depend highly on word of mouth. • A web campaign will also be set lose 2 months prior to opening. • We will also advertise in City Pages, Myspace, Lavender, The Onion (MN), The Current, All MN College Newspapers/Magazines, and Twin Cities Living Magazine.